The Hong Kong People's Congress representative and the Qianhai Management Bureau Hong Kong Affairs Liaison Officer Hong Weipu had a preliminary diagnosis at the birthday party held on Monday (3rd) on Monday (3rd).Hong Kong Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e confirmed today that at least 10 government officials from the Hong Weimin November Party attended, of which Xu Yingwei, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, has been isolated for close contacts.

Comprehensive Hong Kong 01 News and Sing Tao Daily reported that Lin Zheng said at a press conference held at 6 pm today that eight of the officials participating in the party saidChen Jizhi, deputy director of the Bureau, Xu Zhengyu, director of the Financial Affairs and Treasury Bureau, Xiao Zeyi, Director of the Police Department, Chen Haozhang, Deputy Director of Finance and Economics and Treasury Bureau, Qi Weiqiang, Deputy Director of Innovation and Science and Technology Bureau, Zhang Manli, Director of Innovation and Science and Technology Bureau, Political Affairs and MainlandHu Jianmin, deputy director of the Affairs Bureau, and Bai Yixiu, a unique commissioner, and the Director of the Immigration Division, Jiahong, to be confirmed by the Health Protection Center.

According to the information of the Health Protection Center, the preliminary preliminary diagnosis only arrived at the venue after 9:30 that night, and Xu Yingwei left after 9:30 pm, so he was listed as a close contact.It has been arranged to enter the isolation detection of the Zhumao Bay Quarantine Center.

Lin Zheng said that officials who left before the eight names before nine:30 have asked them to show proves, including the record of "peaceful travel", the record of government drivers, and no use of "peaceful travel" to leave.When you enter another place, you have a record of using peace of mind and the Octopus record of taking the bus.As for the situation of District Jiahong, Lin Zheng described "a bit complicated" and needed to investigate whether the Health Protection Center was closely exposed to the case.

Lin Zheng also said that the eight officials "did not sit down to eat, just say a greeting two sentences", the government will have four major follow -up work, including the request to contact the Chief Executive's Director to contact all political appointments all political appointments.Officials, to understand whether they are attending the party; ask the Civil Service Bureau to contact senior civil servants to understand whether there are civil servants attending; tonight to send staff to comprehensively clean and disinfection government headquarters, and the Chief Executive Office is currently disinfected; under the virus attack Hong Kong, Lin Zheng, Lin Zheng,Remind officials and civil servants to adhere to discipline and avoid gatherings.

When asked about the incident, Lin Zheng responded that she felt suddenly and was particularly disappointed with Xu Yingwei.She said that as the Chief Executive, there would be appropriate actions, emphasizing that they would thoroughly investigate to the end and follow up to the end.

Earlier news said that many government officials and members of the Legislative Council attended Hong Weimin's birthday party. In addition to Xu Yingwei and Xiao Zeyi, they also included Hong Kong Customs Guan Deng Yihai, Legislative Councilor Chen Zhongni, Lu Hanmin and Lu Hanmin andQiu Digan and so on.