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According to the "Taizhou release" in Zhejiang, on April 14, the first session of the Sixth National People's Congress of Taizhou held the third plenary session. Wu Xiaodong was elected as the mayor of Taizhou.

Elected the mayor of the local media, he said that he was deeply responsible and glorious. He sincerely thank all the representatives for the trust, thank the people given to the people's entrustment and hope, and expressed their opportunities to cherish the people of Taizhou."Establishing" and resolutely achieve "two maintenance". Under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government and the Municipal Party Committee, with the supervision and support of the Municipal People's Congress, the CPPCC, and all sectors of the society, the cadres and masses of the city are closely relying on the "three major historyThe task "is the total traction, and the blueprint for the blueprint will continue to work. Be the leader of the government team, do a good job of the people of the people, and submit a satisfactory answer to the organization and the people with real actions and performance.

Video Source: Published by Taizhou

Wu Xiaodong was born in December 1965 and worked in many cities such as Zhoushan, Shaoxing, Lishui and other cities.Deputy Mayor, Deputy Secretary of Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee.

In January 2018, he was transferred to the deputy secretary of the Lishui Municipal Party Committee and acting mayor. He was elected as the mayor. Until the end of December last year, he went to the Deputy Secretary of the Taizhou Municipal Party Committee and the mayor of the Taizhou Municipal Party Committee.

Data Chart (Source: Published by Taizhou)

The former mayor of Taizhou was Wu Haiping. Born in September 1965. In December last year, he served as the party secretary of the Standing Committee of the Taizhou People's Congress. On April 14 this year, he was elected as the Taizhou People's Congress.Director of the Standing Committee.

According to the official website of the Taizhou Municipal Government, Taizhou is located in the central part of Zhejiang Province.The total land area is 9,411 square kilometers, and the area of the collar sea and the internal water area is about 6910 square kilometers. The geographical location of Taizhou is unique.The terrain is tilted from west to east, with Yandang Mountain on the south, and there are major mountain peaks such as Cangshan, Dazai Mountain, and Tiantai Mountain. Among them, the main peak of Cangshan is as high as 1382.4 meters, which is the highest peak in eastern Zhejiang.Jiaojiang Water system enters Tailzhou Bay through the west to east.There are three major plains in the coastal areas, including the three major plains of Beebean Plain as the main grain -producing area of Taizhou.The mainland coastline is about 740 kilometers long, 928 islands, about 941 kilometers long in the island coastline, and about 273.76 square kilometers of the island.The largest island is Yuhuan Island, which is now connected to the mainland with a population of 6.069 million, of which the population of the urban area is 1.6363 million.The urban area consists of three districts in Jiaojiang, Huangyan, and Luqiao. It has three counties and three counties in Linghai, Wenling, and Yuhuan.

Wu Xiaodong resume

Wu Xiaodong, male, Han nationality, born in December 1965, from Dongyang, Zhejiang.He joined the work in July 1985 and joined the Communist Party of China in April 1984. The Provincial Party School has a graduate degree.

The Director and Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Zhoushan Teachers College in Zhejiang Province; Deputy Director of the Zhoushan Cultural Bureau of Zhejiang Province and a member of the party group; Secretary of the Communist Youth League Zhejiang Houshan Municipal Party Committee, Party Group Secretary, Youth Federation Chairman; Dinghai District, Zhoushan CityDeputy Secretary of the Party Committee (Zhengxian Division level), district disciplinary committee secretary, executive deputy district chief; deputy secretary of the Putuo District Committee of Zhoushan City, the head of the district, and the district head;

In December 2006, Secretary of the Putuo District Committee of Zhoushan City

In January 2012, the Standing Committee of the Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organizations

In November 2015, the Standing Committee of the Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor

March 2017, Deputy Secretary of Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee

In January 2018, Deputy Secretary of Lishui Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Mayor, and Dai Mayor

In March 2018, Deputy Secretary of Lishui Municipal Party Committee, Mayor

December 2021, Deputy Secretary of the Taizhou Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government, and Acting Mayor

The current Deputy Secretary of the Taizhou Municipal Party Committee, Mayor, and Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Government.