(Washington / Taipei Comprehensive News) U.S. Minister of Commerce Raymond Doro held a video talks with Taiwan Economic Minister Wang Meihua yesterday. In addition to discussing the topic of chip supply chain, the two parties will also promote Taiwan -US trade and investment cooperation through the new cooperation structure.Essence

The US Department of Commerce said in the press release that Gina Raimondo emphasized the support of the United States for Taiwan and the importance of the relationship between the US and Taiwan business and investment.Commercial issues that are concerned with each other cooperate with Taiwan, especially in the field of semiconductor supply chain.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan announced that the two discussed the key role played by Taiwan in the global supply chain, as well as the importance of strengthening the toughness of supply chain and continuous expansion of two -way trade and investment cooperation.

The two parties have also announced the establishment of Taiwan -US science and technology trade and investment cooperation architecture (TTIC) to promote bilateral trade, investment expansion and industrial cooperation to achieve the goal of diversified supply chain.

The United States Association in Taiwan said that the establishment of TTIC aims to expand the US -Taiwan business cooperation plan and discuss action plans in semiconductors and other fields to consolidate key supply chains.Raymond and Wang Meihua also promised to find other methods that can support semiconductor and other key supply chains.

The United States has repeatedly urged Taiwan to take more measures as Taiwan's main chip production site to help solve the problem of global semiconductor shortages.Wang Meihua said earlier that Taiwan would do its best to supply chips.

The increase in demand for Taiwan's computer chips has increased, prompting the scale of Taiwan -US trade to increase significantly.According to the Wall Street Journal, in the year of September 2021, Taiwan's exports to the United States reached US $ 72 billion (S $ 98.3 billion), an increase of about 70%over 2017.

As Taiwan is the main source of semiconductor supply in the United States, Taiwan's exports to the United States have increased sharply to the United States.

The biggest reason for the growth of Taiwan and the United States is that the United States has levied 25%tariffs on various mainland Chinese products, including electronic products, and President Bynden continued this tariff policy after coming to power in January, prompting more to make moreFurniture and Taiwanese companies move some or all production lines from the mainland back to Taiwan.