On the evening of November 19, the dog owner Wang Xingang apologized to the biting old man and his family in the Anyang dog biting incident in Henan.After two months, this ordinary civil disputes finally ushered in reconciliation after fermentation became the focus of public opinion on the entire network.

A wave of unrest and waves rose again.With the fermentation of the dog biting incident, Du Qingda, who was far away from Urumqi, Xinjiang, inadvertently saw the familiar names in the incident mdash; Mdash; Wang Xingang and Li Xiaoying.The reporter of the Xinhuanghe was exclusively contacted by Du Qingda. He told Xinhuanghe reporter that ten years ago, Li Xiaoying deceived him 1 million yuan for help.In the case of repeated negotiation recovery of funds, he reported the case to the Yindu Branch of the Anyang Public Security Bureau.After investigation, on January 23, 2013, Li Xiaoying was detained criminally for suspected fraud, and was later arrested and was arrested to the Yindu District People's Procuratorate for review and prosecution.In the meantime, the case was retired by the Yindu District Procuratorate and submitted by Yin Du public security. After the second replenishment of the investigation, he failed to present the public hall.It didn't take long for Li Xiaoying to return to freedom.

Du Qingda continued to report to the superior procuratorate, the letters and visits departments, and other real -name reports, and has not been able to promote the progress of the case.Just when she wanted to give up, on the evening of November 20, Du Qingda accidentally received a call from the police of the public security police in Yindu District.

The millions of fraud cases that were silent for eight years gradually began to surface.

Million transactions ten years ago

On the morning of November 20, Du Qingda accidentally saw the news of Anyang dogs in Henan on his mobile phone.At that time, I saw that the people involved were Li Xiaoying and Wang Xingang. They first stunned, and then carefully looked at the content to be convinced that Li Xiaoying, a dog who was a dog in this incident, was a person who deceived me 1 million cash.Du Qingda was paying attention to the incident and the parties when he saw the Internet. He thought that he had petitioned and complained for eight years.

Xinhua News Agency reported on November 20 and pointed out that the dog was Li Xiaoying at the time of the incident

Ten years ago, Du Qingda, who was doing business in Urumqi, Xinjiang, invested 2.4 million yuan and opened a video game city in Zhejiang.On March 21, 2011, there was an illegal act in this video game city. Du Qingda, the legal representative, was detained by the Chun'an County Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province for suspected gambling.

Du Qingda

The husband was trapped, and his wife Sun Xiuming was anxious to find acquaintances.At this time, relatives who worked in Anyang, Henan, introduced that Anyang Li Xiaoying, who he knew, had a relationship.In early April 2011, Sun Xiuming flew to Zhengzhou and saw relatives and Li Xiaoying at the airport.Li Xiaoying said that I could let my husband come out in a short time.At that time, she didn't say that she wanted money, and when I finished it, let my husband come out and answer.Shortly after Sun Xiuming returned, relatives told her that she needed 1 million yuan for Li Xiaoying to pay the bail.Soon, she transferred the money to a relative bank card.

The relative told Xinhuanghe reporter that he transferred the above -mentioned bank card to Li Xiaoying, who was still in Tianjin through another middleman.After remittance, Sun Xiuming often called and asked about her husband's progress.Until a month later, Du Qingda failed to go home and was sentenced to imprisonment.Sun Xiuming and his family found that things were wrong. He contacted relatives and said that he didn't want Li Xiaoying to do it and refund the money.After repeated communication, in October 2011, Sun Xiuming met with relatives and Li Xiao Ying again.Li Xiaoying told her that she could withdraw 700,000 yuan.After Sun Xiuming agreed, it was difficult to contact Li Xiaoying.

The above -mentioned relatives also confirmed to the Xinhuanghe reporter that Li Xiaoying he was looking for was the woman who was holding the dog in the dog biting incident. Her husband was Wang Xingang.On November 21, the reporter of Xinhuanghe called Li Xiaoying's call on the corporate information query platform on this matter.The woman answered the phone was not Li Xiaoying herself. I knew the details of the matter (dog biting the old man), but did not know the fraud.

Repeated retirement cases that have been replenished twice

Du Qingda learned that his wife was deceived in prison.Considering that his wife is a rural woman, and the child who takes care of elementary school, he did not let him run again.Until he was released from prison, he began to find relatives and Li Xiaoying, and he could not see Li Xiaoying himself.In December 2012, he reported the case to the Yindu Branch of the Anyang Public Security Bureau.

Du Qingda presented to the reporter of Xinhuanghe, and the Yindu Public Security Bureau asked the Yindu District People's Procuratorate to approve the copy of the arrest letter. It shows that the suspect Li Xiaoying was suspected of Du Qingda's deception.The day of arrests returned to justice.After investigation and found that in April 2011, Li Xiaoying was a lover of the victim Du Qingda's lover Sun Xiuming, a lover of the victim Du Qingda, in April 2011.According to relevant regulations, the suspect Li Xiaoying was suspected of fraud.

According to a copy of the prosecution opinion of Yin Gong's sentence [2013] 0010, on February 6, 2013, the People's Procuratorate of Yindu District approved the arrest of the suspect Li Xiaoying for suspected fraud.Among the 1 million yuan involved in the case, Li Xiaoying removed the cost of the defense lawyer paid by Du Qingda, and a total of more than 880,000 yuan was fraud.In April 2013, the Yindu Public Security Bureau ended the investigation of the above cases. The evidence of the above -mentioned criminal facts included report records, witness testimony, bank inquiry records, capture certificates, and suspects.Its criminal facts are clear, the evidence is indeed and sufficient, and it is enough to determine it, and transfer it to the People's Procuratorate of Yindu District for review and prosecution.

Twenty days later, the procuratorate returned the case back to the Public Security Bureau on the grounds of supplementary investigations, and a total of 7 matters were required to supplement one million yuan.Soon, the Public Security Bureau supplemented the investigation and submitted supplementary investigations to the Procuratorate again.In this opinion, it was mentioned that the goal of 1 million yuan of funds was used for buying a house, and there were also tuition fees for children and transferred money to their families.

Later, the case was retired by the procuratorate during the review and prosecution. The Public Security Bureau was transferred to the procuratorate after the second remedy, but did not receive the scroll.In the end, the suspect Li Xiaoying also resumed LSquo; restored Liberty RSQUO; to monitor his residence.Du Qingda told Xin Huanghe reporter.

On November 21, the police officer of the Yindu District Public Security Bureau, who was responsible for investigating the case, told Xinhuanghe reporters that Du Qingda said that they were relatively real, and there was no case in this case.The procuratorate retired twice, and we did not enter the prosecution procedure.The police officer Chen said it was hard to say about the reasons for not prosecution and release of Li Xiaoying.He admits that the case is not complicated, but the matter is complicated.

The petition appeals have not been sentenced for eight years

After the incident of the old man in the Anyang dog in Henan caused the hotspot of the elderly, some netizens found Du Qingda, Xinjiang Urumqi, a Xinjiang Urumqi from the Internet platform.The account only released two for help information of the same content on July 25, 2013, and it has not been updated so far.As mentioned in the help information, after Li Xiaoying was officially arrested by the Procuratorate, he has not yet been sentenced.Now more than 7 months have passed, and I have not obtained any compensation hellip; hellip;

Du Qingda said that the account was indeed owned by it, and I was really inactive at the time.In September 2013, the Political and Legal Committee of Yindu District held a joint meeting of the Public Prosecutor's Law for this case. However, the Procuratorate could still sue Li Xiaoying without receiving various reasons.After reading the relevant laws of the relevant laws, Du Qingda found that according to Article 175 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China: Replenishing investigation is limited to secondary.For the case of secondary replenishment, the People's Procuratorate still believes that the evidence is insufficient and does not meet the prosecution conditions, and a decision shall be made.Article 176: The people's procuratorate believes that the criminal facts of the criminal suspect have been verified, and the evidence is indeed and sufficient. If the criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law, the prosecution decision shall be made.In Du Qingda, the case violated relevant judicial procedures.

Du Qingda also began the path of his long petition appeal.I went to various departments in Anyang to report more than a dozen times. The Henan Provincial Procuratorate also complained twice, and later sent materials to the relevant inspection team.Du Qingda has more than a dozen real -name mailing reports so far.

Later, Anyang established a relevant joint investigation team.In the meantime, Anyang's letters, visits, disciplinary committees, and procuratorates all contacted me, promising that I would have to let this case be solved fairly.The superior department asked the Yindu District Public Security Bureau to send a paper again.Du Qingda seemed to see a little hope, but after a year, the suspect Li Xiaoying had not yet arrived.I have repeatedly asked about the progress of the public security organs, and they said that the approval of the procuratorate could not escape again.

On November 21, a reporter from Xinhuang River repeatedly called the relevant staff of the People's Procuratorate of Yindu District, Anyang City, and failed to connect.

The police handling the case said that they hoped to successfully set up the case as a grass -roots public security.At present, with the fermentation of the public opinion of the dog biting the elderly, Du Qingda received a call from the police of the Public Security Branch of Yindu District, suggesting that he would continue to promote the appeal.The case that has not been judged for eight years may usher in a new dawn.