Gan Lin, director of the National Anti -Monopoly Bureau of China, said that during the period of "618" and "Double 11" this year, the "two -choice one" behavior in the Chinese online retail market basically stopped.

The China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News reported an exclusive interview with Gan Lin today.Gan Lin, also the deputy director of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Secretary -General of the State Council's Anti -Monopoly Committee, pointed out that in accordance with the law, the "two selection" monopoly cases in the platform economy were investigated and dealt with, and an administrative guidance was issued to require comprehensive rectification of enterprises involved in cases.Competition played an important role.

She also said: "This year's '618' and 'Double 11' period, the" two -choice one "behavior of the online retail market has basically stopped, and the market competition order has improved significantly.Broadly space. "

Gan Lin also mentioned that from the perspective of regulatory practice, antitrust law enforcement agencies mainly actively discovered, reported, submitted by higher authorities, transferred other organs, reports from lower organs, letters and visits transfer office, Public message and other channels, found clues about monopoly cases.

According to statistics, the report is the main way to find problems at present, accounting for about two -thirds of the total clues.

In addition, for the antitrust guide (referred to as the guide) issued by the platform economy earlier this year, Gan Lin said that the guidelines for difficulties in the relevant market definition of the platform economy and the determination of market domination status and "Two Selection Second SelectionTypical monopoly behaviors such as "one", algorithm conspiracy, big data killing, etc., have made systematic regulations.

Gan Lin emphasized that the amendment to the antitrust law is currently accelerating, and the amendment of the amendment has been submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China for review.

Gan Lin, who only served as the director of the National Anti -Monopoly Bureau of China in early November this year. When he previously served as the deputy director of the State Administration of Market Supervision of the China National Market Supervision, he had been in charge of monopoly work.

The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, delivered a speech in March this year that it should promote the healthy and sustainable development of the platform's economic standards. It is necessary to strengthen standards and supervision, and safeguard public interests and social stability.