Former Guangzhou Mayor Wen Guohui, who was exchanged on the same day as the former secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, was the leader of the Guangdong Provincial Political Consultative Conference.

According to the news released by the Guangdong CPPCC Network yesterday (28th), the Guangdong Provincial Political Consultative Conference work fictional meeting was held in Guangzhou., Huang Wu, Zhang Jiaji, Li Xin, Wen Guohui, Wu Weipeng, the heads of the CPPCC, the director of the CPPCC, the director of the Provincial CPPCC, and the members of the government, and some of the county (city, district) CPPCC attended the meeting.

The above news shows that Wen Guohui has been the leader of the CPPCC of Guangdong Province.

As a deputy provincial -level city in Guangzhou, the "first leader" of the party and government on the 3rd of this month was rarely replaced on the same day.Lin Keqing, executive deputy governor of Guangdong, replaced Zhang Shuofu as the secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, and Guo Yonghang, deputy governor of Guangdong, replaced Wen Guohui as the mayor of Guangzhou. The change of this person caused speculation.

The sources quoted by the Sing Tao Daily in Hong Kong said that due to the large -scale cutting banyan trees in the urban area of Guangzhou, the people were strongly dissatisfied. The report was reported to the Central and Central Government, which caused the highest level of attention, or ordered the officials to bear the responsibility.However, Beijing analysts who are unwilling to be named said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the exchanges of the Guangzhou leader on the same day may not be related to the tree lift incident. "There may be other complicated factors behind it."

The website of the Supervisory Commission was released on the month of Japan. The Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection established the accountability investigation team of large -scale migration and cutting city trees in Guangzhou to account for accounts for 10 officials who were deputy secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee Luo Jijing and former deputy mayor Lin Dao.

Zhang Shuofu attended the party group meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress as a member of the party group on the 14th of this month, showing that he had served as a member of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress.

Sing Tao Daily reported that Zhang Shuofu will serve as the deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress and retreat to the second line early.