Nie Dequan, director of the Hong Kong Civil Service Bureau, said that the Civil Service Academy will be established before the middle of the middle of the month. Next week, the dean of the Civil Service Academy will be officially recruited. It is expected to arrive in the first half of next year.Selection.

According to Sing Tao Daily, Nie Dequan said on the radio program, the ratio of civil servants' resignation last year was 1.1%, which was hundreds of people in the previous year.Small, the government will do a good job of recruitment and training of civil servants.He said that the Civil Service Training Consultation Committee has completed the review and training framework and content, and suggested to strengthen national affairs, constitution, basic law, etc. The government will also launch new courses one after another.

The Hong Kong Legislative Council election will be held on the 19th of the next month. The government will mobilize 38,000 civil servants to work at the polling station and the point of ticket stations.Nie Dequan pointed out that the election after improving the election system is of great significance. The civil servant team has the responsibility to do related work. The relevant departments will discuss the arrangements so that the civil servants who are assigned to the port ticket station can also vote.He has also appealed to the head of the trade union and department that civil servants should also take active votes for citizenship on that day.

In addition, Nie Dequan revealed that 90 % of the civil servants have been vaccinated by the crown disease. If they are not vaccinated, they must be tested at their own expense every seven days.Essence