On January 10th, according to the news network of Hunan Agricultural University, on the morning of January 8th, Wang Yiou, a member of the party group of the Hunan Provincial Government specially came to the school to visit the official Chunyun and Liu Zhonghua of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government congratulated the two academicians and the school teachers.

The above reports show that The former secretary of the Yueyang Municipal Party Committee Wang Yiou, who has been a member of the party group of the Hunan Provincial Government.

On January 4, Cao Puhua, the secretary of the party group and dean of the Hunan Academy of Social Sciences, was transferred to the secretary of the Yueyang Municipal Party Committee.

The official resume shows that Wang Yiou was born in October 1967 , from Suizhong, Liaoning.He has served as an environmental protection system for a long time. In 2006, he served as deputy director of the Northwest Environmental Protection Inspection Center of the State Administration of Environmental Protection.Director of Security Supervision Station and Secretary of the Party Group.

In August 2016, Wang Yiou went to work in Hunan Province to serve as the head of the Environmental Protection Department. In February 2018, he served as the director of the Land and Resources Department of Hunan Province.In December 2019, he was transferred to the secretary of the Yueyang Municipal Party Committee, and it was new.

The official website of the Hunan Provincial Government shows that the leaders of the Hunan Provincial Government include: Deputy Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, Mao Weiming, Governor, Li Dianxun, Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Executive Deputy Governor, Deputy Governor He Baoxiang, Vice Governor Chen FeXu Xianhui, director of the Provincial Public Security Department, Chen Wenhao, deputy governor, and Deng Qunze, Secretary -General of the Provincial Government.

Wang Yiou's resume

Wang Yiou, male, Han nationality, born in October 1967, Liaoning Suizhong, joined the work in July 1990, joined the Communist Party of China in April 1988, graduate degree, master's degree in business management, researcher.

1990.7-2006.10 Head of the Chief and Deputy Director of the General Factory of the Jinxi Refining and Chemical Industry Factory, Deputy Director of China Petroleum Jinxi Petrochemical Company, deputy director of the Institute of Environmental Protection Sciences (House), Liaoning Province, Liaoning Province Environmental ProtectionDeputy Director of the Bureau of Supervision and Administration (Host) and Director of the Bureau;

2006.10-2012.04 The Deputy Director of the Northwest Environmental Protection Inspection Center of the State Administration of Environmental Protection;

2012.04-2014.06 as deputy director and party member of the Northwest Environmental Protection Inspection Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection;

2014.06-2016.08 The director of the Northwest Nuclear and Radiation Safety Supervision Station of the Ministry of Environmental Protection; Secretary of the Party Group;

2016.08-2016.09 as the head of the Hunan Provincial Environmental Protection Department (nominated candidate), deputy secretary of the party group;

2016.09-2018.02 as Secretary of the Party Group of the Hunan Provincial Department of Environmental Protection (2017.01) and the chief of the hall;

2018.02-2018.10 as the party secretary and director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Land and Resources;

2018.10-2019.12 as the party secretary and director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Natural Resources;

2019.12 —— The Secretary of the Yueyang Municipal Party Committee

He is currently a member of the party group of Hunan Provincial Government.