The written report sent by the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense to the Taiwan Legislative Yuan pointed out that after the epidemic slows down, the US Department of Defense will send high -level officials to visit Taiwan to discuss the bilateral policy dialogue and issue discussions on the demand for the development of the army.

According to the Taiwan Media Central News Agency, the Ministry of National Defense recently sent the Legislative Council Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission to Taiwan American High -level Military Cultural officials to exchang and visit the interoperability to implement a written report.

The content of the report mentioned that the United States according to the Taiwan Relations Law and six guarantees to ensure Taiwan's self -defense capabilities and safety through the military sales of Taiwan, but due to mainland China, in addition to military sales and related cooperationIn addition, due to foreign reality and policy restrictions, the United States has always been cautious about assigning high -level national defense to Taiwan to visit Taiwan. In recent years, the international atmosphere has changed and Taiwan and the United States have improved each other.

The Ministry of National Defense explained that for the first time, the US Congress's provisions of the US Department of Defense's senior military officials and Taiwan were officially incorporated into the 2017 fiscal annual defense license law, and the Taiwan Travel Law was born in 2018.On the 16th, the former US President Trump signed an effect and became an important source of exchanges with Taiwan at all levels of the US administrative department.

In response to the current situation, the Ministry of National Defense stated that due to the impact of the epidemic, how to implement the Taiwan Travel Law is still gradually promoted after the epidemic has slowed down. According to statistics, in 2020There were 19 cases of high -level exchanges in video or conference calls, and 10 cases have been available in 2021.Although affected by the epidemic, the United States still invited Taiwan to attend the handling ceremony of the Indo -Pacific Command, which symbolized that the strategic partnership of Taiwan and the United States was strong and showed long -term friendship between the two sides.

The Ministry of National Defense also explained that because the US President Biden announced the latest criteria for exchanges against Taiwan on April 9, the United States will relax the exchanges between the two sides based on the Taiwan guarantee law.The US Department of Defense dispatched senior officials to visit Taiwan to conduct bilateral policy dialogue and important cooperation issues for the development of Taiwan ’s defense development and the actual needs of the army.Weaponry.

In addition, the Ministry of National Defense stated that participating in the regional international annual annual annual annual conference or project conference led by the United States, drawing on the experience of US military experience is obviously helpful; for this reason, it will invite the US Department of Defense and India CommanderThe Ministry, based on existing cooperation, provides the opportunity to expand participation and attend international activities, and integrate into the overall security system of the United States and India.