Recently, an article from Wu Kejing, vice chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association and chairman of the Xi'an Writers Association, caused public opinion controversy.

Text that causes controversy

In the text, Wu Ke praised the two women in the Xi'an epidemic, and criticized a Xi'an woman who had previously aroused the heated discussion of public opinion due to a sanitary napkin, saying that the epidemic was currently, what kind of mansion, what lady did it, what lady did it.Pie, useless.

As soon as this article came out, Wu Kejing was accused of disrespecting women by many netizens.On January 6, I found that the WeChat public account of Wu Kejing's article was deleted.

At noon on the 6th, Wu Kejing responded that what the article wants to express is that at present, everyone is not easy. In such an environment, it is really difficult to provide sanitary napkins. I hope everyone should not complain or so arrogant.

Wu Kejing said that he has never had the idea of disrespecting women, and he has always worshiped women.Regarding the criticism of netizens, he said that let everyone criticize, in the epidemic, we must understand everyone.

Chairman of the Writers' Association issued a document to criticize the sanitary napkin to cry for the woman: pretty emotion, lady to do

Wu Kejing praised the two women in the Xi'an epidemic in the rubber gloves on his long hair.Yao Meizhen, director of Tangdu Garden Community, Zaoyuan Street, Lianhu District, Xi'an, and Kou Yaling, the leader of Xi'an Qujiang Center Community and Huazhongcheng Community's epidemic prevention and control work.

In the article, Wu Ke praised Yao Meizhen, saying that since the Xi'an epidemic, Yao Meizhen wanted to manage hellip; hellip; afraid of the hair chaos to affect the work, he found a abandoned medical rubber glove and picked it on her hair.superior.

In the article, Wu Kejing said that Yao Meizhen, who was hairy with rubber gloves on his hair, and Kou Yaling, who fainted in the office and stunned his head, gave this beautiful cities a beautiful answer.

Subsequently, the article mentioned, and some people, also women, made people want to criticize.Wu Kejing refers to a Xi'an woman crying to the epidemic prevention personnel who had previously been discussed by the public opinion because of a sanitary napkin.

The online video shows that a woman is separated in the hotel. Because the menstruation comes in advance, there is no urgent use of a sanitary napkin, and the 12345 hotline, alarm, and help isolation point have not succeeded.Crying for help.

The woman cried, I would like to ask, I did n’t send it for breakfast until now. Also, I came to my aunt, and there was no sanitary napkin. I would like to ask, is no one cared about it?

On January 3, the woman had published a post on her personal social media that she felt weak and sad about the matter. In the end, the problem was resolved with the help of the community sister.

In the aforementioned article, Wu Kejing criticized the woman that if you have a sanitary napkin, when do you use a sanitary napkin, is it unclear at all?At a critical moment, we must blame others to not come to the door to send you!This is your wrong Hello; hellip; epidemic currently, what kind of prestige, what lady is a faction, it is useless, others will not get used to you, let you shout!

As soon as this article came out, there were words accusing Wu Wen accusing Wu Wen respect and disrespectful women.

Some netizens commented on this that a backward, stubborn, self -righteous, and old book image jumped on the paper, and some netizens said that there was no empathy at all.The state is calm?Some netizens said that he did not experience the pain of menstruation and solidified women.

Wu Kejing, vice chairman of the Shaanxi Writers Association and chairman of the Xi'an Writers Association

Wu Kejing: I have never thought of not respecting women

Regarding the controversy caused by this article, at noon on the 6th, Wu Kejing responded to surging news that he had paid attention to public opinion on the Internet. He is now isolated at home and does not respect women.At present, it is not easy for everyone. In such an environment, I hope you do n’t complain. Look at others. Some of the first -line female comrades do so hard and learn from them.

Wu Kejing said that I did not criticize (that) Xi'an woman, and this female comrade had no problem, but in a very uncomfortable period, it was so uncomfortable.Her comrades' menstruation is indeed a need, and it is no problem.But in a special period, it isolate, it is really difficult to provide, so don't be so arrogant. I think I have said very gentle.

Wu Kejing said that he has never had the idea of disrespecting women. My previous works have always respected women. It can be said that I worshiped women.Regarding the criticism of netizens, he said that let everyone criticize, in the epidemic, we must understand everyone.

The surging news noticed that Wu Kejing praised the epidemic prevention person in the article Yao Meizhen with abandoned medical rubber gloves with hair. Although this move has received praise and praise from many netizens, it has also attracted the attention and reminder of professionals.Some relevant experts said that abandoned medical gloves are medical waste, and the risk of spreading viruses must be collected in harmless treatment.

Public information shows that Wu Kejing was born in 1954, Shaanxi Fufeng.He graduated from the Chinese Department of Northwest University and obtained a master's degree.He is currently the vice chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association, the chairman of the Xi'an Writers Association, and vice chairman of the Literary Federation. The blue flower on the handcuff of the novel has won the 5th Lu Xun Literature Award.