Xiao Huaxin (Data Picture Picture Source: Fujian Communist Youth League)

According to the latest information on the column of the "Ministry Leadership" column of the official website of the United Front Work Department of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, Xiao Huaxin is currently the deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee (the main department of the main department) and the members of the ministerial conference.

Xiao Huaxin served as Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League in June 2018.

Public information shows that Xiao Huaxin, male, Changting, Fujian, was born in June 1974, member of the Communist Party of China.Xiao Huaxin worked in Longyan City, Fujian Province in the early days. In 2011, he was selected by the organization. When he was in the sixth batch of aid in Tibet, he participated in the counterpart support work from the position of deputy secretary of the Silla District Committee of Longyan City, Fujian Province.He is the secretary of the party committee and director of the Milin Farm of Linzhi City in Tibet.

According to the Tibetan Daily, Xiao Huaxin led a group of people in the farm party committee as soon as he took office.The "163" Milin Farm development goals of the three centers "comprehensively promote the comprehensive and multi -level aid work of manpower, material resources, financial resources and technology.

In July 2013, after the sixth batch of support of Tibet, he chose to stay in office and postpone the aid. According to the China Youth Daily, Xiao Huaxin said at the time: "The development ideas formulated by the farm party committee are gradually becoming a reality. I ca n’t leave this festival.

It is reported that Xiao Huaxin has fully implemented the sixth and seventh batch of funds in Tibet in the planning of the Longyan City Plan of Fujian Province.Strong> Vigorously develop industries such as liquor, pig farming, hidden medicinal materials, garden flowers and other industries .Xiao Huaxin also pays great attention to technical aid work. invited agricultural experts in Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University, Longyan Agricultural Science and Technology Troupe to carry out project cooperation and technical guidance , and organize cadres and workers above the middle of the farm to Fujian, Henan, etc.Learn apples, grapes, and flower planting technology.

The "Gama Graphics and Trademarks" of Milin Farm won the famous trademark of the Tibet Autonomous Region; in January 2012, it was rated by the Autonomous Region People's Government as "the leading enterprise of the agricultural and animal husbandry industrialization of the autonomous region";Yuan, an increase of 112%over 2010, achieved a profit of turning losses; in 2014, the total assets of the farm reached 115 million yuan, an increase of 72%over 2010, and exceeded the 100 million yuan mark for the first time.Advanced Enterprise of Agricultural and Animalization Industrialization in the Region ".

In September 2015, Xiao Huaxin served as Deputy Mayor of Nyingchi City, and later served as the member of the Standing Committee of the Lyingzhi Municipal Committee.

The official report of May 2018 shows that Xiao Huaxin has been the Deputy Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League .Work) Xiao Huaxin intends to be nominated as a candidate for the Provincial Party Committee of the Youth League.

On June 22, 2018, Xiao Huaxin was elected secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League and recently adjusted.