Xinhua News Agency released the news of Ni Yuefeng and Wang Xiaohui yesterday.The 58 -year -old Ni Yuefeng and the 60 -year -old Wang Xiaohui are members of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.More rare.

Chinese senior officials announced yesterday that the "leaders" of Hebei and Sichuan provinces were adjusted yesterday. Ni Yuefeng, Director of the General Administration of Customs, replaced Wang Dongfeng and served as the secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China.secretary.

Since the second half of last year, the provincial and municipal provincial party committees have been re -elected to prepare for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in the second half of this year.According to Lianhe Zaobao statistics, about half of the provincial party committee secretaries have changed their faces since July last year.

As of now, Shi Taifeng, secretary of the Party Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the Communist Party of China, is still in service. Other provincial -level "leaders" who are full or close to the 65 -year -old retirement age have retreated to the second line.

Xinhua News Agency released the news of Ni Yuefeng and Wang Xiaohui yesterday.The 58 -year -old Ni Yuefeng and the 60 -year -old Wang Xiaohui are members of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.More rare.

Public information shows that Ni Yuefeng has a doctorate degree in Tsinghua University. He taught at Hefei University of Technology in his early years, and then worked at the Qingdao Science and Technology Commission of Qingdao and Qingdao Planning Commission in Shandong Province.

In 1997, Ni Yuefeng went to work in the State Oceanic Administration and served as the deputy director of the Oceanic Administration three years later.He entered the people's congress system in 2003, served as a member of the National People's Congress Environmental and Resources Protection Commission.

In 2011, Ni Yuefeng transferred Fujian and served as Deputy Governor of Fujian Province, Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, and Deputy Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee.He returned to Beijing in 2017 and served as the secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the General Administration of Customs, and was promoted to the ministerial level; he served as the Director of the General Administration of Customs the following year until the new.

Wang Xiaohui has been working in the publicity system for a long time. After graduating from college in 1986, he worked at the Central Propaganda Department after graduating from college., Director of the Theoretical Bureau, Deputy Secretary -General of the Central Propaganda Department; in 2009, served as Deputy Minister of the Central Propaganda Department.

In 2010, the Central Propaganda Department formally established a spokesman system, and Wang Xiaohui also served as a spokesman for the Central Propaganda Department.In 2014, he served as the deputy director of the Central Policy Research Office as the deputy minister of the Central Propaganda Department. Three years later, he was clearly the executive deputy director of the Central Policy Research Office.In January 2018, Wang Xiaohui first appeared as the executive deputy minister of the Central Propaganda Department; in May of the same year, he also served as the director of the National Film Bureau.

Wang Dongfeng, who stepped down as the secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee this time, is 64 years old. Peng Qinghua, who stepped down as the Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, is 65 years old. Both belong to the retirement age or retirement to the age.

This is the second batch of provincial party committee secretaries that Chinese high -level officials have replaced within a month.At the end of March, the official announced the adjustment of the "leaders" of Hubei, Qinghai, and Ningxia Province. Ying Yong, Wang Jianjun and Chen Run'er stepped down.

At this point, in addition to members of the Politburo in the local area, Shi Taifeng, the secretary of the Inner Mongolia Party Committee, who was born in 1956, still served.Generally, the secretary of the provincial party committee of 65 years of age will no longer be nominated for re -election of the new secretary, but in November last year, the Inner Mongolia Party Committee was re -elected, and Shi Taifeng was re -elected as the "leader".

Analysis believes that Shi Taifeng is expected to enter the Politburo after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, or has been arranged to enter the National People's Congress or the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to be promoted to the deputy national level.

Around the 20th National Congress, the "first leaders" of some provinces, autonomous regions and cities will still be adjusted, and some provincial party committee secretaries will enter Beijing to perform their duties.At present, the only female provincial party committee secretary, the secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, is in the old subordinate of Zhejiang and Lou Yangsheng, the secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee.

In addition, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, and Guangdong, which are members of the Politburo and also the secretary of the party committee, may also have "first -hand" adjustments this year.