Weng Jieming, deputy director of the Chinese SASAC, said that as of the end of 2021, the reform of the company's state -owned enterprise company system was basically completed.The proportion of enterprises accounted for 99.9%.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Weng Jieming said at the three -year action promotion meeting of the three -year action reform of state -owned enterprise reform that it is necessary to closely focus on improving efficiency and stimulate vitality to make real marketization mechanisms to strengthen scientific and technological innovation incentives; resolutely prevent preventionTo resolve major risks, due to the reform of corporate classification due to business classification, the supervision of the rule of law in a comprehensive deepening system is deepened.

China ’s government work report in 2021 has requested that the three -year operation of state -owned enterprise reform is required, and they are stronger and big -state capital and state -owned enterprises.