(Beijing Reuters) Beijing Winter Olympic Games players and delegations from various countries infected with crown disease daily, and they jumped to 19 the day before yesterday, and there were only two people a day before.The official warning said that there will be more cases in the next few days.

In a statement issued by the Organizing Committee yesterday, the organizing committee said that including players and officials, so far there are 36 Winter Olympic relevant personnel infected with crown disease, of which 29 areWhen they were found to be infected, the other seven people were already in the "closed loop" of the players from the public.

The Chairman of the Olympic Medical Expert Group, Brian McLossky, said at a press conference: "We are now experiencing (representatives of various countries) to reach the peak of China, so we expect that the number of diagnostics at this stage will reachThe highest. "

McLossky said that the Beijing Olympic Winter Olympics officials are" confident "about its crown disease prevention system, and the epidemic is unlikely to overflow to the public.

According to the statistics of Reuters, since China released the number of crown disease -related cases related to the Winter Olympics on the 23rd of this month, the number of cases of players and delegation officials exceeded the first day before the day before yesterday, including the media and sponsors.Number of cases of "other stakeholders" with staff.