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According to the official WeChat public account of the Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission, on April 24th, Wang Gang, member of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee hosted a coordination meeting for the preparation of the common prosperity summit forum.Deputy Director Sun Zhejun attended.

The above reports show that Wang Gang has served as member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

Wang Gang In October 2021, he served as Secretary of the Huzhou Municipal Party Committee, and so far .

Public resumes show that Wang Gang was born in January 1972 and worked in Zhejiang Province for a long time.Former deputy director and head of the reporter station of the Daily Daily Science and Education and Health News Department, deputy editor -in -chief of Xinjiang Metropolis Daily, director of Zhejiang Daily Cultural News Interview Department, member of Qianjiang Newspaper Social Committee, editor -in -chief of today's Morning Post, Zhejiang Daily Industry IndustryThe deputy president of the group waited for the deputy director of the General Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Government.In 2015, Wang Gang served as Deputy Secretary -General of the Zhejiang Provincial Government. Two years later, he was transferred to the deputy secretary -general of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee in 2017.In March 2018, Wang Gang also served as the director of the General Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee.

Wang Gang (Data Map Source: Published by Huzhou)

In December 2019, Wang Gang was transferred to the Deputy Secretary of the Huzhou Municipal Party Committee in Zhejiang Province, and the party secretary, deputy mayor, and acting mayor of the municipal government.

On the morning of December 25 of that year, the Huzhou Municipal Party Committee of Zhejiang Province held a meeting of municipal leading cadres./strong>.

Wang Gang expressed his sincere gratitude to the organization of the provincial party committee in his speech to resolutely support and obey his trust and training.He said that Huzhou is the birthplace of the concept of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "two mountains". It is a famous Jiangnan cultural city with a long history.In recent years, Huzhou has shown a strong high -quality development trend.Being able to work in Huzhou is deeply responsible and glorious.He said that he will resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions for Zhejiang and Huzhou. In accordance with the decision -making and deployment of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, he devoted himself to all his efforts and sweat., To make their due contributions to Huzhou's better tomorrow; will always be a loyalty to the party, dedication to the people, the development of together, unity, and integrity.With the majority of cadres and the masses, we have made greater contributions to accelerating the promotion of the high -quality development of Huzhou in the new era, and make greater contributions to the province's "two high -level" construction.

In April 2020, Wang Gang was elected as the mayor of Huzhou City. In October 2021, he served as secretary of the Huzhou Municipal Party Committee and adjusted it to this time.

Zhu Guoxian, former member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, has been transferred to the Deputy Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee in November last year.

Wang Gang Resume Wang Gang, male, Han nationality, born in January 1972, Wuyi, Zhejiang, joined the Communist Party of China in November 1994, joined the work in August 1996, and college degree.Former deputy director and head of the reporter station of the Jiaxing Daily Science and Education and Health News Department, deputy editor -in -chief of Xinjiang Metropolis Daily, Deputy Director of the Zhejiang Daily Interview Center Economic News Department, president of Wenzhou Branch, Deputy Director of the Interview Center and Director of Cultural News Interview Department,Member of the Qianjiang Newspaper Social Committee, editor -in -chief of today's Morning Post, deputy president of Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Group, member of the Party Committee and Chairman of Zhejiang Daily Media Holding Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., Deputy Director of the General Office of Zhejiang Provincial People's GovernmentWait.In February 2015, he served as Deputy Secretary -General of the People's Government of Zhejiang Province; in July 2017, he served as Deputy Secretary -General of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China; in March 2018, the Deputy Secretary -General of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Director of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China;On the month, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Huzhou Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Government Party Group, and Acting Mayor;

April 2020, served as Deputy Secretary of the Huzhou Municipal Party Committee of Zhejiang Province, Secretary of the Party Group and Mayor of the Municipal Government;

October 2021, served as Secretary of the Huzhou Municipal Party Committee of Zhejiang Province;

In April 2022, he served as member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee.