After working in the medical system for 10 years, Qinghai Nurse Gercuo was suddenly promoted as the Director of Popularity. Since then, her career has entered the fast lane mdash; mdash;The rapid rise has become one of the important figures of the local public security system.

In this regard, there are many outside speculations, saying that they have the help of noble people.But so far, the mystery has not been solved.

The good luck of Getcuo has been maintained for 9 years.In June this year, she was charged with corruption and bribery after being investigated.The public prosecution agency has accused its crimes during the period of office of the public security system.

On December 8th, the trial of the first instance of this crime case was opened for trial.

The upstream journalist was informed that during the trial, the old leader of Gejicuo and the former director of the local public security bureau who was 12 years older than her continued to shout for it.

The original director said: Anyone who has no reason to carry a black pot for me and let her go to prison. I really can't stand it.

▲ Since 2012, Gejicuo has entered the workplace expressway mysteriously.Image Source/Official Accounts of the People's Government of Dawu Town

Female nurse in the public security system is flat and Qingyun

The legendary resume of Getcuo adds speculation to this ordinary duty crime case.

Public information shows that Geriancuo, female, born in May 1979, Performance in Qinghai, a bachelor's degree, joined the work in December 2002.

The first job of Getcuo was a nurse in Changmihe Township Health Center, Maqin County, Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.

Maqin County is located in the core area of the National Sanjiangyuan Ecological Protection. It is the location of the Guoluo state government. It is 420 kilometers from the provincial capital Xining City and 5.5 kilometers from Maqin Airport.

Public reports show that the average altitude of Maqin County is 4100 meters above sea level, the natural environment is harsh, and the infrastructure is backward. It was once a deep poverty county. It was not until April 2020 that the county announced poverty alleviation.

It is reported that in 2019, the year when Maqin County realized the overall poverty alleviation, the regional GDP reached 1.462 billion yuan, and the per capita disposable income of all residents reached 22,400 yuan.

The geographical location is far away from the Changrian River Township Health Center, which was originally located.Due to the obstruction of the Snow Mountain, driving to the Maqin County Government, the navigation distance also takes about 5 hours to drive.

In the Changmihe Township Health Center, Geri Taro worked for 9 years. During this period, she had not disclosed her work.

In November 2011, Geriancuo was transferred to the Dawu Township Health Center, which was closer to the county seat as a guardian.

In Da Wuxiang Health Center, Gejicuo stayed only 6 months.Then, Gyecuo, who had no political and legal resume before, was suddenly transferred to the Maqin County Judiciary Bureau as a staff member.Since then, her workplace life has also entered a fast track that surprised the outside world.

Two months after joining the Maqin County Judiciary Bureau, Gircuo successfully joined the party; just one year after the Judicial Bureau of Maqin County, Gengcuo was appointed as the Director of the Diren of the Delney Copper Mine of the Maqin County Public Security Bureau., Deputy Section.

Six years after the director of Delney Copper Mine, in September 2019, Geriancuo was promoted again. He served as the director and disciplinary inspection secretary of the Political Supervision Office of the Maqin County Public Security Bureau, becoming one of the important figures of the local public security system.

Only eight months after this appointment, Gericuo was promoted again, becoming the director of the inspection office of the Maqin County and County Party Committee, and the Zhengke level.

In addition to the promotion of his position, the upstream journalists learned from the authoritative channels that the unknown Getriceto was entering the public security system for 8 years, almost awarded the award every year, and all the prizes were added. A adult male picked up a bit.

However, the good luck in the workplace of Getcuo has only been maintained for 9 years.Due to serious duties of violations, in February 2021, the Guoluo State Supervision Commission filed a case for investigation. On June 2, Gerhcuo was taken by the Guoluo Prefecture Supervision Commission.

Is there a special relationship with the former director of the County Public Security Bureau?

How can a female nurse who has no experience in police experience be promoted to the director of the county after just one year?There are micro -words inside and outside the local police world.

Some local police told upstream journalists that some policemen may not be able to send the director for a lifetime.

Another police told reporters that the police station has the mission and responsibility of protecting the safety of one party. In addition to business capabilities, the director also needs to have coordination and corresponding leadership.

The upstream journalists learned from the authoritative channels that although from the perspective of the resume, after entering the police force, her position was the director of the Delney Copper Mine of the County Public Security Bureau.The deputy director presided over, and her real position was the director of the Office of the Maqin County Public Security Bureau.

In addition to questioning, the party's experience of joining the party is also quite strange.

Upstream journalists noticed that in the future, when the Supervisor of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Guoluo Prefecture made a decision to fired in the Getroto, he specifically pointed out that his party member identity organization department will not be determined.

People in other regions analyzing the work of organizational departments said that they can have this conclusion, indicating that there may be serious problems in the materials and procedures of the party to join the party.

When the outside world speculates, some people attribute their main reasons to their appearance, and there are many netizens who are beautifully known as Zakagjica.

After the combination of beauty and legendary resumes, there are rumors that the reason why she can be promoted abnormally is from the help of noble people.Some netizens directly pointed out that the nobles of Geriancuo were at the time of the deputy county head of Maqin County and the premium director of the county public security, and said that there was a special relationship between the two.

Public information shows that Ji Zhi is 12 years older than Gegecuo. When Geri was still in college, Ji Zhi was already the head of the township.In 2006, Ji Zhi was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Mado County Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.Since July 2011, Ji Zhi has been the position of deputy county chief of Maqin County and the director of the county public security.

Local political and legal systems commented to the upstream journalists who said softly that he had strong ability, wrist, and strong personality. Over the years, he has repeatedly broke the major cases in the local area and is quite famous in the local public security system.

The upstream journalists from the official disclosure information and the confidence of the two cannot prove the rumors of the outside world.

The upstream journalists were informed that each of them had their own rooms, and the only confirmed relationship was superiors. After entering the Police Force, they had always worked at the Office of the Maqin County Public Security Bureau.

And why do Gejicuo have such a legendary resume?The mystery has not been solved so far.

▲ Wisdom.Picture Source/Maqin County Party Committee Propaganda Department Official Account

Public prosecution agency: She and the former director of the County Public Security Bureau are the same criminals of duty crimes

Although the official information cannot confirm that the two have a special relationship, the two were accused of suspects in the same case during suspected crimes.

Upstream journalists noticed that in February this year, due to serious duties of violations, the two were investigated by the Guoluo Premier Committee.Grakcuo was filed one day earlier than softness, and Ruzhi was left for nearly 3 months, and Gircuo was left over.

Since then, the two were detained on the same day and announced the arrest on the same day.

The public prosecution agency has accused the four charges: soft guilty of the crime of bribery, abuse of power, crime of corruption, and bribery.Geriancuo was accused of crime of corruption and bribery.

Upstream journalists have noticed that the problems of the committed by Geriancuo have occurred in their public securityDuring the work, the specific problems are closely related to softness.

In addition to the Wisdom of Wisdom and Gejita, the Maqin County Public Security Bureau also became the defendant.

The bureau has collected a total of 12.20.843 million yuan in four companies in the name of agreement fees, accused of being suspected of accepting bribes.

On December 8th, the Time People's Court opened the trial in the first instance.

Regarding the accusations of the public prosecution agency, the entrusted agent entrusted by the Maqin County Public Security Bureau had no objection from beginning to end.However, John and Gejicuo both raised objections and refused to sign a confession and confession.

Everyone and their defense believe that the public prosecutor's organs have accused Ji Zhi who are not established in three crimes: Ji Zhi committed a unit of bribery, abuse of power, and corruption. Its behavior was suspected of misappropriation of public funds and bribery.

Gircuo believes that he is not guilty, and his defender also defends him innocently.

The former director of the County Public Security Bureau shouted the grievance of his subordinates

The upstream journalist was informed that the focus of the controversy in the case was that the public prosecution agency accused the two of them charges.

The reporter noticed that Gircuo was accused of criminal crime of corruption and bribery, but Gejicuo and his defense believed that it was not guilty, and the softness of the court also repeatedly shouted the grievances of Gecoto, and the public prosecution agency accused the allegations of grids.Japanese measures are argued that it is what you do.

Borrowing 260,000 and 60,000 (Note: The amount involved in the bribery involved in the bribery) is my business. There is no Hello; hellip; softness in court, and seeking truth from facts.In my heart, a person who had a black pan for me for no reason and let her go to prison. I really couldn't stand it. It was my business that I was hellip; hellip;

When the public prosecution agency accused the crime of corruption, evidence such as witness testimony, documentary evidence, transfer vouchers, etc. proved that Ji Zhi and Gejicuo had common corruption.

The indictment shows that in April 2014, a highway project wanted to set up a preserved stability point at the construction site. Ji Zhi proposed that the project department assumed the salary, overtime fee, food fee and heating fee of the police officer, and signed an agreement.Later, Ji Zhi arranged Gejicuo to provide a bank card to the project department for the bank card. The project department remitted 384,300 yuan to Gerian's personal account through a public ledger, and Geriancuo issued a written receipt.

The indictment showed that, afterwards, soft and daily care used the convenience of their positions to enter the salary of the police of the Public Security Bureau of Fuma Qin County in the way of income from income.30.051 million yuan in personal use and squandering; Gejicuo uses 80,000 yuan for house purchase.

Regarding the charges of corruption, softness believes that his behavior is not corruption, but only constitutes misappropriation of public funds.And all the actions of Getcuo just were ordered to act, and corruption has nothing to do with her.

Grandica argued that she only did the order of softness, which was a job, not corruption.At that time, the property management of all units under the County Public Security Bureau was chaotic, and there was no public ledger. Usually, it was used to enter the personal account of the internal diligence, and it was more likely to be used for official expenses.At that time, as the director of the County Public Security Bureau's office, she did not notice that the move was inappropriate.After that, withdrawal and transfer, they also follow the command of softness.When Rou Zhi owed her money before, when she took out 80,000 yuan from the account, Rou Zhi told her that she would use the money to pay her money first, and she didn't feel that it was wrong.

The defender of the Gircuo believes that Gejicuo has no corruption and intentional intention, and the money of money cannot form a complete evidence.

When the public prosecution agency alleged that Gyeng was bribery, two bribery matters were listed.Upstream journalists noticed that these two matters have nothing to do with softness, but softness argues that these two bribery behaviors are related to themselves and have nothing to do with Gengjica.

The indictment shows that on October 20, 2014, Geri Tau was named by the name of the old detention center of the Maqin County Public Security Bureau in the name of the name of the Macin County Public Security Bureau.

Gejicuo and his defender denied the allegations that it was a civil loan, not bribery.Grandiccuo has been commissioned by Cash to repay. The person in charge of the project will not recover from Gejicuo in the future. It was not until the incident that Gejicuo learned that Ji Zhi did not actually return the money.

Rou Zhi also said that Gejicuo did give him money and let him repay him on behalf of him, but he did not repay.

The indictment shows that on June 19, 2016, Geriancuo asked Liu to obtain 20.5462 million yuan to purchase some of the houses in Chengdu in Chengdu, and then commissioned Liu to make decoration. The decoration fee was 63,900Yuan also paid by Liu.

Upstream journalists were informed that Liu had contracted the construction projects of the Maqin County Public Security Bureau all year round.

Regarding this allegations, Both Gircuo and Ji Zhi were raised.Both of them say that the actual owner of this house in Chengdu is soft, not Gejica.He also said that when Liu's couple, Ji Zhi, and Gejicuo went to Chengdu to see the house together, soft -wise wanted to buy a house, but at that time, she did not bring an ID card, so she allowed Gengcuo with an ID card to go through the house purchase procedure. Since this house was this house is the house.Registered with Gyejuo ID card, in the future, other procedures for this house are also responsible for handling.

Gircuo said that because the room was soft, she didn't ask anymore about the decoration.

Rou Zhi said that his friends around him knew that he had a suite in Chengdu.And Gircuo said that relatives and friends around her did not know about this house.

The public prosecutor did not recognize the two people.The public prosecutor issued a certificate of testimonies, documents, transfer vouchers, etc., and other proof that Chengdu's house was bought for Gericuo, not as gentle.During the trial, this suit was still under the name of the Japanese.

The public prosecution agency believes that both softness and Gejicuo are crimes of one person. In combination with trial performance, they should be punished and punished.

The sentencing suggestions given by the public prosecutor's organs are: 13 to 15 years in prison for the crime of softness and punishment; the Gengjicuo should be punished for five to 6 years in prison.

In this regard, both believe that the sentencing suggestion is too heavy.

The context and their defender believe that the behavior of softness does not constitute the crime of bribery, abuse of power and corruption, and only constitutes the suspicion of misappropriation of public funds and bribery.It is advisable to be in prison for about 5 years.

The defender of Gejicuo believes that the public prosecutor's organs have accused the two crimes of Gengcuo.Even if the collegiate panel believes that there are faults in Gejico, they should fully consider that they can actively refund the stolen goods after the incident, and have performed well in their normal work.

Due to the significant case, it was not pronounced in court.

(Shen Du, upstream journalists)