(Beijing Comprehensive News) Qian Keming, deputy minister of China ’s Ministry of Commerce, emphasized that China and Africa had emphasized that China and Africa have always wanted to take the promotion of the balance of trade in China and Africa as the goal, and never deliberately pursued the African trade surplus.

According to the First Financial Network report, at the Eighth Ministerial Conference Economic and Trade Conference held at the Eighth Ministerial Conference Economic and Trade Work Conference held at the China -State Council Information Office yesterday, Qian Keming pointed out that from a long -term perspective, China -Africa trade overall overall trade overallbalance.

He said that since 2000, China has accumulated a total of 1.2 trillion US dollars (S $ 1.6 trillion) from Africa.This is the same in recent years. Generally, China -Africa trade is US $ 200 billion per year. China imports $ 100 billion in imports and exports about $ 100 billion.

Qian Keming pointed out that there are 54 countries in Africa. The resource endowment, economic development, industrial structure and foreign trade policies of various countries are not the same.There will be a surplus in trade, and some countries will have a deficit.In some years, China exports a little more, some years of imports, sometimes surplus, sometimes deficit, "but in general and long -term balance."

He explained that some local Africa's level of industrialization is not high, and some non -resource -resource countries must have a lot of daily necessities and industrial products imported from China, so they may be a deficit.One of the main exports of Africa is large -scale minerals, energy, and some resource products such as agricultural products.In recent years, the price of commodities fluctuated in the past few years. When the price is low, these countries are also prone to deficit.

Qian Keming said that in order to increase the import of imports from Africa, China has adopted four measures, including the channels for broadening African products to enter the Chinese market, increasing the level of trade facilitation of African countries, providing African pairs of African pairs of African pairsHua export financing supports and help Africa improve the overall export capability.

He pointed out that in recent years, China's imports from Africa agricultural products have increased very quickly, with an average growth rate of 11.4%in five years. It has now become the second largest destination country for African agricultural exports.In the next step, China will continue to promote various measures for African countries and Chinese enterprises, expand the scale of imports from Africa, and promote the high -quality development of China -Africa trade.