The US Air Force Minister said that the United States and China are in a military reserve competition to compete for the most fatal hypersonic weapon.

According to Reuters, "there is such a military reserve competition, not necessarily to increase the number, but to improve the quality," the Air Force Minister Frank KendallTo Reuters, "This is a military reserve competition that has continued for a period of time. China has always been promoted very actively."

Mark Milley, chairman of the United States Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, confirmed China in OctoberAfter conducting a hypersonic weapon test, military experts believe that Beijing is developing a global orbit system designed to avoid the US missile defense system.

High -speed weapons exceeded five times the speed when flying in high -level atmosphere, or about 6,200 kilometers per hour.This year's Pentagon also conducted several high -speed weapon tests several times, which achieved varying degrees of success.The U.S. Navy successfully tested a rocket engine in October that the engine will be used to provide motivation for the launch vehicle carrying hypersonic weapons.

Regarding the problem of hypersonic weapons, the Global Times quoted Aerospace expert Huang Zhicheng on November 22 that the United States has always been at the forefront of the world in the development of hypersonic weapons., Make many hypersonic weapon research and development projects and plans hover in interruption and restart.The Global Times commented that Western countries have continuously rendered the threat of Chinese hypersonic weapons today, in fact, "asking for money" for its own research and development of related weapons.