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On December 24th, according to Shaanxi Daily, Recently, the Central Committee approved: Comrade Cheng Fubo served as a member of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and Standing Committee.

Cheng Fubo has worked in the aviation field for a long time. Last year, the Deputy General Manager of the COMAC and the Standing Committee of the Party Committee as the deputy governor of Shaanxi Province.

The official resume shows that Cheng Fubo was born in September 1970 , from Laoshan, Chongqing.He has long served as the China Aviation Industry First Group Corporation Chengdu Aircraft Industry (Group) Limited Liability Company.

In 2008, the former China Aviation Industry First and Second Group Corporation reorganized and established China Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd.Cheng Fubo continued to serve as the director and deputy general manager of the aviation industry. In 2011, he served as the secretary of the party committee, deputy chairman, deputy general manager, and In 2013, he served as chairman and party secretary of the party committee.

In January 2018, Cheng Fubo was transferred to the deputy general manager and member of the party committee of the China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd., and served as deputy general manager and member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee in July of the same year.

The aviation industry is flying and Chinese COFO, both of which are important companies in the field of aviation in my country.In 2015, Cheng Fubo won the honorary title of "National Model of Labor".

China Aviation News reported at the time that Cheng Fubo has always used "aviation to report to the country, strengthen the army and rich people" as a pursuit of career and life, and has long been fighting on the front line of military aircraft scientific research and production. He thoroughly studied the management model of foreign aviation aircraft development project, combined with my country's aviation industry development work management procedures and methods, and successfully applied project management to model development, ensuring the coordination and advancement of the entire line, realized the annihilation of annihilation. 10 series of aircraft development. As the chief commander of the model, he worked with front -line personnel, actively promoted key technologies, and focused on improving the independent research and development level.The full digital and precise manufacturing technology system has built a time -sharing production management model, and vigorously advocated the construction of high -quality projects to effectively improve the quality and efficiency of product development, and achieved a major breakthrough in the development project.

In June last year, Cheng Fubo was transferred to a member of the party group of the Shaanxi Provincial Government and the deputy governor of the next month. According to the division of labor, he is in charge of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology (Provincial External Bureau), the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Ecological Environment (Provincial Nuclear Safety Administration), the Provincial SASAC, the Provincial Energy Bureau, and the Provincial Academy of Sciences.

Cheng Fubo Resume

Cheng Fubo, male, Han nationality, born in September 1970, native of Laoshan, Chongqing, joined the work in July 1992, joined the Communist Party of China in January 1992, a university degree, a master's degree in engineering, and a researcher -level senior engineer.

1988.09-1992.07 Nanjing Academy of Aeronautics College Management Department of Industrial Management Engineering;

1992.07-1993.06 Subject to Chengdu Aircraft Industry Company Equipment Factory of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry;

1993.06-1996.04 China Aviation Industry Corporation Chengdu Aircraft Industry Company's assembly plant dispatcher, secretary of the party office secretary, deputy section chief chief chief department chief section chief;

1996.04-1998.10 China Aviation Industry Corporation Chengdu Aircraft Industry Company Equipment Factory 16th Workshop Preparatory Group Leader and Director;

1998.10-2000.09 China Aviation Industry Corporation Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation's Civil Aircraft Manufacturing Company Party Branch Secretary and Deputy Manager;

2000.09-2006.02 China Aviation Industry First Group Corporation Chengdu Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. production commander room production commander and deputy chief engineer;

2006.02-2006.06 China Aviation Industry First Group Corporation Chengdu Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. Trade Union Chairman;

2006.06-2006.09 China Aviation Industry First Group Corporation Chengdu Aircraft Industry (Group) Director and Chairman of Trade Union;

2006.09-2008.08 China Aviation Industry First Group Corporation Chengdu Aircraft Industry (Group) Director, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Union;

2008.08-2011.07 Director and Deputy General Manager of Chengdu Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.

2011.07-2013.05 China Aviation Industry Group Corporation Chengdu Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy Chairman, Deputy General Manager of the Party Committee (period: 2008.03-2012.06 studies at the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics);

2013.05-2018.01 China Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd. Chengdu Aircraft Industry (Group) Chairman and Party Secretary of the Party Committee;

2018.01-2018.07 Deputy General Manager and Member of the Party Committee;

2018.07-2020.06 Vice General Manager and Standing Committee of the Party Committee of China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd.;

2020.06-2020.07 member of the party group of Shaanxi Provincial Government;

2020.07-Deputy Governor of the Shaanxi Provincial Government and member of the party group;

In December 2021, he served as a member of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, deputy governor of the Shaanxi Provincial Government, and a member of the party group.