On September 20, 2014, Ren Runhou, the former deputy governor of a province, was removed from office for serious disciplinary violations and died of illness on September 30 of the same year.Since then, the procuratorial organs have submitted an application for illegal income to the court according to law.The court made a ruling and confiscated Ren Runhou's criminal income in accordance with the law.On December 9, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released the thirty -two -batch of guidance cases, which disclosed the confiscation case of Runo Runhou's bribery and huge source of property unknown illegal income.

The picture shows the people's procuratorate in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province sent a member of the court.

On September 20, 2014, Ren Runhou, the former deputy governor of a province, was removed from office for serious disciplinary violations and died of illness on September 30 of the same year.After the Supreme People's Procuratorate designated jurisdiction, the Jiangsu Procuratorate launched a confiscation procedure for illegal income on July 11, 2016.On October 19 of the same year, the Jiangsu Provincial Procuratorate handed over the case to the Yangzhou Procuratorate.

Related information shows that the suspect Ren Runhou was the former vice governor of the people's government of a provincial provincial person.

It is understood that the stakeholders in this case mainly include Ren Runhou's relatives: Renmou, Renmou, Yuan.In addition, the procuratorate found out the facts of Ren Runhou's criminal crime of bribery and the fact that the sources of huge property were unknown:

The first is the fact that the crime of bribery is suspected.From 2001 to 2013, the criminal suspect Ren Runhou used the convenience of serving as the chairman and general manager of the Group A, chairman of the B Environmental Energy Company, and deputy governor of the provincial people's government, etc.For help, the relevant personnel of the subordinate units ask for a total of 700,000 yuan for bribes; the management unit required to be managed by administrative management relationships pays tourism and recuperation costs for a total of more than 1.23 million yuan;For 10,000 yuan, the case handling agency was seized and frozen according to law.

The second is the fact that the sources of huge property are unknown.From September 2000 to August 2014, the criminal suspect Ren Runhou and the property and expenditure under his relative name were more than 31 million yuan, HK $ 430,000, USD 1.04 million, euro of more than 210,000 yuan, Canadian dollar 10,000 yuan, Canadian dollar 10,000 yuanThe dollar is 100 pounds; 155 items such as jewelry, jade, gold products, calligraphy and painting, watches, etc.

Ren Runhou's legitimate income and his relatives can explain the source of the source of more than 18.35 million yuan, HK $ 800, USD 1489, euro 875 yuan, and pounds of pounds of pounds; 20 items.Its relatives have more than RMB 12.65 million, HK $ 420,000, USD 1.04 million, more than 210,000 yuan in euros, 10,000 yuan and 135 items.

On December 2, 2016, the Yangzhou Procuratorate submitted an application for illegal income from the Yangzhou Intermediate Court.Renmou, Renmou, and Yuan, who applied for the lawsuit.On June 21, 2017, the Yangzhou Intermediate People's Court opened the trial.On July 25 of the same year, the Yangzhou Intermediate People's Court made illegal income confiscation rulings, confiscated Ren Runhou's criminal income of RMB 300,000 and interest in accordance with the law;More than 1.04 million yuan, euro of more than 21,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan in Canadian dollars, as well as 135 items such as jewelry, jade, gold products, calligraphy, calligraphy, watches, and other items.

It is reported that those who are suspected of unknown sources of property died before the crime was filed, and those who shall recover their illegal income and other property involved in accordance with the criminal law.The huge property involved in the case can be explained by their close relatives or other stakeholders.No close relatives or other stakeholders advocate rights or sources, or the evidence provided by the claims of the rights or other stakeholders does not meet the corresponding certification standards, or the source of the explanation is not true.Apply to confiscate.If the illegal income is mixed with the legal property and generated the interest, it can be confiscated according to the calculation of the illegal obtained proportion.

During the investigation of the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs on the clue of their suspected serious disciplinary violations, Ren Runhou died of illness.The procuratorate believes that it is different from the general criminal proceedings to solve the problem of conviction and sentencing of the suspected offenders. The confiscation of illegal income as a special procedure mainly solves the illegal income of the suspected criminals and the recovery of other property involved.Investigation.Therefore, those who are suspected of corruption and bribery crimes have died before the case filed, although they no longer investigate their criminal responsibility in accordance with the law, but they should also recover their illegal income through confiscation procedures of illegal income.

In the case handling, the procuratorate conducted a key review of the property conditions of Ren Runhou himself and his transfer to his family name, Ren Runhou's family expenditure and legitimate income.Examination and frozen, reviewing the work of more than 160 witnesses, etc., found the expenditure and income of Ren Runhou's family property.According to the inspection situation, Ren Runhou's house purchase costs, car purchase costs, daughter studying abroad costs, wedding gifts and debts of 9.29 million yuan are included in the scope of major expenditure, and the total property is included.

In view of the death of Ren Runhou, the procuratorial organs investigated Ren Runhou's relatives in accordance with the law to inquire about the source of property and expenditure, and verified from the relevant units and personnel based on its instructions to obtain relevant evidence.

Regarding the confirmation of relevant evidence and Ren Runhou's relatives can explain the legal source of more than 18.06 million yuan, as well as watches, jade, gold products and other items, deducted in the total amount of the property involved in accordance with the law, andThe amount will subtract the income of legal sources such as the legitimate income and its close relatives, and as a illegal income of Ren Runhou's suspected of unknown sources of property, and submit an application for illegal income.

Ren Mi Er has calculated the total expenditure of 500,000 yuan of car purchase funds to the procuratorial organs as the total amount of property, and provided a car purchase invoice to prove that the price of a car purchase invoice was 300,000 yuan.As a major expenditure, it should be deducted from the amount of the amount.

The procuratorial organs believe that they should not be deducted according to the case evidence, and at the time of appearance, they pointed out that the 500,000 yuan was presented by Ren Runhou and his wife, and the expenditure was clear, and Ren Runhou's family property was not mixed with the property of Renmou.In addition to the price of naked cars, the cost also includes other expenses such as vehicle purchase tax and insurance premiums; Ren Mouci did not provide evidence, which proved that the balance of the car purchase was returned to Ren Runhou and his wife.Therefore, its claim deducts 200,000 yuan in the confiscation amount and should not be supported.The opinion was adopted by the court.

Finally, after review and determination, the unknown income of unknown crimes that should be applied for confiscated property according to law is more than RMB 12.65 million, some foreign currency and other items.Ren Runhou and his relatives in the case are more than 1,800 million deposits, some foreign currencies, and other items.Among them, the principal of more than 1,800 million yuan of deposits generated more than 1.69 million yuan. Regarding how to determine the interest that should be confiscated, the procuratorial organs believe that the proportion of illegal income in the total deposit (about 1265/1800 = 70.2%), and it can be.Calculate the corresponding interest of illegal income, and apply for confiscation according to law. The remaining part is legitimate property and interest, and return it to its close relatives.The court was adopted by trial.