There are also "first leaders" in Hong Kong public universities.Following the two days after Shi Wei, the president of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, announced on Tuesday (9th), Guo Qi, President of the City University of Hong Kong today (11th), also decided to not be renewed after completing the five -year term of 2023.Essence

Li Guoan, Vice President of the City University after attending an interview after attending the public event this morning, confirmed the news.He also said that the city conference established the selection committee for international recruitment in accordance with the instructions of the board of directors to find a candidate for taking over as the principal.

The Hong Kong Media Star Daily Daily of Dear Beijing quoted the news that Guo Qi no longer renewed the decision of the principal of Chengcheng University, which was made by himself.At the teaching affairs meeting, they expressed their wishes clearly to the management and dean.

Sing Tao Daily also said that the 70 -year -old Guo Zhi hopes to focus on research or other work when he is still energetic.From this point of view, Guo Qi is clearly decided.

Guo obtained a bachelor's degree in nuclear engineering in Tsinghua University in Taiwan in 1972, and then obtained a PhD in engineering from Kansas State University in the United States.During the decade of 1984 to 1993, he worked at the Iowa State University.Then, he taught at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Electronics and Computer Engineering of Texas University of Agricultural Engineering, and did it for 11 years as soon as he did it. He was transferred to the dean of the School of Engineering at the University of Tennessee until 2003.

Guo Qi enjoys a fame in the academic field.

According to the information on the official website of the city, Guozi is the pioneer of early time reliability research.It is famous; because of this, he won numerous awards, and was selected as academicians of the National Academy of Engineering, Academician of the Central Research Institute, foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, foreign academicians of the Russian Academy of Engineering and Canada in 2000, 2002, 2007, 2014 and 2021Academician International Academy of Engineering.

In 2008, Guo Qi left the United States and joined the city as the principal. He has been re -elected three sessions so far.While he was in charge, the international ranking of Chengda University rose steadily, and it also created the first animal medical school in Hong Kong and the establishment of a branch in Dongguan.It can be said that Guo Qi is a capable principal who has successfully seen Chengda be seen by more people.Title = "Shi Wei joined the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in August 2010, and served as the principal eight years later.And eight years later, he served as the principal.(Official Website of HKUST)

As for Shi Wei, the experience is similar to Guozi -after obtaining a bachelor's degree in power engineering in Tsinghua University in Taiwan (is an alumni), he went to the University of Michigan University in the United States.PhD.After that, stayed in local universities.According to data from the official website of HKUST, Shi Wei, 65, is an academician of the American Aerospace and Aerospace Society and the American Mechanical Engineer Society, and has won many awards.

He joined the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in August 2010 as the chief vice president and controlled the academic affairs of the university.He has served as the president of the University of Science and Technology since September 2018. He had had a term of five years and ended in August 2023.However, HKUST announced on Tuesday that Shi Wei has officially resigned to the board of directors of the university and will step down on October 19 next year.

In other words, Shi Wei chose to step down in advance in the term of office and nearly a year; for this reason, he did not disclose it.He said the day before yesterday that he was honored to take the University of Science and Technology for more than 11 years, and said that on the solid basis for the establishment of a school team and a member of the former University of Science and Technology, he worked hard with colleagues and supporters in order to allow the academic University of Science and Technology to academic academics.Level, open thinking, and university prestige continue to flourish.

HKUST described Shi Wei as an educated educator, praising him to promote innovation during his tenure, widely recognized the school's scientific research capabilities, and also received height in the public and private community.evaluate.

However, in the eyes of parts of the mainland and Hong Kong, this evaluation is a bit not objective, especially Shi Wei is suspected of losing points on political issues that are right and wrong.

What do you say?

Shi Wei and Guo Zhi did not participate in the National Security Law co -deployment.

After the outbreak of anti -repair struggles in 2019, some presidents or senior management of Hong Kong universities were also involved in the vortex of public opinion.The word "violence" is used to describe this struggle, which is criticized by some students and resistance.

On July 1 of that year, after the resistance of the resistance rushed into the Legislative Council building, the president of a number of universities publicly condemned the victims, including the president of the University of Hong Kong, Zhang Xiang, which was condemned to this "destructive action", but historyVictoria's position is relatively low -key.He said in a statement that even though multiple parties claimed that they had to condemn violence, the society was necessary to discuss the root cause of the problem.As the anti -repair cases have become more and more intense, Shi Wei seems to sympathize with the experience of young students.

Shi Wei announced the death of Zhou Zile at the Graduation Rites of the City University in 2019. It also burst into tears and wiped tears with a towel. (Sing Tao Daily)

The college student Zhou Zile fell down during the early morning of November 4, 2019 during the dispersion of the victims in the police. After being submitted to the hospital for several days, Shi Wei was about to host the graduation ceremony of the School of Engineering of the University of Science and Technology and the School of Industry and Commerce.After knowing this, the death news was announced on the stage, and the audience was invited to be silent. During the period, he also burst into tears and wiped tears with a towel; shortly after the recovery of the ceremony, he put forward a simplified degree procedure in order to rush to the hospital to visit and see.Zhou Zile.

After Shi Wei, he sent a letter to all staff and students of the University of Science and Technology, asking the Hong Kong government to conduct a "thorough and independent" investigation on Zhou Zile's death, and questioned the police to obstruct the ambulance after Zhou Zile's fall.He said in the letter: "If we do not get a acceptable explanation, we will be very angry."

On November 8, 2019, some students presented flowers on the campus of HKUST to mourn Zhou Zile. (Reuters archives)

Later, before the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in July last year, the principal of the five universities in Hong Kong claimed to be a statement of understanding the necessity of establishing the National Security Law. Shi Wei did not participate in the joint departure.I need to support or not support."

Like Shi Wei, Guozi did not participate in the co -sign.

According to reports, Guo Qi once talked about the way of running the school and proposed the" Soulware ") The concept, this refers to the mentality and professional spirit that each professor and students must have when doing research. Guo Zhi mentioned that higher education in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the mainland has not been able to embark on the international stage."Heart". He also emphasized that the university should maintain political neutrality and achieve "separation of political education."

However, from the outside world, as he and Shi Wei no longer continue and resign,After the news was exposed, the "vision" of the separation of politics and education seemed to be difficult to achieve at the moment. You know, since the outbreak of anti -repair cases, many people and things in Hong Kong have been amplified and politicized.Topic.

Analysis: Scholars of the "returnees" of the mainland will dominate the future

In this regard, Cai Ziqiang, a senior lecturer in the Department of Political and Administrative Science in Hong Kong, agrees. He accepted an earlier interview with Ming Pao"Unlike the principal more than 10 years ago, it is necessary to deal with political sensitive issues."

Cai Ziqiang also revealed that in the current environment of cross -strait tensions, the principals with a background in Taiwan may face greater pressure, and he named Guo Qi and Shi Wei.P> He also said that Hong Kong can still hire scholars with top academic positions before and after the return of 1997 to serve as the president of the university, including Xu Lizhi, former president of the University of Hong Kong and Chen Fanchang, former president of the University of Science and Technology;Scholars of "returnees" scholars studying and work in foreign countries will have strong survivability.

Cai Ziqiang further explained that this is because they have no contradiction between nationality or identity and are expected to be in this category in the future.Scholars have been appointed or become trend.

In fact, the eight public universities in Hong Kong have already served as the principal of the mainland background, which are the current principals of Hong Kong University, Zhang Xiang and President Richard President of Hong Kong UniversityTeng Jinjiang. Zhang Xiang was appointed as the president of the University of Hong Kong in December 2017. He is a material scientist and was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu.p>

Zhang Xiang was appointed as the principal of the University of Hong Kong in December 2017. He is a material scientist and was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu.

In addition, Hong Kong University also appointed two scholars of Beijing Tsinghua University as the vice president last October. Among them, Shen Zujun, the director of the Department of Industrial Engineering Department of Tsinghua University, was rumored to be a member of the party committee of the party committee of the department, butHe then denied the statement.

In any case, whether the "mainlandization" of the University of Hong Kong will be further prominent, I believe that there will be a clearer context in the next year.

It is certain that after more than a year of anti -repair argument, the Beijing and Hong Kong Government have set out to completely rectify the Hong Kong education industry. Because in Beijing's view, behind the participation of young people in Hong Kong, the democratic school has beenControl of power and discourse rights in the educational industry.

The Hong Kong Education Professional Association (Education Association) has announced the dissolution in mid -August. The largest single -industry union in Hong Kong was criticized by mainland Chinese officials at the end of July.In order to engage in the "tumor" of anti -China -China -Hong Kong activities, it disintegrated in less than two weeks, shaking the Hong Kong education industry and civil society.

The Education Association founded in 1973 is a college at all levels.There are about 95,000 members composed of teachers, half of which are primary and secondary school teachers.

Hong Kong Education Professional Association (Education Association) announced the dissolution on August 10. (Reuters file photo)

ThenAt the beginning of October, the Central College Student Association, which was established for half a century, has also announced the dissolution. Previously, the universities such as the Cities University and Richard had announced the suspension of charging fees for the student union to cut off the source of the operating expenses of the Student Union.

It can be seen that after the outbreak of anti -repair cases, Beijing's thinking on Hong Kong's governance is obviously not copying the previous set -well water. In this context, it has always been a university that always focuses on "political neutrality."There is no exception in middle school or elementary school. The departure of Guo Zhi and Shi Wei may explain all this.

Don't forget, as early as last August last year, Shen Zuyao, former president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong,It was announced that he would go to Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore and take over as the dean and senior vice president of the medical school.

There was a speculation of public opinion at that time."As a deputy principal, I believe that it is more or less related to the aforementioned incident, although Shen Zuyao emphasized at the time that leaving" not much related to Hong Kong's political environment ".