The WeChat public account of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone reported yesterday, saying yesterday, saying that a clustered epidemic in Futian District, Shenzhen has recently occurred.Some party members and leading cadres have problems such as poor performance and loss of duties.

Zengshi Guangzhou report

The new roundIt was punished or removed due to improper treatment of the epidemic.Following officials in Shandong, Jilin and other places, eight officials such as Huang Wenya, deputy director of the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, were also dismissed because of poor prevention of epidemic prevention yesterday, showing that China will continue to strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic through normal accountability.

The WeChat public account of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone reported yesterday reported that a clustered epidemic occurred in Futian District, Shenzhen.Party members and leading cadres have problems such as poor performance and negligence.

The report stated that after the study of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Futian District Committee, the deputy director of the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau Huang Wenya, the Standing Committee of the Futian District Committee of the Communist Party of China, Ye Wennge, the deputy district chief of the Communist Party of China,The accountability survey of these personnel and other responsible persons is carried out simultaneously.

China's this round of epidemic has affected 28 provinces. With the spread of the epidemic, a group of officials in various places have been held accountable for poor epidemic prevention.

The Supervision Committee of the Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection yesterday reported on the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control of Changchun and Jilin City yesterday., Hu Bingji, director of the Management Committee of Jilin Economic and Technological Development Zone, was held accountable.

Jilin Province is the hardest hit area of this round of epidemic. As of the day before yesterday, a total of 9,998 positive infections have been reported.

The county -level city -level city -level city -level city -level city -level city -level city also had a clustered epidemic situation.Including Zhou Ke, Secretary of the Laixi Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Liu Ying, mayor, and Minister of Propaganda Gui Xiaofeng.

In addition, officials in Hohhot, Baotou, Liaoning Huludao, Suizhong County, Inner Mongolia have been held accountable for poor prevention and control of the epidemic.

According to incomplete statistics, since late February, more than 70 officials have been held accountable in the Chinese epidemic in this round of this round.Implement problems such as poor territorial responsibilities.

The China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Newspaper yesterday announced that the Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee held accountable for some party members and cadres in the epidemic prevention and control.It is not determined to misunderstand the fighters, work rough branches, large leaves, implementation of not strictness, or not in place, severe bureaucracy in formalism, as well as the misconduct such as the negligence such as the negligence of the negligence of the negligence of the negligence of the negligence of the negligence of the late report, the digital game, and the bullying.

Continue to strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic with normal inquiries and responsibility system

Public officials have been held accountable due to poor performance in the epidemic, indicating that China will continue to continueStrengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic through normal accountability system.

At the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China the day before yesterday, it once again emphasized the responsibility system for the prevention and control of the epidemic.The meeting requested that it is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, overcome paralysis, mood, fluke, and relaxed mentality, and grasp the work of the epidemic to prevent and control all the time.

The meeting also required that in places where the epidemic is more serious, the main leaders of the party and government and leading cadres at all levels should put the epidemic prevention work first, and strengthen the supervision and accountability.Those who are out of control should be investigated and dealt with immediately according to the regulations.

Relevant meetings were subsequently held throughout China, emphasizing that the epidemic prevention and control should be grasped as "major political tasks".

At the province's epidemic prevention and control work TV conference call on the day before yesterday, Li Xi, secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, demanded that the main responsible comrades of the party and government must "get started in person and grab themselves."The discipline of iron and strong implementation of various measures has been implemented.