The U.S. media disclosed that the US military secretly assisted in the training of the Taiwan armed forces. Hu Xi, editor -in -chief of the Global Times of Mainland China, called on the United States to announce the location of the United States.

Hu Xijin wrote on Twitter and Weibo yesterday (7th): Why is it just 24?Why is it sneaky?240 people should be sent, and generously wearing U.S. military uniforms and announced the station.See if the PLA will launch an air strike and clear the U.S. invaders at a fixed point!

He also said: Gambling, see who has the strongest will on the Taiwan issue.

US Republican Senator John Cornyn tweeted in August that there were as many as 30,000 U.S. military in Taiwan, exceeding 28,000 in South Korea.At the time, the Global Times stated severely that if the matter was true, the PLA would immediately expel the US military in Taiwan and recover Taiwan with force.

According to joint Taiwan media reports, the Taiwan Navy's retired Lieutenant General Lan Ningli later predicted that there are currently 300 to 450 U.S. military in Taiwan.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States reported yesterday (7th) that an American special combat forces and a naval Marine team have been working secretly in Taiwan to assist in training Taiwan's armed forces, and the time has lasted at least one year.

The newspaper quoted U.S. officials that there are about 24 U.S. troops in Taiwan, of which special forces and support forces are responsible for training several small units of the Taiwan ground forces. The Marine Corps cooperated with the Taiwan Navy for small ship training.

In response to the US Department of Defense, there was no comment on specific actions, combat or training, but emphasized that the United States' support for Taiwan and the US Taiwan defense relations, and the threats formed by mainland China are in line with Remains Aligned Against.

Based on the Voice of America and Reuters, the US Department of Defense spokesman John Supple said in a statement that mainland China has increased the effort and pressure on Taiwan and other allies and partners, including in Taiwan, Donghai and South China.Adding military activities near the China Sea.The United States believes that these activities are stable and increased the risk of misjudgment.

After the Wall Street Journal published a report from the US military in Taiwan, Reuters also quoted sources as saying that the U.S. military was transferred with a small number of special combat forces with a small number of people to train the local army in Taiwan.Sources refused to explain how long the U.S. military started to conduct this training, but hinted that it had begun before the Bayeng government came to power in January.

Bloomberg quoted a US defense official reported that more than 20 soldiers sent more than 20 soldiers to Taiwan more than a year ago to train Taiwanese soldiers.These soldiers in Taiwan include members of special forces.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense refused to comment on this training arrangement. It only said that all military exchanges were carried out in accordance with the annual plan.

Cai Yingwen said Taiwan did not intend to trigger military conflict but would defend the democratic system

Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen said that Taiwan has no intention of triggering military conflicts, but it will be committed to defending the democratic system and lifestyle.

According to the Taiwan Central News Agency, the Taiwan Asian Exchange Foundation held the Yushan Forum today, focusing on issues such as the regional economic recovery of the epidemic and the cooperation between public health development.Tsai Ing -wen and former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott attended the speech.Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe asked the organizer to read congratulatory words.

Cai Yingwen thanked the participants who participated through online or entities, especially Abbot. Your participating representatives today's insistence on freedom and democracy.She said that the international situation is constantly changing, and Australia still adheres to the rules -based international order, which is deeply courageous and admirable.

Tsai Ing -wen said that the Indo -Pacific region is the fastest growing area in the world, bringing opportunities for trade, research and production, but there are also security issues that need to be properly handled.Taiwan has no intention of triggering military conflicts, but it will be committed to defending the democratic system and lifestyle.

Tsai Ing -wen said that this year's Yushan Forum will discuss important and urgent issues in the epidemic era.Whether it is a population trafficking or a safe supply chain, Taiwan has contributed to it, and Taiwan is also willing to cooperate with like -minded partners.

She said that international cooperation at this moment is more important than in the past. The place where Taiwan is located is excellent and can play an important role.Whether in biotechnology or semiconductor, Taiwan is willing to cooperate with international.Taiwan's soft power can also contribute in disaster prevention and other aspects, and also share medical resources with Asian partners.