The recent China Merchants Bank is deeply trapped in the vortex of public opinion.

On the evening of April 22, China Merchants Bank disclosed the first quarter of 2022. While its performance increased, it also exposed the bank's asset quality decline.According to financial reports, during the reporting period, the balance of non -performing loans of China Merchants Bank was 54.138 billion yuan, an increase of 3.276 billion yuan from the end of the previous year; the non -performing loan ratio was 0.94%, an increase of 0.03 percentage points from the end of the previous year.

After careful investigation, the reason for the increase in adverse rates of China Merchants Bank Group is closely related to the public real estate business.From 2013 to 2021, the proportion of loans of China Merchants Bank Group's real estate rose from 5.97%to 7.21%.The non -performing loan ratio of public real estate also increased from 0.4%in 2013 to 1.41%in 2021.

But behind this, Tian Huiyu, the former governor of China Merchants Bank in the vortex of public opinion.Tian Huiyu was transferred to China Merchants Bank in 2013. Under his leadership, the total market value of China Merchants Bank has climbed from 240 billion yuan in May 2013 to trillion yuan.

(Source: China Merchants Bank Annual Report)

However, with Tian Huiyu's investigation, China Merchants Bank has also been questioned by the capital market.On April 18, China Merchants Bank announced the changes in important personnel to avoid the positions and directors of Tian Huiyu Merchants Bank.Affected by this, China Merchants Bank's stock price fell on that day.As of April 25, China Merchants Bank's stock price fell below the 40 yuan mark, and finally closed for 38.83 yuan/share and a decline of 8.64%, with a market value of 979.287 billion yuan.Since the crisis of public opinion, China Merchants Bank has fallen to more than 200 billion yuan.

On April 25th, Wang Liang, executive vice president of China Merchants Bank, said in the news that investors' stock prices were responding to the stock price that China Merchants Bank's stock price fluctuated down last week. We were very anxious and communicated in depth with investors.

Asset quality decline

In the first quarter of 2022, although the performance of China Merchants Bank performed well, the hidden concerns had already appeared.

On April 22, China Merchants Bank disclosed the first quarterly report of 2022.During the reporting period, China Merchants Bank Group achieved operating income of 91.990 billion yuan, an increase of 8.54%year -on -year; net profit was 36022 billion yuan, an increase of 12.52%year -on -year.

In terms of revenue composition, China Merchants Bank mainly includes net interest income and non -interest net income.Although both income has increased, China Merchants Bank said that key projects in non -interest net income, such as wealth management fees and commission income, were affected by the downturn of the capital market, a year -on -year decrease of 11.11%.

As of the end of the first quarter, the total assets of China Merchants Bank Group were 9415.379 billion yuan, an increase of 1.80%over the end of 2021.Among them, the total amount of loans and mats was 575.8105 billion yuan, an increase of 3.38%over the end of 2021. The total amount of loans and pads was the main part of China Merchants Bank's assets, accounting for 60%of the bank's total assets.

However, China Merchants Bank Group's non -performing assets have a double rise.As of the end of the first quarter of 2022, the group's non -performing loan balance was 54.138 billion yuan, an increase of 3.276 billion yuan from the end of the previous year; the non -performing loan ratio was 0.94%, an increase of 0.03 percentage points from the end of the previous year.

In addition, China Merchants Bank Group pays attention to loans, overdue loan balances and comparison of comparison at the end of the previous year.The bank explained this as the impact of rising risks in real estate customers and the epidemic in local areas on retail loan business.

Finance and Economics Weekly sorted out and found that China Merchants Bank Group's real estate non -performing loan ratio has grown rapidly during the reporting period, which is also one of the main reasons for the group's asset quality.As of the end of the first quarter, the bank's non -performing loan ratio of public real estate was 2.57%, an increase of 1.18 percentage points from the end of 2021.

It is worth noting that this sign was prominent as early as 2021.In 2021, China Merchants Bank's non -performing loan ratio of public real estate was 1.39%, an increase of 1.16 percentage points from the end of 2020.

China Merchants Bank explained to this that the expectations of the real estate industry are still being repaired, and the market stabilization still needs a certain period of time. The overall risk of the industry is still in the release stage.The tension of chain has not yet been significantly relieved, and the credit risk of some real estate companies has continued to expose.

In addition, China Merchants Bank's proud retail business and credit card business are facing certain setbacks.In the first quarter of 2022, the company's retail loan (excluding credit card) had a rising amount of non -performing amounts and new credit cards.Among them, retail loans (excluding credit cards) have increased by more than 400 million yuan year -on -year, and credit card newly generated non -performing loans increased by nearly 1.6 billion yuan year -on -year.

This is mainly caused by the adjustment policy of overdue determination, the implementation of non -performing policies for more than 60 days of overdue and overdue, and the impact of the epidemic.China Merchants Bank said.

At the same time, China Merchants Bank also said frankly that its asset quality will face certain challenges due to the superposition of the internal and external multiple factors.In the future, we will closely track changes in macro situations, continue to make measures such as customer structure and credit structure adjustment, and strive to maintain the overall stability of the asset quality.

Real estate loan amount continues to rise

Looking at the data in recent years, China Merchants Bank has been increasing investment in the real estate industry.

Among China Merchants Bank loan composition, it mainly includes corporate loans, bill discount and retail loans.Retail loans have always occupied half of the total loan of China Merchants Bank.At the end of the first quarter of 2021, retail loans accounted for 54.90%of the total loans and cushions, and China Merchants Bank has always been called the king of retail in the banking industry.

From the perspective of personal housing loans that occupy the main proportion of China Merchants Bank's retail business, the bank deliberately reduces its dependence on personal housing loans.The personal housing loan business of China Merchants Bank Group decreased from 33.57%in 2013 to 24.68%in 2021.At the end of 2021, the non -performing loan ratio of the personal housing loan of China Merchants Bank Group was 0.28%.

As of the end of the first quarter of 2022, China Merchants Bank's personal housing loan scale was 1.37 trillion yuan; the non -performing loan ratio was 0.27%.It is the lowest of all large loans.

China Merchants Bank has also led the industry's coquettishness in personal loans and retail loans.This has also led to the high proportion of China Merchants Bank's retail business. In order to adjust and balance the loan structure, the bank has also increased the public loan business to increase the proportion of wholesale business.Bai Wenxi, deputy director of the China Enterprise Capital Alliance, told Finance and Economics Weekly.

According to the financial report, as of the end of the first quarter of 2022, China Merchants Bank's public loan amount was 1.96 trillion yuan, an increase of 76.154 billion yuan from the end of 2021.Looking at the development of China Merchants Bank in recent years, its investment in public loan business has also been increasing.

In public business, the real estate and manufacturing industry has always been the bigy households of China Merchants Bank loans and advances.

In terms of manufacturing, China Merchants Bank Group's investment in it has always been reduced.The proportion of investment decreased from 17.68%in 2013 to 5.99%in 2021.The non -performing loan ratio of manufacturing also increased from 1.78%in 2013 to 2.06%in 2021.

However, China Merchants Bank Group's investment in the real estate industry is increasing as a whole.From 2013 to 2021, the proportion of loans of China Merchants Bank Group's real estate rose from 5.97%to 7.21%.The non -performing loan ratio of the public real estate also increased from 0.4%in 2013 to 1.41%in 2021.

Bo Wenxi told the Finance and Economics Weekly that the reason why China Merchants Bank has always increased the amount of loans to the real estate industry, in addition to because real estate companies usually make mortgage loans relatively safe, on the other handIt means that China Merchants Bank may continue to increase the loan and advances of real estate in order to reduce the apparent adverse rate, otherwise it will push its apparent adverse rate because of some overdue loan exposure.In this way, it will have a negative impact on the liquidity of China Merchants Bank and the level of real profitability and adverse rate.

It is worth noting that, compared to China Merchants Bank's continued increase in investment in the public real estate industry, CITIC Bank has dropped pressure in recent years.CITIC Bank disclosed in the financial report that in 2021, the balance of public real estate loans decreased by 2.807 billion yuan compared with the end of 2020.

The president of the China Merchants Bank is with the non -Fer

Throughout the development of China Merchants Bank for so many years, it is inseparable from a key character mdash; mdash; Tian Huiyu.

According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on April 22, Tian Huiyu, the former secretary of the Party Committee and President of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

As early as April 18th, there were market rumors that Tian Huiyu was taken away to assist in the investigation.Affected by this, China Merchants Bank's stock price fell a limit that day, the minimum fell to 42.78 yuan/share, and eventually closed at 43.39 yuan/share, a 7.35%close.

Just on the evening of the 18th, China Merchants Bank also issued an announcement on the changes of the governor.According to the content of the announcement, China Merchants Bank eliminates the position of Tian Huiyu's Governor of China Merchants Bank, and has another appointment.Tian Huiyu did not attend the meeting for personal reasons.

Public information shows that Tian Huiyu was born in December 1965, completed the undergraduate study of infrastructure and credit major in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 1987, and obtained a master's degree in public management in Columbia University in 2002.It is reported that since Tian Huiyu graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, he has been working in the banking industry.In the 35 years of experience, its resumes in Construction Bank and China Merchants Bank are critical.

From 1987 to 1998, Tian Huiyu successively served as Deputy Governor of the Shanghai Pudong Branch of Construction Bank, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and Deputy Director of the Office of the Construction Bank.Later, he returned to the Construction Bank after he served as the vice president of Cinda Asset Management Company Trust and Investment Company and the Vice President of Shanghai Bank of Shanghai. From 2006 to 2013, he successively worked in Shanghai and Shenzhen, China Construction Bank.And the president of Beijing Branch, etc.

In May 2013, Tian Huiyu was transferred to China Merchants Bank and was appointed as the secretary of the Party Committee and President of China Merchants Bank. It has been 9 years.It is understood that Tian Huiyu has led the second transformation of China Merchants Bank and promoted the development strategy of retail banks and corporate finance and interbank finance.In this context, Merchants Bank's retail loan increased by 26.29%year -on -year, which launched the name of retail banks.

In addition, only last year, Tian Huiyu also proposed to create a chain of the value of great wealth management, that is, business model+digital operating model+light culture, as the main line of the work line of China Merchants Bank in the next five years.

At present, the total market value of China Merchants Bank has climbed from 240 billion yuan in May 2013 to 1.07 trillion yuan.According to the latest quarterly quarterly financial report, the total assets of China Merchants Bank were 9415.3 billion yuan, an increase of 1.80%year -on -year, which was more than double the total assets of 4016.4 billion yuan in 2013.Tian Huiyu's annual salary also climbed from 3.164 million yuan in 2013 to 4.198 million yuan in taxes in 2021, and held 33,5500 shares of China Merchants Bank.

Anti -corruption storm continues to ferment

Although the notification of the State Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection did not reveal the specific reasons for Tian Huiyu's investigation, the intensity of anti -corruption in the banking industry has increased significantly in recent times.What is more noteworthy is that many executives have been investigated recently.

According to the news released by the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, since April 12, Wang Ye, former Vice President Zhang Xueqing, and the original branch of the CCB Shenzhen Branch, Han Fenglin, have accepted the State Discipline Inspection Commission State Discipline Inspection Commission State Discipline Inspection State Supervision for suspected discipline and violations of laws and disciplines.Disciplinary review of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Commission and the Supervision and Investigation of the Qingdao Municipal Supervision Committee.

Among them, Zhang Xueqing has worked with Tian Huiyu for 2 years.According to public information, Zhang Xueqing served as the vice president of the Shenzhen Branch of the Shenzhen Branch of CCB from December 2001 to July 2009, while Tian Huiyu served as the president of the Shenzhen Branch of CCB from September 2007 to March 2011.

In addition, on March 16, Huang Qisen, chairman and general manager of Taihe Group, was also announced that he was assisting the relevant authorities for investigation.It is understood that before the establishment of the Taihe Group, Huang Qisen had worked for 8 years at the Fujian Branch of the Construction Bank.

Huang Xi, executive vice president of Taihe Group, Lin Wenhua, vice president of the group and president of Fuzhou regional, also came from CCB.Lin Wenhua was the president of the North Branch of the Fuzhou City of CCB, and Huang Xi worked in CCB for 32 years. Before joining Taihe, he served as the general manager of the business department of CCB Headquarters and the director of the Credit Approval Department of CCB.

In fact, since last year, financial anti -corruption has continued to punch, and various banks have also been alert to the risk of the real estate industry.A few days ago, the four major financial regulators said at the same time that it would continue to promote the virtuous cycle and healthy development of the real estate industry, and keep the bottom line that does not occur without systemic financial risks.

Many banks are evaluating the impact of the real estate market on the quality of bank assets.Zou Jimin, general manager of the Risk Management Department of Industrial Bank, said at his 2021 performance briefing that the domestic real estate market will not have systemic risks, and the quality of real estate assets will continue to operate smoothly.

Hu Hao, deputy governor of CITIC Bank, also said at the performance conference that the state expressed several times for the healthy and healthy development of real estate, the favorable policy of real estate has emerged, market confidence has resumed, and the financing environment of real estate companies has gradually improved to form positive factors.

It is worth noting that the relevant state departments have made it clear that it is necessary to increase the investment in the acquisition and loan business.In this regard, China Merchants Bank shows extremely high enthusiasm.Earlier this year, China Merchants Bank gave Huarun Land and China Resources Vientiane totaling 23 billion yuan of mergers and acquisitions. After that, it also gave a large -scale merger acquisition of housing companies such as Yuecheng Holdings, Country Garden, and Midea Real Estate.As of now, public data shows that China Merchants Bank's mergers and loans have a total of 54 billion yuan.

How to slow down the risk of real estate loans is testing the wisdom of the bank.

Article / Zhou Mengting Cheng Liang < / p>

Edit / Yangyi < / p>