It is reported that the mayor of Taiwan ’s county may elected the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun for the election of the Kuomintang mayor to run for the mayor of Kaohsiung. Zhu Lilun said today that this is an acupuncture point.

According to Lianhe News Network, Lin Li Chan, director of the Kuomintang Women's Department, who was the 9th legislators, held the "New Taiwan Spirit: Lin Li Chan from Cambodia to Taiwan's cultural integration and in the Legislative Yuan.Zhu Lilun was present to congratulate.

During the media joint interview, asked Zhu Lilun if he would run for the mayor of Kaohsiung.Zhu Lilun said that this is the rumor of the ground.

Zhu Lilun said that the Kuomintang will definitely send the strongest and best candidates for Kaohsiung Mayor to attach importance to the public security issues of Kaohsiung people's concern, work and security issues, and the construction that needs to be actively carried out.

The idiom "cave came to the wind". The original intention is a metaphor for rumors for a certain reason or basis, but it has been misused for a long time, but now it means that rumors are not found.