This project will be given to a certain comrade to be fully responsible, and the mayor, you don't need to control it.This is the common words of Pei Chengmin, the former secretary of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee at the meeting.

It is understood that Pei Chengmin's violation of discipline and laws mainly occurred during his time as the secretary of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee.In order to solicit power and better realize his will, he has set up some specialized agencies to form his own team, and members cover important departments such as land and planning.The members of these institutions were angry and used engineering projects to collect their wealth.For a while, the corrupt virus spread quickly in Wenchang.

In April 2020, Pei Chengmin was reviewed and investigated. Before and after his dismissal, many leading cadres such as Wenhai, former member of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee, Lin Shaolian, former vice chairman of the CPPCC, and Wang Xiaofei, former director of the Municipal Planning Bureau were investigated and punished for serious disciplinary violations.A series of corruption cases seriously damaged the image of the government and destroyed the local political ecology. At that time, Pei Chengmin could not blame.

Frozen three feet is not a day cold.Pei Chengmin has also been pregnant with his original intention and hard work. He turned a well -known poor farm and turned to profit. At the age of 37, he was promoted as a deputy department -level cadre.The various violations of discipline and violations are not one day, and they are worthwhile and deeply pondering.

Because of the unsatisfactory arranging of an organization, the three views are gradually distorted

I was born in rural northern Jiangsu, and my parents were farmers, and the family lived very hard.In 1975, his uncle working in Hainan returned to Su to visit his relatives and saw the situation of our family, and proposed to take me to study in Hainan.After several days of discussion and quarrels, my parents finally decided to let my uncle take me to Hainan.At the point of place, Pei Chengmin recalled his growth experience when he was young, and still felt sad and bitter.I can still remember clearly that in those days, my mother always wanted to say something, but she didn't speak, and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.The night before going to Hainan, my father called me beside him, and Qian Dingxiang told me to be grateful and worked hard. In the future, I will be a useful person to society, but I help; hellip;Low his head.

With the support and help of the uncle's family, in 1981, Pei Chengmin successfully admitted to a normal school. After graduation, he became a teacher from Hainan Agricultural Reclamation Farm Middle School.Since then, with the training of the organization, he has grown into the deputy secretary and secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Farm Youth League step by step until the farm field head.

When working on the farm, I often run at the grass -roots production team. I always think that my growth is an opportunity to organize. I must work hard to repay the organization and improve the life of employees.With the joint efforts of everyone, the farm turned losses into a profit and became advanced typical.Pei Chengmin said.

In 2000, Pei Chengmin participated in the competition of the deputy department -level cadres at the Hainan Province and became the Deputy Director of the Provincial General Administration of Agricultural Reclamation.In 2001, Pei Chengmin was transferred to the former secretary of the Qiongshan Municipal Party Committee and began to master the party. This is a turning point in his life.

From farming to the place, the contact is much larger, and people who know and see are different.When I became the secretary, I knew how much the right of lsquo; the right of lsquo; the right of rsquo.Some companies proposed to take tens of thousands of yuan to help our hometown to build roads. I was glad to agree. In fact, I wanted to tell my father's fellow that he was a secretary.Pei Chengmin admits that with the promotion of his position, his party spirit has not increased, but gradually weakened in the face of erosion and temptation.

In October 2002, the State Council revoked Hainan Province Qiongshan City and put it to Haikou City.After learning about this, Pei Chengmin was full of joy. He believed that the organization would arrange for his deputy secretary of the Haikou Municipal Party Committee to go one step further in his career.When I heard the secretary -general of the municipal party committee, I was disappointed and discouraged. Before the secretary thought and followed, I suddenly turned into a thoughts and followed, and my heart was very unbalanced.Pei Chengmin said.

This incident had a deep impact on him. Before that, he was still a person who worked in a real and more bottom line. He could resist some lsquo; sugar -coated artillery bomb RSQUO; strict requirements on his family, and people around him felt that he was decent.The case handler told reporters, but after that, Pei Chengmin thought that his career was not smooth and complained about the organization. He forgot the original intention of doing things for the people.Go high.

Starting from the pursuit of official positions, Pei Chengmin's worldview, outlook on life, and values have gradually distorted.The ideals and beliefs are partial, and the total switch is out of control, resulting in a dishonesty of their behavior. The power that should have served the people is used as a stepping stone to seek political capital and economic benefits.

Disdoor power, to recover the land in order to get political capital illegal reclamation, destroy the local ecology

In 2007, Pei Chengmin was promoted as Secretary of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee.Wenchang City is a famous overseas Chinese hometown and the longest city of Hainan coastline.Organization arranged Pei Chengmin here, giving him high hopes for him, and giving him great trust.I finally became the chief, and I was no longer mixed with others.However, at this time, Pei Chengmin's concept of power and the concept of political achievements severely distorted it. He regarded Wenchang as a personal stage, ignored political discipline and political rules, and took power, and became an official master.

At the beginning of the Secretary of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee, Pei Chengmin started to cultivate personal forces, pull gangs and set up a class, and turned the meeting that should have been held in the party's rules and regulations into Pei Shitang.The centralized system has deteriorated Wenchang's political ecology.

Wenchang is a good place, and it is a valuable political wealth.With such an idea, Pei Chengmin often compared data with the surrounding cities and counties, blindly pursuing GDP, and greedy for the development of Wenchang's development goals, which was out of development.After visiting other provinces to visit the land reclamation place, Pei Chengmin was very excited. When the relevant provincial departments were requested to plan for planning, when the environmental assessment work was not fully done, he was eager to fill in the place of trial filling.The first place in the work and get political capital for yourself.

In December 2009, the Wenchang Municipal Government agreed to transfer the right to use in some sea areas to the Municipal Urban Investment Corporation as the South China Sea Resort (there are some overlap with Hainan Kirin Cai Provincial Nature Reserve).In order to promote the land reclamation project, Pei Chengmin, then the secretary of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee, held a meeting many times to request all departments to accelerate the completion of land reclamation and land construction work.However, after the project is completed, the sea area is basically idle and has not been further developed.

According to the regulations of the Nature Reserve of the People's Republic of China, tourism and production and operation activities are prohibited from carrying out tourism and production and operation activities in the core areas and buffers of the protected area.The Wenchang Municipal Government's behavior of reviewing and approval of the waters of reclamation projects in the provincial nature reserves of Kirin Cai dishes violates relevant regulations. In response, Pei Chengmin is responsible for its main leadership.

In order to seek greater political achievements, in January 2014, Pei Chengmin, then the then Secretary of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee, presided over a joint meeting of the leadership group of major municipal projects and joint meetings of the Municipal Planning Commission to study and agreed to adjust the planning of the Tongguling Reserve.After that, the Wenchang Municipal Government planned some forest land adjustment in the Tongguling Reserve Experimental Area as a tourism construction land (hotel land and commercial land), which violated the Nature Reserve Regulations, and severely destroyed the ecological environment of Wenchang.

In August 2017, the Central Fourth Environmental Protection Supervision Team carried out environmental protection inspectors in Hainan Province, and found that Pei Chengmin had poor protection in the provincial nature reserve of Hainan Kirin Cai Cai and Tongguling National Nature Reserve during his tenure.2. Inadequate implementation of some key environmental protection work in Wenchang City, and transfer the problems to Hainan Province.

In January 2018, the Wenchang Municipal Government stopped the construction and construction of the South China Sea Resort project and designated a special inspection and supervision; all the land for the Tongguling National Nature Reserve was exited with the development scope of the Tongguling internationalized ecological tourism area, and relevant procedures were improved in accordance with the law.In January 2019, Pei Chengmin was punished by government warnings, and several other party members and cadres were punished by party discipline and government affairs.

The picture shows the first trial scene of Pei Chengmin's bribery case on December 17, 2020.(Photo Conferring in the Supervision Committee of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection)

The ecological environment is a major political issue that is related to the mission of the party, and it is also a major social problem related to people's livelihood.The Party Central Committee has repeatedly emphasized that green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan. We must protect the ecological environment like protecting the eyes and treat the ecological environment like life.On the other hand, Pei Chengmin, in order to seek meritorious achievements, his eyes were short and willful. As long as Jinshan Yinshan, do not want green mountains and green mountains to cause a bad impact on the local ecological environment. In the end, he was eaten by the sinner of Wenchang. I regret Wenchang.

I am extravagant and corrupted, indulge in the people around them to collect their wealth, and finally go to the abyss

When we gave Pei Chengmin lsquo; when we were portrait, we believed that he was completely in line with lsquo; political transformation, economic greed, moral degeneration, and corruption in life.Case handler said.Pei Chengmin's specialty was good at it, immersed in the pleasure brought by power, and could not extricate himself. He even felt that he was a prince of one side. He always surrounded a group of people, bowed his head to send money, sending money, and running for service.Under the hunting, Pei Chengmin is increasingly extravagant and corrupted, and he also opens his eyes and close his eyes for the illegal and criminal behavior of the people around him.Under his indulgence, the bosses, brothers, and specific relationships around him took the opportunity to collect money.

Establish alliance rot.According to the case staff, Pei Chengmin has worked in the Hainan Farm System, and there is a small class behind him.Every place Pei Chengmin has his figure.This person is Pei Chengmin's boss, and his family Ding Li Moumou. He is too small and big to realize his power. Pei Chengmin will arrange Li Moumou to deal with it.The two form the interests of the interests, collusion with officials and business, and their own needs.According to investigations, during his tenure, Pei Chengmin repeatedly helped Li Moumou take over hundreds of millions of engineering projects such as farms, Haikou, Wenchang, etc., and received Li Moumou's bribes of more than 27.09 million yuan, accounting for more than half of his total bribes.

Brothers joined forces to rot.At the point of place, Pei Chengmin always talked about his family: I have deep guilt to my family.When I became a secretary, after living a better life, I wanted to help and take care of them.Under the arrangement of Pei Chengmin, his third brother Pei Mou's family (handled by another case) resigned as a public office and served as the Pei family's white gloves, and became the middleman of Pei Chengmin's Qian Qian.In order to take care of and compensate Pei's house, most of the money he collected by Pei Chengmin was placed at Pei's house for his costs. He rarely asked.Seeing that the elder brother and the third brother were collecting money to gather money, Pei Chengmin's fourth brother Pei Mouyi also broke the law in the ears, contracting the project for the private boss and accepting bribes, and was eventually expelled from the party and public office.The family members went together, and the family style lost the whole family rot. In the end, the four brothers of the Pei were involved in the case.

Rot with a specific relationship.With the promotion of his position, Pei Chengmin had power and had no bottom line. His specific relationship, Wu Moumou, also joined Pei Chengmin's corruption carnival.In the first half of 2012, Zhang Moumou, the legal representative of a company in Hainan, found Wu Moumou and asked her to help find Pei Chengmin to coordinate the planning indicators of a construction land for Wenchang City and said that she would give benefits.After Wu Moumou informed Pei Chengmin, he agreed quickly: No problem, let's talk about it.Later, after Pei Chengmin greeted, Zhang had to pay for his wish. In order to express his gratitude, Zhang transferred Wu Moumou to 2.81 million yuan for Pei Chengmin.When Wu Moumou told Pei Chengmin that he had charged Zhang's nearly 3 million yuan benefits, Pei Chengmin said generously: OK, you keep flowers yourself.In this way, Wu Moumou used Pei Chengmin's power to seek personal gain for the boss and received bribes of the boss in Wenchang. As a leader, Pei Chengmin blatantly had a bad impact on the local platform.

Pei Chengmin himself was not right.And these three rot have also become a catalyst that Pei Chengmin's degeneration and deterioration, making it go further and further on the road.After investigation, from 2007 to 2019, Pei Chengmin took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in terms of engineering project contracting, adjustment of construction land planning indicators, and promotion of job promotion, and received more than 42 million yuan in property.

With the help of power, Pei Chengmin interpreted the mountains to eat mountains and water to the fullest, and the people around him were intoxicated and gathered.However, Pei Chengmin was also the most regretful and painful under the nest: as a party member and cadre, I was distorted and the power of power was distorted, and I did not take the lsquo in the front door.Brother, I am not right, indulgent, and lsquo; RSQUO; RSquo; the whole family is proud of rsquo; family shame rsquo; deep lessons, and regrets from lsquo;

Pei Chengmin Resume

Pei Chengmin, born in October 1963, joined the work in 1983, joined the Communist Party of China in 1984.He used to be the head of the South Farm Farm in the Southern Camp in Hainan, the head of the state -owned Wushi Farm, deputy director of the General Administration of Farmers' Reclamation of Hainan Province, Secretary of the Qiongshan Municipal Party Committee of Hainan Province, Standing Committee Member of the Haikou Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Haikou Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Wenchang Municipal Party Committee, Hainan ProvinceParty Secretary and Director of the People's Air Defense Office, deputy director of the Office of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee Military -civilian Integration Development Committee (at the main department).

On April 7, 2020, the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection reviewed and investigated Pei Chengmin's case and took restrictions.On September 30, 2020, after studying and reporting to the Hainan Provincial Party Committee for approval by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was decided to give Pei Chengmin to expel party membership.The review and prosecution, the property involved in the case was transferred with the case.

In November 2020, the First Branch of the Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate filed a public prosecution to the Hainan Provincial First Intermediate People's Court with a bribery crime.In December 2020, the first instance of the Hainan Provincial First Intermediate People's Court sentenced Pei Chengmin to take bribes, sentenced to 14 years in prison, and fined 3 million yuan.Pei Chengmin refused to accept and appealed.In April 2021, the Hainan Provincial High People's Court ruled that the appeal was rejected and the original sentence was maintained.

Pei Chengmin's repentance (festival)

On April 7, 2020, I was left over because of serious disciplinary violations of laws and disciplines. I felt clear that my political career also ended.

After the separation, I deeply understand and reflect on the mistakes I made.Because of the gradual gradualization of the original heart, the purpose of forgetting the purpose, and the shaking of ideals and beliefs, I have caused public and private indiscriminate and sentimentalism. The ability to refuse corruption and prevent and degeneration is lost.This is a painful, bloodless lesson.

After graduating, I was assigned to work in the southern farm.With the training of party organizations, he successively served as deputy secretary, secretary, and director of the Youth League Committee of the farm.During my time as the director, I kept my original intention, pursuing welfare for employees in the audience, not afraid of hardships, and stunned.Because I know that a farmer's son without a background, from an ordinary teacher to the youngest party member and the youngest leader of the whole farm, is an opportunity for the organization.In 2000, I participated in the first batch of deputy department -level cadres in the province, and became the deputy director of the General Administration of Agricultural Reclamation.In 2001, I went to Qiongshan as the secretary, from farming to local work, and the contact surface was much greater. In addition to the secretary of the secretary in the system, I felt more and more feel that I was a big official.

Now that I reflect on, my thoughts have begun to change.There are thoughts about face and row.Some companies have proposed to take tens of thousands of dollars to help my hometown to build roads. I think there is face, so I agreed. In fact, it was to tell my father's fellow that he was a secretary.

Soon, Qiongshan entered Haikou. At the beginning, I thought that the organization would arrange to serve as the deputy secretary of the Haikou Municipal Party Committee. As a result, he was the secretary -general.I am very discouraged and disappointed. I feel very unbalanced. I have a heavy position in my heart, and I have begun to pursue the big official.My original intention has changed, especially after working at Wenchang.I'm entrepreneurship in the officerA partiality appeared on the target, came up with political achievements, blindly pursued GDP, and blindly compared.Without the work of the environmental assessment work, it was anxious to conduct two places trials. I wanted to take the first place in the province and walk in front of the province.Later, I was punished because of destroying the ecological environment.

In retrospect, from 1998 to 2002, I changed 4 units and 4 different positions in 4 years. In the transformation, my original intention gradually forgotten, and my ideals and beliefs began to shake.In particular, from 2007 to 2015, during my work in Wenchang, I completely lost my original intention. I regard the pursuit of being a big official as my own ideal, my faith is lost, the goals are wrong, and they continue to seek benefits for businessmen.It is inevitable that I will go to this step today.

Today, in addition to my ideals and beliefs, the initial intention, the decline of the party spirit, and the loss of corruption and the loss of corruption, the change of conscience is also an important factor.I am not filial, forgot the advice of my parents; I am not good, and I forgot the care and support of many good people along the way.This makes me feel very shameful!

Organize the opportunity to give me again and again, and to promote me again and again, how great it is!

These past, constantly replay and fix in my mind.Let me move again and again, let me blame myself again and again, reflect on it again and again, and receive education again and again, which makes me conscience discover, tears are full of tears.

I feel regrets, and I don't want to give birth.This kind of hardships of ingenuity and punishment of conscience, the tears flowing out of the eyes are only one tenth of it!If I can come back, I must keep the rules, the law, the good, the virtue, and the heart, and keep my freedom and happiness.However, history is history, and there is no regret medicine.Only I have deep confession, regrets, confession, keeping lessons, and re -people. Only by fully relying on the organization and actively cooperating with the organization is the only way out!

(Fang Yi)