The former deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, He Yafei, pointed out the day before yesterday (22nd) that China and the United States have a strong influence on the world's future and international order.Sino -US relations have entered the adjustment period and strategic stalemate period of coexistence in cooperative competition.

According to the China Network, the first “Belt and Road” high -quality development academic forum jointly sponsored by 16 research institutions such as the Institute of Geographical Science and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chongyang Financial Institute of ChinaEssenceHe Yafei expressed it when the forum was reported.

He Yafei said that geopolitical contradictions continued to heat up, and regional conflicts intensified.The United States has a strong impulse to emerging powers and includes two -pointer relationship with ideological line strategic competition to maintain its global hegemony.On the other hand, the maintenance and peace forces represented by China are rising, and the balance of world forces continues to develop in the direction of China.

He pointed out that China and the United States have a strong influence on the world's future and international order.Sino -US relations have entered the adjustment period and strategic stalemate period of coexistence in cooperative competition.

He Yafei mentioned that President Biden stated that he did not seek to change the Chinese political system and did not conduct the Cold War, but some people in the United States insisted on using China as "imaginary enemies" to condense their strength and re -re -enable the "world under the rule of the United States to rule the world.order".From the AUKUS AUKUS, the United States, Japan, and Australia, the United States, and the United States, Japan, and Australia, to strengthening NATO and convening the so -called "Democratic National Summit", the United States has pushed together alliances and touched the bottom line on the issue of China's core interests.

He said that the relationship between the two countries is in a subtle adjustment period. Many American scholars, including Milsheimer, found that the United States and China have entered the Cold War, and the risk of hot war is greater than the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.

He Yafei believes that, of course, although China and the United States have a serious difference, they have not yet reached the "Cold War" situation.Due to the large volume and impact of the two countries, the consequences of conflicts and confrontation are unimaginable. Those closer to reality may be "Muddle Through" that some scholars say, that is, take a step step by step, "Cross the river with stones".In the future, whether Sino -US cooperation is greater than competition or competition and kidnap cooperation. It depends on whether both parties can interact with the head of the head of the head of state, gradually establish trust, reduce differences, and strengthen cooperation.

In addition, he also mentioned that China should pay attention to the role of think tanks, enlarge and strengthen China's own non -governmental international organizations, and contribute to the high -quality development of the "Belt and Road".

He said that in the research, entrepreneurs said that in the "Belt and Road" countries, there will, But many of these NGOs wearing "colored glasses" look at Chinese companies.Chinese companies urgently need to play the role of Chinese non -governmental organizations to lead the role of public opinion and discourse.