Recently, Guo Yong, former chairman of the Sichuan Railway Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sichuan Railway Investment), was sentenced to 12 years in the first instance for bribery.Surging News ( learned from the Intermediate People's Court of Luzhou City that Guo Yong expressed his convictions in court and sentenced him to the law.

Surging News previously reported that on April 30, 2020, the Sichuan website published a news that Guo Yong was investigated seriously in violation of discipline and law; on May 13 of the same year, his brother Mdash; mdash;Guo Jun, the former deputy mayor of Xichang City, was also filed for investigation for serious disciplinary violations.

On May 7, 2021, during the documentary film launched by the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Guo Jun said that the biggest failure of their brothers was the failure of the family.Guo Yong regretted that he could condone and even helped his brother to seek unfair interests.

The documentary also disclosed that Guo Yong took his son with a private business owner for a long time, receiving the sponsorship fee of nearly 10 million yuan in corporate owners.

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Falling the chairman of the Sichuan Railway Investment 5 months later

When the official website of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection announced on April 30, 2020, when Guo Yong's dismissal was announced, he had just shown the post of chairman of Sichuan Railway Investment for more than 5 months.

According to official information, Guo Yong, born in 1962, entered the Sichuan -Sichuan Provincial Investment Group in Sichuan Province in May 2003 as the assistant to the general manager, and worked at the Chengdu Inspection and Design Institute of the Ministry of Electricity.In January 2011, Guo Yong entered the Sichuan Provincial Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sichuan Energy Investment) as the secretary of the party committee, and later served as chairman.In December 2019, Guo Yongping transferred Sichuan Railway to the party committee secretary and chairman until the dismissal.

According to the Luzhou Intermediate People's Court, from 2002 to 2020, Guo Yong used the convenience or deputy general manager, deputy general manager, general manager, general manager, general manager of Sichuan Investment Group, chairman of Sichuan Energy Investment, Chairman of Sichuan Railway Investment Company and other positions.The convenient conditions for authority and status to help relevant units or individuals provide assistance in matters such as contracting engineering, corporate cooperation, and dial -off.House decoration and furniture appliances, $ 30,000, equivalent to RMB 27.4517 million.

The court trial believes that Guo Yong still did not stop and converge after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He repeatedly used his position to ask for a trustee to seek improper benefits.During the investigation, Guo Yong confessed the crime during the investigation and pleaded guilty during the trial. After the incident, he had recovered 13.9 million yuan and US $ 30,000.

The court sentenced Guo Yong for 12 years in prison for bribery and fined a fine of RMB 2.5 million.According to the court's notice, after the judgment, Guo Yong expressed his conviction and the lawsuit.At present, the judgment has taken effect.

The younger brother of the county party committee secretary was also investigated

How did a state -owned enterprise management ability fell on the way of corruption?

On May 7, 2021, Guo Yong repented in a documentary film launched by the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. He has been educated for many years.Bad leader.

Guo Yong's family, including his son and brother.According to the documentary, Guo Yong was investigated 13 days later. On May 13, 2020, his brother Mdash; mdash; Guo Jun, the secretary of the Ningnan County County Party Committee of Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan, was also filed for investigation for serious disciplinary violations.

According to the public resume, Guo Jun was born in December 1969. After joining the work in Xichang City Leather Factory in July 1992, he has been working in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province.In October 2001, Guo Jun entered the government system.He has served as deputy director of Xichang Construction Committee, director of Xichang City Development and Reform Bureau, Deputy Mayor of Xichang City, and Deputy Secretary -General of the Liangshan State Committee.In November 2015, Guo Jun was transferred to the county head of Mianning County, Liangshan Prefecture, and in January 2016, he served as the head of Mianning County.In April 2019, Guo Jun was transferred to the secretary of the Ningnan County Party Committee.

According to public reports, when Guo Jun served as the head of Mianning County and Secretary of the Ningnan County Party Committee, Sichuan Energy Investment and Sichuan Iron Investment under the host of Guo Yong had close cooperative relationships with Ningnan and Ningnan.

On November 2, 2017, Guo Yong, the secretary of the party committee and chairman of the Sichuan Energy Investment, led a team to a friendly discussion with Guo Jun, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate.During the meeting, Guo Yong and Guo Jun said that the two sides should accelerate the project that has developed cooperation, step up to connect with cooperation intentions, and further expand the scope of cooperation.

On June 9, 2018, Guo Jun led his team to Sichuan to visit his brother Guo Yong. Guo Yong welcomed Guo Jun and his party. He expressed his hope that the two sides could understand, support each other, and cooperate closely.In December 2019, Guo Yong was transferred to the Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Sichuan Railway Investment Party Committee.More than three months later, on March 12, 2020, Guo Yong led his team to inspect Ningnan County, who was in charge of his brother Guo Jun. Guo Jun presided over the discussion and exchange meeting between the two sides as the secretary of the Ningnan County Party Committee.Both sides said at the symposium to cooperate in depth.

Often take sons and business owners to gather meals for sponsorship fees

The Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee said that the two brothers of the Guo family were born in rural areas. The two brothers had a good future through their own efforts.Especially Guo Yong, he is a doctoral PhD in the doubles, and an expert in the industry. After he achieved his achievements, he thought that he would make his family better through himself.

On May 7, 2021, the documentary film launched by the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the last episode of the last episode of the ecology disclosed the details of the corruption of Guo Yong and Guo Jun.

Documentary shows that Guo Yong took his son with private business owners for a long time, and told his son that if he had difficulties, he could find familiar private business owners to support and help.After a few years, Guo Yong's son opened his gym and opened various companies, and received nearly 10 million yuan sponsorship fee.Guo Yong knew that he had obtained indulgence without the restrictions of education.

On the other side, Guo Yong also cares about his younger brother.From 2004 to 2012, during his position as the deputy general manager and general manager of Sichuan Investment Group, Guo Yong knew that Guo Jun used the influence of his and Guo Jun himself to introduce the contracting project for related private business owners.Instead, he has repeatedly participated in the dinner party with project leaders and private business owners.

When he (Guo Jun) did this, (I) not only did not stop, but sometimes he opened his eyes and closed his eyes anyway, but also promoted helping him and condoning him.road.Guo Yong said in the documentary.

Documentary disclosed that from 2005 to 2017, Guo Jun used his brother Guo Yong's authority, status, resources, and the convenience of Guo Jun himself to obtain unclear interests for multiple people in terms of engineering project contracting.The property was equivalent to more than 9.33 million yuan.

On February 22, 2021, the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection disclosed that Guo Yong was clear and regarded as the convenience and influence of his position to seek benefits for others in project contracting and management and management.Attach importance to the construction of the family style, disappear for children, and have corrupted life.

The biggest failure of our brother is the failure of the family.Guo Jun said in a documentary.Guo Yong said that he has not only done his own education for so many years, but he also plays a very bad role in the people around him and the people at home. It affects the family and the cause.It affects future generations.