Fukuda Jingji, Dean of the School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong, will leave on Wednesday (8th) on Wednesday (8th).In his interview, he said that he was surprised that he was not obtained by the Hong Kong renewal.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily and Ming Daily reported that Futian will be interviewed in an exclusive interview with Ming Pao that he was originally invited by the medical school and planned to work in Hong Kong University for two years, but the university refused to renew his contract with him.Frankly was surprised at the time, and said that "I have very wide international experience, and I also enjoy teaching these experiences to students", and bluntly, only a few people can do it.

It was reported last year that the reason for Futian's failure to renew is related to academic performance. He said that no one told him the reason why he did not get the contract.decision.He believes that under the epidemic and the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong University's search for international talents will face difficulties, and adds that the Hong Kong University has a self -censorship, like a society, which further enhances the difficulty of finding talents at the University of Hong Kong.He also said that if universities cannot discuss freely, they will lose meaning.

For the Hong Kong Government's request for quarantine people, the maximum isolation of the quarantine for the longest 21 days. He believes that the quarantine period is too long. Although the long period of time can reduce the risk of leakage cases, it will make it difficult for quarantiners to accept and reduce Hong Kong in Hong Kong and reduce Hong Kong.Attraction to tourists.He believes that quarantine is a reasonable balance on the 14th and adds that how the challenges in Hong Kong are currently facing the same challenge to coexist with the virus, because clearing zero is only a short -term strategy, and the business community needs to pay high costs.The virus coexist.

Futian will be the second assistant director of the World Health Organization. In 2016, he joined the University of Hong Kong as the president of the School of Public Health.In addition to Futian, the president of the University of Hong Kong, Liang Zhuowei, will also leave Hong Kong University after the school year.Futian believes that Liang Zhuowei is a rare talent and is difficult to replace.