Fang Ming (Data Picture Picture Source: People's Pictorial)

According to the Beijing Daily client, Fang Ming, a famous broadcasting artist, died of illness on November 29 at the age of 80.

According to reports, Fang Ming has boarded Tiananmen City Tower 5 times in the broadcasting career and witnessed the process of New China history again and again in the radio waves.

Fang Mingli is the deputy director and director of the Central Broadcasting Department. The main broadcast tasks of Chen Yi, Zhou Enlai, Mao Zedong and other leaders have successively undertaken the main broadcast tasks during the funeral period of leaders.

According to, in 1941, Fang Ming was born in an ordinary family in Beijing. From a small family, he was not generous. In order to reduce the burden on the family, after graduating from junior high school, Fang Ming applied for the training class of the technical personnel of the Central Broadcasting Bureau.Professional.

"During that time, we had to listen to the newspapers and abstracts every day to get up, and we had to listen to the news webcast after self -study." Fang Ming said.

According to China Broadcasting Network, in 1958, Fang Ming was transferred to the central control room of the Radio and Broadcasting Bureau.In addition to participating in daily news, special topics, literary broadcasting and teaching work, they also often participate in important party and state conferences and broadcast broadcasts of military parade and major rituals.

Fang Ming, formerly known as Cui Mingde. According to the People's Pictorial, in the early spring of 1960, due to the lack of male broadcasters, the leaders of the Central People's Broadcasting Station decided to choose from the inside.As a result, some old broadcasters suggested that Cui Mingde tried before the microphone.In this way, a chance to push him on the road of broadcasting.After several months of study, Cui Mingde was assigned to broadcast concise news.Before entering the broadcasting room, he suddenly found that he had not "names".Because the broadcast could not be used at that time.Later, several old broadcasters gathered together to turn the dictionary. After more than 20 minutes, Some people said, "It's called" Fang Ming ", which means 'clear direction'." So, Cui Mingde became a broadcaster."Fang Ming". reported that In Fang Ming's broadcast career, he once appeared on the Tiananmen City Tower 5 times: the National Day parade in 1965, the "May 1st" and National Day celebrations in 1969, the memorial service of Chairman Mao's death in 1976,The first parade after reform and opening up in 1984.

In 1965, Fang Ming received the news that he would broadcast the National Day parade on the building of Tiananmen City." Broadcasting is not recitation, nor is it acting. Need a 'true' word . Each expression and each tone must be combined with the parade at the scene to let the audience see the picture through the sound."Fang Ming said."The power of workers, the vitality of students, and the innocence of children need language to express."

In 1965, Fang Ming (first from left) broadcasts the National Day parade in Tiananmen City Tower (picture source: Yangguang GuangNet)

" Chairman Mao is going to the middle of Tiananmen Gate, and it just passes from behind us. That year I was only 24 years old, and I could see Chairman Mao so close.Fang Ming said, "However, the staff has the discipline of the staff and cannot say hello to the chairman. Although there are some regrets, as a broadcaster, I must ask myself like this."

The broadcast mission of the parade was successfully completed, and in Fang Ming's mind, Chairman Mao's figure from behind him became the most memorable memory of his life.

On September 18, 1976, Chairman Mao's memorial service.According to reports, hundreds of thousands of people were gathered at the Tiananmen Square at that time, and everyone lowered her head, and the crow was silent.Only Fang Ming's voice slowly echoed on the square. "Not only just a square, the whole country and even the world are listening to my voice." Fang Ming said: "At that time, the pressure was very large. After the live broadcast of 15 minutes, my two palms were ended.It's all sweaty. "

Fang Ming said that he suddenly realized that this was history."Like all colleagues in Central Taiwan, we are recorders of historical voices."

In 1984, the mission of the 35th anniversary of the National Day National Day fell on Fang Ming again.According to reports, sometimes they followed the exercise of the troops and stayed up late until 1 am."Who hasn't had the dream of a soldier? There is a big difference between the parade and the broadcast parade. The masculinity of soldiers, the power -like power to penetrate into each of your words." Fang Ming said.

"Central People's Broadcasting Station, Central People's Broadcasting Station, listeners, Taiwan compatriots, Hong Kong and Macao compatriots, overseas overseas Chinese, good you. Today is October 1st, the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, I wish you a happy holiday. " In more than two hours of broadcasts, Fang Ming broadcast more than 10,000 words. The word is good, successfully broadcast the parade to China, and also conveyed the vigorous vitality of China since the reform and opening up to the reform and opening up to Chinaworldwide.

In the National Day in 1999, Fang Ming came to the observation platform of Tiananmen Tower as a guest.Without the broadcast mission, this is his easiest time.

According to the People's Pictorial, in 2006, Fang Ming received gastric resection surgery due to gastric cancer .During the treatment, he recited his answer to the aging from the doctor and nurse, showing a strong heart that he never gave up. Less than a month after surgery, he put into work again, and returned to the stage in less than three months.

According to reports, many programs participating in Fang Ming have won the Asian Guanglian Cultural Foundation Award, the first prize of the first national video contest, the first prize of the 3rd TV Literature and Art "Starlight Cup", and the 1992 Central Propaganda Department "Five one -project awards "and first prize of the first prize of the government of the first broadcast host work.

According to the China Art News in 2011, some people said that "Fang Ming is a person who records the times with a voice."Fang Ming responded to this: "This sentence is a bit too much. I always think that this is not what individuals can do, but after many people's unremitting efforts can be achieved."

Fang Ming introduced that regardless of the event size, Before the report, you will make full preparations, carry articles, check information, and be careful, carefully, carefully and carefully broadcast.

"News work itself is true, and as a part of the Central People's Broadcasting Station, you should adhere to Marxist journalism, that is, seeking truth from facts." Fang Ming said.