Yan Jinhai

According to the news of "Lhasa Release" on April 11, a few days ago, the Tibet Autonomous Region Party Committee adjusted the main responsible comrades of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee. Comrade Yan Jinhai no longer serves as the position of Secretary, Standing Committee, and members of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee; Comrade Pabutonzu is also a member of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee, member of the Standing Committee, and no longer served as secretary, member of the Standing Committee, and members of the Changdu Municipal Party Committee.

In July 2020, Yan Jinhai was transferred to the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region by the Standing Committee of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and the deputy governor.Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, in January this year, Yan Jinhai was elected as the chairman of the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region and continued to serve as the Secretary of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee.

Official resumes show that Yan Jinhai, Tibetan, Born in March 1962 Chinese Communist Party, Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese University of Nationalities, graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature and Bachelor of Literature.

He worked in Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province in the early days. He was a member of the Standing Committee of the State Committee, Secretary -General, and Director of the Office.secretary.

In January 2013, Yan Jinhai served as Deputy Governor of Qinghai and served as member of the Standing Committee of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee in May 2017.At the 19th National Congress of October 2017, he was elected as a member of the 19th Central Committee.

In July 2020, Yan Jinhai was transferred to the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region. In January last year, he also served as the secretary of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee. He later served as acting and chairman of the Autonomous Region Government and continued to be the secretary of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee to adjust.

Secretary -General, member of the Standing Committee of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Chengguan District Committee, Deputy Secretary of Naqu Earth Committee, and Mayor of Shannan City.

In June 2020, Paboton Pearl served as the vice chairman of the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region. In December 2020, he was also the secretary of the Changdu Municipal Party Committee.

Yan Jinhai Resume

Yan Jinhai, male, Tibetan, born in March 1962, Qinghai people and people, joined the Communist Party of China in December 1983, joined the work in July 1982, graduated from the Chinese language and literature in the Chinese Literature and Literature Department of Qinghai National College, and graduated from college degree.

1978.11--1982.07 Qinghai National College Chinese Literature Department Chinese Literature and Literature Majors

1982.07-1984.11 Cadres of Huangnan State Normal School in Qinghai Province

1984.11--1990.02 Cadres of Huangnan Prefecture, Qinghai Province

1990.02-1991.06 Deputy Director of the Office of Huangnan Prefecture, Qinghai Province

1991.06-1993.07 Director of the Huangnan Prefecture Committee of Qinghai Province

1993.07-1996.04 Deputy Secretary -General and Director of the Office of Huangnan State Committee of Qinghai Province

1996.04-1998.06 Standing Committee Member, Secretary -General, Office Director of Huangnan State Committee of Qinghai Province

1998.06--2005.01 Deputy Secretary of the Yushu State Committee of Qinghai Province

2005.01--2005.03 Deputy Secretary of the Haibei State Committee of Qinghai Province and Governor of Dai

2005.03--2008.02 Deputy Secretary of the Haibei State Committee of Qinghai Province and Governor

During the period, 2007.03-2008.01 The one -year -old young cadre training course for the Central Party School)

2008.02--2008.04 Secretary of the Haibei State Committee of Qinghai Province and Governor

2008.04 ——2013.01 Secretary of the Haibei State Committee of Qinghai Province

2013.01--2017.05 Vice Governor of Qinghai Provincial Government

2017.05--2020.07 Standing Committee of Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Governor

2020.07--2021.01 Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region

2021.01--2021.09 Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Secretary of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee

2021.10 -Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region in January 2022, Secretary of the Party Group, Vice Chairman, and Agent Chairman of the Party Group of the People's Government of the Autonomous Region, Secretary of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee

2022.01--2022.04 Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the People's Government of the Autonomous Region, Secretary of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee

The current Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, the secretary of the party group and chairman of the People's Government of the Autonomous Region.

The 19th Central Central Alternate Member

Pushon Bead Resume

Paboton Zhu, male, Tibetan, born in November 1972, Jiangzi, Tibet, joined the Communist Party of China in January 1996.He joined the work in July 1996 and his postgraduate degree.

1991.09--1996.07 Study of Tibetan Language and Literature in Tibetan University of Tibet University (during the period: 1995.07--1996.07 Vice Chairman of the National Federation of Student Federation, Chairman of the Federation of Tibet Autonomous Region)

1996.07--1999.03 Organization Department of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region (during the period: 1998.03--1999.03 Poverty Alleviation in Tangjia Township, Mozhu Gongka County, Tibet Autonomous Region)

1999.03--2000.11 Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Party Committee Organization Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region

2000.11--2002.08 Director of the Organization Department of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region (during this period: 1999.03--001.11, he served as deputy secretary

2002.08--2002.10 Candidates for Deputy County Government of Sangi County Government of Tibet Autonomous Region

2002.10--2003.07 Deputy County Government of Sangi County Government of Tibet Autonomous Region

2003.07--2004.09 Standing Committee Member of the Sangri County Party Committee and Deputy County Magistrate of the Tibet Autonomous Region

2004.09--2005.02 Deputy Secretary of the Sangri County Party Committee and Deputy Government of the Sangi County Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region

2005.02--2005.04 Deputy Secretary of the Sangri County Party Committee and Government County Mayor of the Tibet Autonomous Region

2005.04--2010.10 Deputy Secretary of the Sangi County Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region and the county chief of the government (during this period: 2003.09--2006.07 Study in Business Administration, Sichuan Provincial School of Industry and Commerce; 2009.03--2009.09Assistant)

2010.10--2012.04 Member and Deputy Commissioner of the Shannan Regional Administration of Tibet Autonomous Region

2012.04--2012.06 Member and Secretary-General of the Shannan Earth Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region

2012.06--2013.08 Standing Committee Member of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region and Secretary of the Chengguan District Committee

2013.08--2014.02 Deputy Secretary of Naqu Earth Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region

2014.02--2015.06 Deputy Secretary of Naqu Earth Committee and Minister of Organization Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region

2015.06--2016.05 Deputy Secretary of the Shannan Earth Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region of the Communist Party of China, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Regional Administration of Administration

2016.05--2020.06 Deputy Secretary of the Shannan Municipal Party Committee of the CPC Tibet Autonomous Region, Mayor of the Municipal People's Government

2020.06--2020.12 Vice Chairman of the People's Government of Tibet Autonomous Region, Deputy Secretary of the Shannan Municipal Party Committee, and Mayor of the Municipal People's Government

2020.12--2021.11 Vice Chairman of the People's Government of Tibet Autonomous Region and Secretary of the Changdu Municipal Party Committee

2021.11--2021.12 The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, the vice chairman of the People's Government of the Autonomous Region, and Secretary of the Changdu Municipal Party Committee


The current member of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Secretary of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee.

Representative of the 13th National People's Congress, member of the 9th Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region of the Communist Party of China