The World Comrades Parade will move Kaohsiung in 2025."Kaohsiung City, Taiwan."

The International Comrade Organization Alliance of the World Comrades Parade issued an English statement on Friday (12th), announcing that the Kaohsiung Comrade Parade Alliance obtained the 1025 World Comrades Parade.However, the statement is called Taiwan.

Cui Jinglin, deputy spokesperson of the Taiwan Foreign Ministry, told the Central News Agency yesterday that according to the understanding of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this matter was caused by pressure on mainland China.correct.

According to the United Daily News and Free Times, Chen Qimai said in an interview this morning that he had instructed the Government and International Division of the Kaohsiung City Government to clarify and clarify the relevant units, "We are Kaohsiung City, Republic of China.This is the name of the host. "

Chen Qimai also mentioned that in 2025, it will run the first "world comrades parade" in East Asia in Kaohsiung.

He also said that freedom, democracy and human rights are the core values of Taiwan. Tolerance and respect have always been the characteristicsTaiwan was deeply regretful for the "region". The first time I had sent a letter to clarify and asked to correct it.

The Comrade Kaohsiung Mandarin Alliance said today that it is not clear what the consideration of the International Comrade Mandarin Organization Alliance for Taiwan, but it is currently being negotiated with the other party with the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The International Comrades Parade Organization Alliance is now composed of more than 400 organizations from more than 70 countries.