
Hong Kong and Macao Sudden Search

The Director of the Chinese University of Hong Kong held a meeting on Tuesday and decided to renew it early with the current principal Duan Chongzhi until 2027.The principal's continued in Hong Kong colleges and universities is very common. However, this time, the renewal of Duan Chongzhi has caused a lot of controversy in the society, especially the reaction of the establishment of the establishment faction is quite negative.

In the past few days, there have been strong oppositions in the initiative of the establishment group.Former Hong Kong Chief Executive Liang Zhenying, who is also vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee of China, also continued to post post on social platforms, secretly criticizing the board of directors of the Chinese University of China without consideration.He Junyao and Chen Yueming, members of the Legislative Council of the Election Commission, also went to believe in the Education Affairs Committee, asking for a meeting to discuss Duan Chongzhi's renewal, and show that the incident would continue to ferment for a period of time.

The Hong Kong -made party Duan Chongzhi is not impressed and it is not surprising.In 2019, the reflection routine storm broke out in Hong Kong, and the university campus became a hotbed of radical sports. The Chinese University led by Duan Chongzhi became a "battlefield", and a group of anti -victims conflicted with the police at the school gate.During the period, Duan Chongzhi came to the battle array to negotiate with the police commander, and even asked the police to retreat, causing great dissatisfaction.

But the most annoying faction is that Duan Chongzhi did not investigate during the anti -repair campaign. With the rhetoric of the tearful side of Wu Aoxue, alone, he was inclined to believe that the police made sexual violence in Shinwu Ling and used it to use it in China.The principal's identity published an open letter condemnation to further intensify the fighting movement.

After more than two years, the "Shinya Ridge sex violence" incident has been confirmed to be pseudo -news, but Duan Chongzhi has not only recovered the wrong remarks at the time, but also did not apologize to the police.This made the institutionalists feel embarrassed, and believed that if Duan Chongzhi had cleared his responsibilities without any matter, he should not be renewed.

In terms of fairness, Duan Chongzhi has served as the principal of the University of the University of the University in the past six years, whether it is repeatedly controversial in improving the academic status of the school or the performance in political events, and whether he should be renewed.But Duan Chongzhi's situation is not an individual event.After the outbreak of the anti -repair movement in 2019, a large number of college students aged 18 and 19 in Hong Kong took the streets to fight.The president of a number of universities, including Duan Chongzhi, was passively involved in the political vortex.

At that time, the presidents of some universities used the word "violence" to describe the struggle and were criticized by students and resistance in schools.As the anti -repair cases have become more and more intense, public opinion has shifted to support students. A few principals have softened under social pressure, and they call on the official to understand the root cause of the problem.

Some university presidents speak well for students. The original intention may be to be a mediation person, so that the camps with different political opinions on both sides can sit down and negotiate.But in the eyes of the Hong Kong Government and the Institute of Establishment, the presidents of these universities just want to please students. Even if they are not an accomplice, they are at least indulgent, which is equivalent to indirectly supporting students' concepts of struggle.With the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law the previous year, the official has continued to enforce the law in the past two years, requiring the management of university management to take the lead in the education of college students.

In this case, many presidents of Hong Kong University have become difficult, and they feel difficult to balance between government and students.In November last year, Shi Wei, the president of the University of Science and Technology, announced that he stepped down in October 2022, 10 months earlier than the original term of 2023; two days later, Guo Gui, the president of the City University, also announced that he left office after the expiry of the appointment in May 2023.

Review of the information, Shi Wei and Guo Zhi, both universities, are Chinese Americans born in Taiwan, and have not signed a statement of supporting the establishment of the Hong Kong National Security Law.They will inevitably make people different speculation.

In February this year, Zhang Renliang, the president of Hong Kong Education University, also notified the school director that it will be discomfort after exposing in August 2023. Two weeks later, Zheng Guohan, the president of Lingnan University, also announced that he would leave office in August next year.Among the presidents of many universities, Zhang Renliang and Zheng Guohan are considered to be the principal of Beijing with clear positions. The two have expressed their discomfort. To some extent, they seem to reflect the increasing pressure of college principals in the gaps.

It is worth noting that, from the performance of Duan Chongzhi in the past two years, he is actually a scholar of the establishment of the institutional camp in a broad sense.For example, at the beginning of last year, CUHK announced the cutting with the Student Union, asking the Student Union to register an independent community or company to bear legal responsibility by themselves; at the end of December last year, the school removed the statue of democratic gods in the school.Recently, Duan Chongzhi has served as a member of the presidium of Li Jiachao, a candidate for the chief executive election.However, Duan Chongzhi, a dynamic party, is still dissatisfied, showing that the "vision" of the separation of politics and education is difficult to appear in the short term.

In fact, Duan Chongzhi has been on the surface, but the hidden dark surge has not decreased, and I am afraid that there will be "sequelae".Especially when the Hong Kong Government proposed to the Legislative Council in the future, it will face many challenges.

After the return of Hong Kong in 1997, many universities became world -renowned universities.At present, in the top 100 universities in the world, Hong Kong accounts for five, and it is not easy for a small land in Hong Kong.Unfortunately, the political environment has become more complicated in the past ten years, and many people and things are politicized, and the first one is often related to the education community.In the long run, whether Hong Kong colleges and universities can continue to "glow" internationally are doubtful.