Shanghai actually used foreign investment last year to rose against the trend, setting a new high of $ 22.55 billion.Gong Zheng emphasized that foreign capital has always been an important engine to promote Shanghai's high -quality development. Shanghai will implement the negative list of new foreign investment access, deepen the service industry to expand and open, and continue to build a first -class business environment for marketization, rule of law, and internationalization.Enterprises invest in Shanghai to create better conditions.

Chen Jing Shanghai special agent [email protected]

Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng pointed out that Shanghai is still an opportunity for foreign investment in hot land. This year, it will take the opportunity of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) as an opportunity to further expand opening up and attract foreign companies to invest in Shanghai.

Gong Zheng answered a question in Lianhe Zaobao at the Municipal Government Journalist's Recruitment Conference after the closing of the Municipal People's Congress yesterday, saying that Shanghai actually used foreign investment last year to rise against the trend, setting a $ 22.55 billion (S $ 30.32 billion).New high.The regional headquarters and foreign investment R & D centers in Shanghai's multinational companies also increased 60 and 25 respectively."Shanghai is still a hot land invested by foreign -invested investment, and is one of the first choice for the industrial chain, supply chain, and innovation chain of multinational corporations."engine.Shanghai will take RCEP to take effect as an opportunity to implement the negative list of new foreign investment access, deepen the service industry to expand and open, continue to build a first -class business environment for marketization, rule of law, and internationalization.condition.

He takes the Lingang New Trinity of the Pudong New District and the Shanghai Free Trade Zone as an example to explain the planning of Shanghai to further expand its opening up.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued a opinion on supporting the high -level reform and opening up of the Pudong New District and creating a socialist modernization leading area.Gong Zheng said that Shanghai has developed an action plan according to the opinions. This year, it will build major functional platforms such as the construction of an international financial asset trading platform, an international oil and gas transaction and pricing center in Pudong, and promote the formulation of one of the fields of green finance and intelligent connected cars to promote the formulation of oneThe regulations applied to the Pudong New District.

The Lingang new area listed in August 2019 has entered the end of the "three -year big change" this year.In addition to the development of emerging industries such as new energy vehicles, Gong Zheng also asked the district to further promote the opening of a new round of system, seize the opportunity of RCEP to take effect, and high -level benchmarks across the Pacific Partnership Comprehensive Progress Agreement (CPTPP) and Digital Economic Partnership Agreement (DEPA) The agreement is implemented in the fields of trade supervision, financial opening and other fields.

At a press conference for nearly two hours, Gong Zheng answered questions from Chinese and foreign reporters on questions such as Shanghai's economy, people's livelihood, and resistance.

The Shanghai economy increased by 8.1 % year -on -year last year, which is consistent with the national level. This year's economic growth goals are set at about 5.5 %.Gong Zheng said that this goal takes into account the current and long -term, and comprehensively considers the pressure on demand, supply and expectations.Although there are many difficulties and challenges, Shanghai has the confidence and confidence to maintain the stable and healthy development of the economy.

When asked about the secrets of the epidemic prevention and control in Shanghai, Gong Zheng summarized it as "four always", that is, he always strengthened the awareness of worry, always focused on accurate and fast, always adhered to scientific resistance, and always built a solid.Vaccine immunity and personal protection barrier.

He also disclosed that the prevention speed requirements of Shanghai are "2+4+24", that is, the flowers arrived at the scene in two hours, completed the core survey in four hours, and completed nucleic acid testing, regional control, transferIsolation and other work, "At the lowest level, in the shortest time, the relatively minimum cost of spending, solving the biggest key problems, and striving to achieve the best comprehensive benefits."Swallowing, but also brings greater challenges to foreign companies in Shanghai.According to a survey of the Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce last year, more than 70 % of members said that it is difficult for foreign talents to attract and retain foreign talents in China. Traveling related to crown disease is the first reason.

Tang Yunyi, a researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, disclosed that while responding to the national epidemic prevention policy, Shanghai also carried out policy reserves for restart personnel.Tang Yunyi said: "In recent years, Shanghai has vigorously developed the headquarters economy, and it is also preparing for this. Once the global epidemic is relieved, I believe that Shanghai will be the first Chinese city to restore multinational personnel."