Wang Weizhong, 59 years old this yearHe is a native of Shuozhou, Shanxi. He graduated from Tsinghua University in management science and engineering. He has worked in the National Science and Technology Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology for many years.Waiting for duties, with deep technology background.

Zeng Shi Guangzhou report

Wang Weizhong, secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, served as the deputy governorGovernor's position.The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress held yesterday approved the appointment, and at the same time accepted Ma Xingrui's request to resign from the position of the governor of Guangdong Province

Southern+Client reported the above news.In addition, the Guangdong Provincial "Two Sessions (CPPCC and the CPPCC Conference)" will be held on the 18th of next month. It is expected that Lieutenant General Wang Wei will officially serve as the governor of Guangdong Province.

Wang Weizhong, 59, is a native of Shuozhou, Shanxi. He graduated from Tsinghua University in management science and engineering.The Director of the Ecological Environment Department of the Social Development Science and Technology Department of the Science and Technology Commission, the conditions of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Director of Scientific Research Conditions and the Director of the Finance Department, and the Deputy Minister of Science and Technology have a deep science and technology background.

Wang Weizhong "airborne" in 2014 to Shanxi as the secretary -general of the Provincial Party Committee, served as the Secretary of the Taiyuan Municipal Party Committee in 2016;He also serves as the secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee.

During the period of the main administration of Shenzhen, Wang Weizhong repeatedly emphasized that Shenzhen should work hard to be a banner of reform and opening up in the country, and attach great importance to scientific and technological innovation and talent priority development.

He said in an interview with CCTV last October that Shenzhen to build a high -quality highland should be a benchmark. Urban development can give others "models".To persist in innovation -driven, make the quality of economic development higher.

Four years after taking charge of Shenzhen, Wang Weizhong went further and served as the post of governor of Guangdong Province. Individual future development was highly optimistic.

Shenzhen's status in China's economic development is important, and it has been given the heavy responsibility of building a "first -line demonstration zone with Chinese characteristics" by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.After the movement was transferred, the career was frank.

Ma Xingrui, known as "Aerospace Marshal", served as the secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee from 2015 to 2016, and then served as the governor of Guangdong Province.Xu Qin, the director of the Department of Industry, "airborne" in Guangdong in 2008, served as deputy mayor and mayor of Shenzhen, served as the secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee in 2016, and later transferred to Hebei as the governor. He is currently the secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee.

Analysis: Most of Shenzhen officials have a broad public career

People familiar with the Guangdong politics analyzed to the United Morning Post that in the Guangdong officialdom, the mayor of Guangzhou in the past was first before the mayor of GuangzhouAs the secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, and then the governor of Guangdong Province, it is an important development path for officials to be promoted.However, in recent years, the situation has changed. Most of Shenzhen officials have a broad future, and the two consecutive Shenzhen Municipal Party Secretary has served as the governor of Guangdong Province. This phenomenon reflects the subtle changes in the status of Shenzhen and Guangzhou in the country.

The analyst said that the development space for Shenzhen officials also means that the Shenzhen development model is affirmed.In recent years, Shenzhen has vigorously developed high -tech and has core competitive enterprises and products internationally.Long, the appointment of this personnel is regarded as the experience and reference for Shenzhen's experience to provide ideas and reference for the construction of Xiong'an New District.

He also pointed out that during Ma Xingrui served as the head of Guangdong Province, Guangdong repeatedly reported that he was further assumed.The transfer of Malaysia to Xinjiang is regarded as a heavy responsibility under the current situation.After completing the frontiers' calendar, Ma Xingrui, who has the experience of economic provinces, still has room for rise in the future.

The analyst also pointed out that in recent years, the background of Fujian's background with the background of Tsinghua University has performed well. Wang Weizhong is also a background of the engineering department of Tsinghua University and has a wealth of technology background.Two consecutive "technical" officials are the governor of Guangdong, indicating that the central government hopes to strengthen the role of Guangdong's innovation "leading sheep" and "experimental field" and continue to drive national industrial upgrading; especially Guangdong has a huge manufacturing system support.In the technical difficulties of "stuck neck", you can make breakthroughs and actions.