According to the news of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in CITIC Group and the Guangzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Xie Hongru, the former party secretary and president of the Guangzhou Branch of China CITIC Bank, was opened.

Xie Hongru has worked in the banking system for many years and has honored himself. He has been awarded the top ten leading economic news in China in China. China has the most influential outstanding figures in China.

With his fall, Xie Hongru's other side was torn away.

His style of style, to enjoy enjoyment, repeatedly assault the promotion and adjustment, and illegally appoint cadres.

Working in a bank for more than 30 years

Xie Hongru, born in November 1961. At the age of 61, he graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University's financial major in undergraduate. He has more than 30 years of banking industry experience.

According to public information, from January 1981 to December 2000, Xie Hongru worked in China Construction Bank.President (president), president, deputy president of Xi'an Branch, deputy general manager of the business department of Shaanxi Branch.

Xie Hongru was the president of the three provincial capital cities.

In December 2000, Xie Hongru was ordered to build CITIC Bank Xi'an Branch. From July 2001 to May 2013, he served as the party secretary and president of Xi'an Branch of Zhongxin Bank.

From May 2013 to January 2015, Xie Hongru served as the party secretary and president of the Shijiazhuang Branch of CITIC Bank. Since January 2015, he has been the president of the Guangzhou Branch of China CITIC Bank and Secretary of the Party Committee.Reminder.

On September 10, 2021, Xie Hongru was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and accepted the disciplinary review of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission's disciplinary inspection and supervision team in the CITIC Group and the Supervision and Investigation of the Guangzhou Municipal Supervision Commission.

A number of honors have been obtained

During Xie Hongru's president of CITIC Bank Guangzhou Branch, the bank was fined by the Guangdong Banking Regulatory Bureau.

According to China Economic Net, in December 2015, the Guangzhou Branch of CITIC Bank was fined 200,000 by the Guangdong Banking Regulatory Bureau.

On July 21, 2017, the Guangdong Banking Regulatory Bureau announced the administrative penalty decision to the Guangzhou Branch of CITIC Bank Co., Ltd., saying that the bank had a bank acceptance bill business seriously violated the rules of prudent operations; the loan business seriously violated the rules of prudent business.The Guangdong Banking Regulatory Bureau decided to fined 800,000 yuan in CITIC Bank Guangzhou Branch.

Zheng Zhijun noticed that during the work of the bank, Xie Hongru was honored.

In 2009, the media introduced Xie Hongru on the title of bank elite Xie Hongru.

The article wrote that Xie Hongru has been repeatedly rated as an outstanding leading cadre of the advanced personality and political work of the advanced workers in the system.Xie Hongru himself was rated as the top ten outstanding economic figures in Shaanxi in 2006, 2007, and 2008 for three consecutive years.

According to previous reports, Xie Hongru has also won a number of awards such as the National Financial May 1st Labor Medal of the Top Ten Leading Economic News in China.

The other side

Today, with Xie Hongru's investigation, his other side has finally been torn.

According to the Discipline Inspection Commission's notice, Xie Hongru, as a party member and leading cadre of a state -owned financial enterprise, completely lost his ideals and beliefs, completely abandoned his original mission, was unfaithful and unrealistic about the party. He did not report personal matters in accordance with regulations.Comprehensively and strictly govern the party's responsibilities, and seriously pollute the political ecology of units.

In addition, he was accused:

Valuable gifts and large gifts that have been received by customers and employees for a long time have accepted banquets that may affect fair execution of official duties.

Taking the appointed unit as a private territory, the style of style, the eagerness to enjoy, the problem of the integration of wind and rotation, pay personal expenses with public funds, and want to squander state -owned assets

Multiple assault promotion and adjustment and illegal appointment cadres

The profit is the picture, extremely greedy, the public and private are not distinguished, rely on enterprises to eat enterprises, occupy public property, illegally business -oriented enterprises, engage in power and money transactions

It is impossible to do, good at power, be siege, and long -term credit approval as a tool for self -interest, receiving benefits to transport, unscrupulous gathering money, the amount is particularly huge

Violations of loans to national laws and regulations, causing major risk losses

Rotten and degenerate in life, lose exercise, dismiss the relatives of relatives, and the family style is corrupted

According to the report, Xie Hongru's five poisons are all MDASH; MDASH; seriously violate the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, work discipline and life discipline, constitute serious duties illegal and suspected crimes, and do not converge or accept after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.If you do n’t know, the nature is serious and the impact is bad, and it should be dealt with seriously.

CITIC Bank System is investigated by many people

Zheng Zhijun has noticed that in recent years, CITIC Bank has been dismissed by many executives.

On March 20, 2020, Sun Dushun, former deputy secretary and president of CITIC Bank, was expelled from the party with severe disciplinary violations.

Sun Dushun was the deputy president of CITIC Bank and executive vice president of CITIC Bank. In July 2016, he served as President of CITIC Bank and stepped down in February 2019.

The report shows that Sun Dushun restricts and reduces the manufacturing loan; borrowing property from loan customers in violation of regulations shall be paid by others to be borne by them; both wants to be an official and want to get rich, illegally business -oriented enterprises, and seize huge benefits for me and relatives and friends; Greedy expansion, and use loan approval power as a bargaining chip to obtain personal interests.

In addition to Sun Dushun, in April 2018, Yao Wei, deputy president of CITIC Bank Nanchang Branch and member of the party committee, was investigated; in March 2019, Li Xianwen, former president of CITIC Bank Zhaoqing Branch, and Liang Qinghua, former general manager of Zhaoqing branch business department;In November 2019, Yu Chengxin, the former party secretary and president of CITIC Bank Harbin Branch, was investigated.

In October 2021, with the approval of the Party Central Committee, the eighth round of the 19th Central Committee conducted regular inspections of party organizations of 25 financial units, including China CITIC Group Co., Ltd.

In February 2022, the Central Inspection Team feedback said that there were many problems with CITIC Group, including the failure of the two responsibilities of the comprehensive and strict governance of the party.It is time to violate the spiritual problems of the eight central regulations; the party's organizational routes in the new era are not in -depth, and there are weak links in the construction of the leadership team themselves.

The inspection team requires to strengthen the effective supervision of key areas, important positions, especially the leaders at all levels, seriously investigate and deal with corruption issues and violate the spiritual problems of the eight regulations of the central government.

Information | Xinhua News Agency People's Daily CCTV and others