The new Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region is in place.

On December 20th, the Tibet Autonomous Region Party Committee Office, District Working Committee, and other departments held a cadre meeting to announce the removal decision of the party committee of the party committee of the autonomous region: the party secretary general of the Autonomous Region Party Committee and the secretary of the work committee of the district authority of Comrade Liu Jiang;Comrade Wa Ren serves as Secretary -General of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and Secretary of the Working Committee of the District Commission.

On the morning of the same morning, the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee held a cadre meeting to announce the decision of the party committee of the autonomous region: Comrade Liu Jiang served as the secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region.

Zheng Zhijun noticed that after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Deng Xiaogang, He Wenhao, and Liu Jiang successively served as the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region.Liu Jiang was the first secretary of the Political and Legal Committee studying and growing up in Tibet.

Former leader of the Public Security Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region

Liu Jiang, male, Han nationality, born in June 1967, 54 years old, native of Qu County, Sichuan, joined the Communist Party of China in June 1991, joined the work in March 1986, with a postgraduate degree, deputy police supervisor.

Public information shows that Liu Jiang studied and worked in Tibet for a long time.

In March 1986, Liu Jiang had to train in the training team in the Tibet Autonomous Region. After that, he served as the staff of the General Office of the General Office of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region.Director of the Convention Office, Deputy Director of the Office, Deputy Director of Secretariat, and investigators of the Secretariat.

In December 2003, Liu Jiang served as Secretary -General of the Ninzhi Land Committee, and later became a member of the Lord of the Lord and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.In January 2009, Liu Jiang served as member of the Standing Committee of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.In January 2011, he became the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Public Security Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region, and one year later he served as the Deputy Director (at the level) of the executive.

From October 2012 to June 2013, Liu Jiang served as Deputy Secretary and Commissioner of the Commission of Naqu Earth Committee and the Office of the Office of the Tibet Autonomous Region. After that, he returned to the Public Security Department and became the secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Public Security Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region in July 2013.

In March 2016, Liu Jiang served as the vice chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region Government, and continued to serve as the secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the District Public Security Department.In June 2018, Liu Jiang was among the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and served as the Secretary -General of the Party Committee.

Be a loyal people's police

Zheng Zhijun noticed that in June 2016, the Public Security Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region held a report meeting for the two schools of public security organs in the district's public security organs.At that time, Liu Jiang made a party class report of a loyal people's police.

At that time, Liu Jiang explained how to be a loyal people's police from four aspects from the meaning of loyalty, the important quality of the people's police loyalty, the significance of the people's police to practice loyalty, and the specific requirements of the people's police to practice loyalty.

In November 2017, Liu Jiang had published articles that did not forget his original intention, keep in mind the mission, and resolutely used the spiritual guidance of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to promote the maintenance of public security in Tibet.

In the article, he mentioned five often mdash; mdash; he must always be pregnant with the aspirations when he was in school, the beliefs when he was pregnant with the party, the vows when he was pregnant with the police, the responsibility of the time when he was fulfilled.The mission of the official.

He wrote that the police are a career that needs to adhere to dedication. The duty -standing duty under the scorching sun needs to adhere to the dedication.Preparation needs to adhere to dedication.Only by adhering to the dedication can we serve the people wholeheartedly, punish evil and righteousness, and do their best to do their best for this special identity.

He also mentioned that among our police, a considerable number of comrades have embarked on leadership positions and became leading cadres of the party and the country. While being organized by the organization, they also gave greater work mission, more work mission, more of more work mission, more more than more work mission, moreResponsibilities, tasks, higher work standards, and stricter work requirements. They must always be used as examples, fairness, integrity, first soldiers, and dedication.

We must be in awe, set the bottom line for yourself, and build a line of defense for yourself. It can stand the impact and test of various temptations.Essence

In addition, Liu Jiang is also very concerned about the construction of a clean and honest government.

In January 2018, he took the party to build a party lesson for the police of the Public Security Department.He said that it is necessary to fully learn the lessons of various corruption cases, persist in the thoughts of strictness, loosening, and harm. For all kinds of signs of sexual problems, you must grasp it.The attitude of zero tolerance will never change.

He said that it is resolutely that Tibet's objective conditions are special, but the public security organs are not special for governance of the police and anti -corruption to promote integrity. It is resolutely achieved that the requirements of Tibet have less oxygen and low air pressure but the public security organs have not decreased.

When Liu Jiang stepped down as the leader of the Public Security Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Ding Ye, then the executive deputy secretary of the party committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, said that in recent years, under the strong leadership of the district party committee, the district public security organs are under the strong leadership of the district party committee.Under the leadership of the party committee, we will make every effort to promote public security business work, infrastructure and team building, comprehensively improve the practical ability and level of public security work.A sense of sense and security has made important contributions.

Today, after serving as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary -General of the Tibet Autonomous Region Party Committee for more than 3 years, Liu Jiang returned to the Political Science and Law System and served as Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region.

Zheng Zhijun noticed that after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Deng Xiaogang, He Wenhao, and Liu Jiang successively served as the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region.Liu Jiang was the first secretary of the Political and Legal Committee studying and growing up in Tibet.

Among them, Deng Xiaogang worked in Beijing for a long time and served as deputy secretary and district chief of the Tongzhou District Party Committee of Beijing.In June 2005, he went to Tibet across the province and served as a member and assistant to the party group of the Tibet Autonomous Region Government.

In April 2012, Deng Xiaogang fulfilled the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the New Tibet Autonomous Region. In April 2013, Deng Xiaogang was promoted to the deputy secretary of the party committee and continued to be the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

In November 2016, Deng Xiaogang served as executive deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region and secretary of the Party Committee of the CPPCC.In October of this year, he fulfilled the deputy minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry.

He Wenhao is an airborne soldier.

According to public information, He Wenhao worked in the Ministry of National Security for a long time and served as the deputy director and director of the Ministry of National Security. In March 2012, the place was airborne and successively worked in Ningxia and Tibet.From November 2016 to October 2021.

In October this year, He Wenhao went to Guangxi across the province.

Information | CCTV Xinhua News Agency Tibet Daily Ping An Tibet and so on.