(Washington News) The US Army Minister Voromus pointed out on Saturday (4th) that China's substantial progress in the network field is disturbing, and it may launch a network attack on important infrastructure in the United States when the two countries have conflicts.

According to the press release published on the day before yesterday, Walmus last Saturday at the "Reagan National Defense Forum" held in the Reagan President Library in Simi Valley, California on Saturday, and it came from China's military challenges from China.Explanation of questions.

She said that if there is a conflict between the United States and China, the US power grids and transportation areas may be attacked, which will not only affect the ability of the United States to put military power to foreign countries, but also seriously affect the US public.

Walmus said that Taiwan is another concern, and believes that the U.S. military needs to invest in mines, anti -ship missiles, shore defense, and the Taiwan army's combat reserve capabilities.She also said that most countries in the Indo -Pacific region have a large number of troops, and the role of the army in these countries can also play it is also very important. It can ensure that the U.S. ground troops in the host country maintain a firm relationship.

The U.S. Army established a Security Force Assistance (SFAB) a few years ago. At present, five assistance brigades are scattered in various countries. They work every day to establish mutual operational capabilities to expand the conditions for setting in contact.

David H. Berger, commander of the United States Marine Corps attending the same event, said that he was particularly worried that some officers in the region would be misjudgment, which led to unexpected confrontation.He said that China has been expanding coercion in the South China Sea and has not signs of slowing down.The containment of China is not only to prevent a hot battle, but also to protect the national interests of the United States, providing allies and partners with free and open air and sea channels.

Regarding the use of joint troops, Boje said that the US Department of Defense has been working hard to improve the team's collaborative combat capabilities in the past 30 years. The Chinese army "is trying to catch up with us because they see the value of team operations."