Zhang Zhiquan (Data Map Source: Today Lincang)

According to Yunnan's "Lincang today", on the afternoon of November 16, Lincang City held a meeting of leading cadres in the city.Li Chaowen, deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the director of the Editorial Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the meeting and announced that the Provincial Party Committee decided: Comrade Zhang Zhizheng was appointed Secretary of the Lintang Municipal Party Committee, and Comrade Yang Haodong no longer served as the secretary of the Lincang Municipal Party Committee, member of the Standing Committee, and members.

Zhang Zhizheng said that he resolutely obey and fully support the decision of the Provincial Party Committee, and will work hard to achieve innovative results with comrades.According to the organization arrangement, Comrade Yang Haodong no longer holds the post of Secretary of the Lincang Municipal Party Committee.During the work of Lincang, Comrade Yang Haodong always led comrades to work hard, earnestly implemented the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and the Provincial Government, and always put Lincang in the province's overall situation.Economic and social development has made positive and significant contributions, especially in terms of poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, border prevention and control, "flying swallows" transportation, and the construction of the new channels of China -Myanmar and Ocean.Cang's political environment, ecological environment, major project construction, and cadre spirit have greatly improved, laying a solid foundation for the development of Lincang.

Zhang Zhizheng said that the Provincial Party Committee decided to be the secretary of the Lincang Municipal Party Committee. This is the heavy trust of the party organization and the heavy trust of the people of Lincang.I sincerely thank the Provincial Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee for their trust and training, and sincerely thank the cadres and masses of Lincang for their trust and support for me. I will definitely cherish the opportunities and platforms provided by the organization and the people.The work philosophy, thinking methods, and working methods are used in the future work, and comprehensively implement the project work method, front -line work method, typical attracting method, and continue to use and exert the effective working mechanism of the "large division of labor and big cooperation".Solving problems and promoting work will never live up to the Provincial Party Committee, and live up to his father's old folks.

Zhang Zhiquan worked in Yunnan for a long time.

According to the official resume, Zhang Zhizheng was born in January 1964 . After graduating from Yunnan National College in 1987, he entered the Chu Xiong National Normal School after graduating from Yunnan National College.

In 1992, Zhang Zhiquan was transferred to the secretary of the work committee of the Communist Youth League of Chu Xiong Prefecture, the deputy secretary of the Chu Xiongzhou Party Committee of the Communist Youth League in the following year, and In 1995, he served as the secretary of the Chu Xiong State Party Committee of the Communist Youth League.

In 1997, Zhang Zhiquan was appointed Deputy Secretary of Chuxiong Municipal Party Committee of Chuxiong Prefecture and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.In the meantime, from June to December 2000, he was the assistant to Lianjiang County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. In December 2000, Zhang Zhizheng was appointed as the mayor of Chuxiong City, and the mayor of Chuxiong City in March of the following year, He is the member of the Standing Committee of the Chu Xiong State Committee and the secretary of the Chuxiong Municipal Party Committee.

In 2011, Zhang Zhizheng was transferred to the deputy director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education .> In December 2016, he served as chairman of Yunnan Highway Development Investment Co., Ltd.

In January 2017, Zhang Zhiquan was transferred to the deputy secretary of the Lincang Municipal Party Committee and acting mayor. In February of the same year, he served as the mayor of Lincang City.

The former Secretary of the Lincang Municipal Party Committee, Yang Haodong, has been across the province as a member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department .Born in January 1965, Yang Haodong was the Deputy Secretary of Lijiang Municipal Party Committee. In 2015, he served as the mayor of Lincang City.

According to the official website, Lincang City is located on the southwestern border of Yunnan Province. It is named after the Lancang River.The area of mountainous areas accounts for 97.5%, and there are 3 national counties in 4 counties in 1 district, with a total population of 2.258 million. Among them, 23 ethnic minorities including Yi, 佤, La, and Brown account for 38.22%of the total population. Lincang is an important node on the Southern Silk Road and the ancient tea horse.There are 3 counties in the city bordering Myanmar, 300 kilometers long , with 3 national open ports, 19 trading channels, 13 border cities, and 5 TOEIC Highways.In the first half of 2021, the city's total regional GDP was 38.382 billion yuan.

Zhang Zhizheng Resume

Zhang Zhizheng, male, Yi, born in January 1964, was born in Nanhua, Yunnan, joined the work in July 1987, and joined the Communist Party of China in May 1987.

1983.09-1987.07 The Department of Political and Legal Studies in the Department of Political and Law, Yunnan University of Ethnology

1987.07-1988.07 Teachers of Chuxiong National Normal School

1988.07-1990.04 Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Chuxiong National Normal School

1990.04-1992.05 Deputy Director of the Political and Education Department of Chuxiong National Normal School

1992.05-1993.10 Secretary of the Working Committee of the Communist Party Committee of Chu Xiong Prefecture

1993.10-1993.12 Deputy Secretary of the Chu Xiong State Committee of the Communist Youth League

1993.12-1995.05 Deputy Secretary of the Chu Xiong State Committee of the Communist Youth League and Chairman of the State Youth Federation

1995.05-1997.06 The Secretary of the Chu Xiong State Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Group of the Communist Youth League

1997.06-2000.12 Deputy Secretary of the Chuxiong Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee of Chuxiong Prefecture, during the: 2000.06-2000.12 Assistant to Lianjiang County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

2000.12-2001.03 Deputy Secretary of Chuxiong Municipal Party Committee of Chuxiong Prefecture, Secretary of the Party Group and Acting Mayor of the Municipal Government, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Political and Legal Committee

2001.03-2003.12 Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Chuxiong Municipal Party Committee of Chuxiong Prefecture

2003.12-2005.12 Deputy Governor of the People's Government of Chuxiong Prefecture

2005.12-2011.07 Chuxiong State Party Committee Standing Committee and Secretary of the Chuxiong Municipal Party Committee, during the: 2007.01-2008.01 Participate in the Master of Public Management of Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore

2011.07-2013.03 Member and Deputy Director of the Party Group of the Education Department of Yunnan Province

2013.03-2016.05 The Party Committee and General Manager of the Party Committee and General Manager of Yunnan Highway Development Investment Co., Ltd.

2016.05-2016.11 Yunnan Provincial Highway Development Investment Co., Ltd. Secretary of the Party Committee, General Manager, Deputy Chairman of the Party Committee

2016.11-2016.12 Yunnan Highway Development Investment Co., Ltd. Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the Party Committee

2016.12—2017.01 Yunnan Highway Development Investment Co., Ltd. Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Party Committee

2017.01-2017.02 Deputy Secretary of the Lincang Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal People's Government, and Acting Mayor

2017.02 -Deputy Secretary of the Lincang Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Group and Mayor of the Municipal People's Government

In November 2021, the Secretary of the Lincang Municipal Party Committee