Chen Deming, former Minister of Commerce of China, said that China ’s application for joining the Capital Pacific Comprehensive Progress Progress Agreement (CPTPP) is a challenge for self -intensified pressure.Set up higher standard rules in other fields.

According to Reuters, Chen Deming stated at the 12th Caixin Summit on Saturday that "not only shows our determination of institutional openness, but also promotes the reform of market allocation resources."

Chen Deming also said that although China ’s application for joining CPTPP has not yet been explicitly supported by Japan, Australia and other countries, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc. have clearly welcomed it. I believe that other countries will welcome China to join in the end.According to calculations, if China joins CPTPP, it will increase the total economy in its domain to more than 30%.

He said: "But China has also challenged CPTPP with a higher level of openness. For example, the issue of state -owned enterprises, cross -border e -commerce digital flow issues."The formulation of the data security law and personal information protection law has clearly stipulated the cross -border flow of data. Some scholars are worried that this can be consistent with the expression of data flow in the implementation of CPTPP.In this regard, Chen Deming said that in fact, these concerns are unnecessary, because Article 38 of the Personal Information Protection Law remains a window, which can be implemented in accordance with the country's conclusion or participation in the international terms.The participation of domestic control and international agreements is needed as soon as possible to make overall considerations in institutional openness.

In addition, he also pointed out that another challenge is that after the United States withdraws, although the CPTPP is very high, 99.9%of the industrial products have implemented the free flow of zero tariffs, but the total economic amount of its accounting is only globalTen percent, "So it is a small -scale high -open test area."

China has previously applied to join the first digital economy regional agreement in the world.Chen Deming said that most of its terms are similar to the current management of China, but some, such as cross -border data flow, need to be promoted through negotiations and reforms.And add more experience in CPTPP's negotiation. "

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) will take effect on January 1 next year.Chen Deming said that starting from January 1 next year, about 25%of imported goods in China will be reduced to zero tariffs, and many countries have hope for this.

The person in charge of the International Department of the Ministry of Commerce of China said earlier that the preparations for the implementation of RCEP are currently ready, which can ensure that the agreement is fully fulfilled when it takes effect, including tariff reduction and origin rules.After the agreement takes effect, more than 90%of the approved members of the membership will eventually realize zero tariffs, and the main reason is that the tax is reduced to zero within zero and 10 years, which means that countries will cashed the goods trade in a short period of time in a short period of time.Liberalization commitment.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said at the 4th China International Import Expo last week that China will deeply participate in international cooperation such as green low -carbon and digital economy and actively promote the addition of CPTPP and DEPA.