Liang Zhuowei, the 40th Dean of the Medical College, who has taught at the University of Hong Kong for 22 years, resigned. He will officially leave when the end of the school year, and transfer to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity and Community Affairs Executive Director.

According to the online media Hong Kong 01 report, Liang Zhuowei, the dean of the University of Hong Kong Medical College since 2013, has resigned to the principal Zhang Xiang. Zhang Xiang issued an email yesterday (21st) that Liang Zhuowei will be in this school year.At the end of the end, the school will start the global recruitment plan of the dean of the medical school.

Liang Zhuowei also issued a letter to the teachers and students of the medical school that they will be appointed as the executive director of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity and Community Affairs.

Liang Zhuowei said in the letter that he just passed his 49th birthday and is about to end the life stage of "not confused".The executive director of the meeting of charity and community affairs, working in his working career, will move into charitable work, and strive to cope with the ultimate challenge of "the gap between the rich and the poor", and focus on the charity of the "third re -distribution".

The Hong Kong Jockey Club said that as the executive director of charitable and community affairs, Liang Zhuowei will be responsible for the development and promising and responsible charity strategies and policies to ensure that the allocation of funding for the Jockey Club Charity Trust FundAnd applications can effectively use it.He will also cooperate with the continuous expansion of charitable plans and projects in the Jockey Club to consolidate the constructive relationship with the community and the scorers.

Liang Zhuowei obtained a medical bachelor at the School of Medicine of the University of Xi'an University in Canada, and was admitted to the Master of Public Health of Harvard University and a PhD in Medicine at the University of Hong Kong.Deputy Director of the Health Bureau, he served as the director of the Chief Executive Office in 2011, returned to the University of Hong Kong as the director of the Department of Social Medicine in 2012. Since 2013, he has been the Dean of the University of Hong Kong.

During the crown disease epidemic, Liang Zhuowei was appointed to join the Hong Kong Government Expert Advisory Group to provide professional opinions to the Chief Executive and the SAR Government.

According to the Hong Kong East Network report, Liang Zhuowei's original term until 2023. Yuan Haiwen, a Democratic member responsible for following the medical policy, believes that it is an "unusual" approach to leaving one year earlier than the original term.The reason for his departure is related to the current academic atmosphere and failed to achieve "science -based".