The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China today (19th) confirmed that it has issued visas to some US officials to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics that will be held in two weeks later.

According to the surging news report, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hosted a regular journalist conference today.According to media reports, China has distributed visas for 46 U.S. government officials. Zhao Lijian said that it can be confirmed that China has tried the corresponding visa with some members of the team of government officials.

Zhao Lijian continued to claim that the United States came to China to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics team, including a large number of officials such as the US State Department, and many officials also held diplomatic passports or official passports.

Zhao Lijian called on the United States to practice the spirit of the Olympic spirit, work with China to create a good atmosphere for athletes of various countries to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics.

In response to reporters, this question is that the United States has previously announced whether to send official or diplomatic representatives to attend the Beijing Winter Olympics. Zhao Lijian responded that the question should be asked about the United States.

According to the South China Morning Post quoted two sources last month, two sources and related documents revealed that the US government applied for an inbound visa for 18 officials to China to provide security support during the Beijing Winter Olympics.Among the 18 people on the list, 15 people were staff members of the State Department and one of the staff of the Pentagon, most of which were officials at low -level levels.U.S. officials also told Chinese officials that 40 officials' visa applications may be submitted in the next few months.

The United States said at the time that officials sent by the US government were not official representatives, but participated in the Winter Olympics to support security and medical care, so they did not violate diplomatic resistance.

The White House of the United States has announced on the 6th of last month that based on China's human rights issues, the United States will not send official delegations to participate in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.