Xu Shanchang, director of the China Development and Reform Commission, said on Thursday that China has introduced regulatory measures to illegal and illegal acts such as capital disorder expansion and monopoly.These measures are aimed at "disorderly", emphasizing "standards", which is a pragmatic and necessary move to promote the healthy development of related industries and promote social fairness and justice.enterprise.

According to Reuters, he said at a press conference held by the Development and Reform Commission: "The" interpretation and noise for the private economy "caused by the" thus "The performance of the mature market economy will create a more fair and optimized development environment for all market entities including private enterprises.

Xu Shanchang mentioned that the market subject, including all kinds of ownership, is the micro foundation of the socialist market economy and the power carrier of economic and social development."It is a consistent policy without shaking consolidation and development of public ownership economy, and unwavering encouragement, supporting, and guiding non -public ownership economy."

He mentioned that for a period of time, especially since the outbreak of the epidemic, the development of China's private economy has encountered some difficulties.The price of rising prices and more outbreaks, the pressure of survival is particularly significant.

In response to the dilemma of the enterprise, Jiang Yi, deputy director of the Division of the Development and Reform Commission, also mentioned on the same occasion that the Development and Reform Commission and relevant departments have comprehensively adopted various methods such as increasing production and supply, reserves, import and export regulation, market supervision, expected guidance and other means., Make every effort to do a good job in the overall price of commodities.Multiple batches of copper, aluminum, zinc, crude oil and other countries reserve.

Supervise key coal companies to increase production and increase supply and increase their supply on the premise of ensuring safety, and accelerate the release of high -quality production capacity.Continue to strengthen the supervision of the futures and spot markets, interview key enterprises and associations in some industries, and go to relevant trading centers and key enterprises to conduct joint investigations, urge enterprises to abide by laws and regulations in accordance with the law, and strictly crack down on illegal acts such as prices and accumulation.

Jiang Yi said: "Next, strengthen the monitoring and analysis of the price of commodity commodities, organize the reserves of subsequent batch of countries, and increase the supply of markets with multiple measures, continue to increase the joint supervision of the future spot market, curb excessive speculative speculation, maintain maintenance, maintainNormal market order. "

He said that with the implementation of a series of measures to ensure stable and stable and price, the policy effect will gradually appear, and the operating pressure of downstream enterprises will gradually be reduced.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang has previously stated that the market subject is the foundation of economic development, and the private economy is an important force for attracting employment and creating wealth.Masters have risen to increase the price of commodities, and the state will continue to take multiple measures, and pay more attention to the use of market -oriented measures to stabilize prices.