In 2021, it is a record for the wealthy Chinese Internet technology, but they do not want to see this record.

According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, in 2021, the 10 most richest Internet technology tycoon net assets in China shrunk by 80 billion US dollars (about RMB 508.2 billion). This amount occupies almost a quarter of their total wealth.The Bloomberg billionaire index began to track the maximum annual decline since the world's wealthy.

Data show that as Pinduoduo's stock price plummeted nearly 70%since the beginning of 2021, the company's founder Huang Yan became the number one person in this losses, and the wealth shrank up to 42.9 billion US dollars (about RMB 272.7 billion), shrinkingThe range reached 68.5%; Xiaomi Group's stock price also fell. The company's chairman Lei Jun's wealth shrinks by 14.5 billion US dollars (about 92.2 billion yuan), a shrinking range of 46.2%; Ma Yun ranked third, and wealth shrinks by 12.6 billion yuan.The US dollar (about 80.1 billion yuan), shrinking by 24.9%.

The list shows that the other Internet technology tycoon that has clearly shrunk from wealth also includes: Tencent CEO Ma Huateng (shrinks 10.1 billion US dollars, shrinks 18.0%), Baidu CEO Li Yanhong (shrinks 5.3 billion U.S. dollars, shrinks by 34.1%), Meituan CEO Wang Xing(Shrinking 5 billion US dollars, a shrinkage of 23.0%), Tencent CTO Zhang Zhidong (shrinking 4.8 billion US dollars, a shrinkage of 19.8%), JD CEO Liu Qiangdong (shrinking 4.6 billion US dollars, a shrinkage of 23.5%).NetEase CEO Ding Lei and the Before the byte, CEO Zhang Yiming is the only two wealthy Internet technology wealthy.

Compared to the above Internet tycoon, Didi Chuxing founder and CEO Cheng Wei may feel the ups and downs of personal wealth more.In June 2021, just a few weeks before Didi listed in the United States, investors snapped up Didi shares in the secondary market transaction, pushing the company's valuation to $ 95 billion, and the value of Cheng Wei's shares was also increased.To 6.7 billion US dollars.But the good times have not been long. Since Didi has been investigated and plans to delist from the United States for violations, the company's stock price has plummeted by more than 60%, and Cheng Wei's personal wealth has also shrunk to 1.7 billion US dollars (about 10.8 billion yuan)Essence

Didi Chuxing founder Cheng Weitu Source: Bloomberg Society

Bloomberg reported that since the suspension of the Ant Group in 2020, the Chinese regulatory agency has begun to strengthen anti -monopoly and prevent the disorderly expansion of capital as an important task, including Internet technology companies including Alibaba, Tencent Holdings, Meituan and Pinduoduo.After being fined due to the amount of monopoly behavior, disturbing market order, and missing transactions, the valuations of these companies at one time began to be reduced.

Chinese regulatory agencies also pay more attention to the so -called VIE architecture (variable interest entities). Some technology companies have used this method to avoid foreign investment restrictions.With the gradual improvement of regulatory regulations, the review of domestic enterprises in overseas IPOs in the future may become stricter.

At the same time, the US Securities Regulatory Commission issued a new regulation last month that requires the provision of audit drafts for Chinese companies listed in the United States within three years for American inspections, otherwise they will face the risk of being delisted by the NYSE and the Nasdaq ExchangeEssenceThis may mean that hundreds of Chinese companies will be delisted from the United States and re -listed in Mainland China or Hong Kong, China.

Bloomberg mentioned that Zhang Yiming, the founder of byte beating, was a rare Chinese Internet technology tycoon that achieved wealth in 2021.According to the valuation data provided by SoftBank Group in 2021, Zhang Yiming's wealth increased by 19.5 billion US dollars (about 123.9 billion yuan). To a certain extent, he kept the byte jump in a state of private shares and was not affected by the market.The influence of fluctuations.In May last year, Zhang Yiming announced his resignation of the post of CEO by the byte, and withdrew from the board of directors in November.

Many Internet technology companies are also imitating this approach.In November 2021, Su Hua, the co -founder of Kuaishou Technology, resigned from the position of CEO, which was only 9 months since the company was listed in Hong Kong.In September 2021, JD Group appointed Xu Lei, the new president, and was responsible for the daily operation and coordinated development of various business segments, and said that the chairman Liu Qiangdong will focus on long -term strategy.

Bloomberg reports that despite the shrinking personal wealth, some Chinese Internet richest people have increased their charity donations to respond to the country's call for common wealth. Among them, the chairman of Xiaomi Lei Jun and Meituan CEO Wang Xing donated to charities to $ 2.2 billion and worth of $ 2.2 billion and.2.3 billion US dollars of shares have caused their wealth to a certain extent.According to the data compiled by Bloomberg, as of the end of August 2021, China's billionaires had donated at least $ 5 billion to charitable agencies in 2021, which was 20%higher than the total number of donations in the previous year.

Chen Zhiwu, director of the Asian Global Institute of the University of Hong Kong, commented that with the iconic Internet industry and other billionaires in the Internet, the industry needs to reshape the core strategy to achieve new growth in the future.He said: I think that after in -depth thinking and re -evaluation of the driving factors of the Golden Age in the past two decades, some time (Internet technology) will come back at some point in the future.