Changjin Lake, with the theme of China Anti -US aid to the United States, has a box office during the 11th holiday in China.However, Luo Changping, a Chinese financial media person, referred to the "ice sculpture" in the play as the "sand sculpture company" and questioned the justice of the War of Resistance to the United States and aid the DPRK. This remarks attracted the criticism of official media that his Weibo was tagged on the ban.

Luo Changping wrote on Weibo on October 6: "After half a century, Chinese people rarely reflect on the justice of this war, just like the sand sculpture of the year would not even doubt the" wiseness of ShangfengDecisions'. "In this remark, Luo Changping called the" ice sculpture "of the Chinese Volunteer Army as the" sand sculpture company ".

"Ice Sculpture" has been shaped by the Chinese official as an important symbol in the War of Resistance to the United States and aid North Korea. It is said that after the Chinese people's volunteer army sacrificed in the severe cold, they still adhered to the heroic image of the position like ice sculpture.It is a network language, which means that it is stupid and brainless.

The media "Jun Zhengping" issued by the PLA posted a post on the same day and responded that Luo Changping abused the "ice sculpture company". What was the conscience?

This article pointed out: "In the battle of Changjin Lake, three company teams adhered to the glory and mission of volunteer soldiers in the extremely severe cold, and generously contributed their lives.It turned into a crystal ice sculpture and standing on their own position. The people call it the "Ice Sculpture Lian", which is a respect for them to fight for the country.Let those who maliciously slander the heroic are unscrupulous and do whatever they want. "

The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of the Communist Party of China also posted a post saying," We do not fight this battle, our next generation will fight, we are born and died, for them to be for them for them for them for them for them.No longer fighting. In the battle of Changjin Lake, the three teams insisted on the position in an extremely cold environment. Except for the two, all the members turned into 'ice sculpture'. 'Ice Sculpture Lian' is a memory of them fighting for the country.It is also an eternal monument in our hearts. Some people cannot enjoy a happy life brought by the predecessors, but they are slandering the martyrs while conscience. "The post of Weibo emphasized that protecting British Lie is the most basic respect for history and respecting British. It is the emotional bottom line of the Chinese nation.

Facing the pressure of public opinion, Luo Changping has deleted the relevant content.However, his past remarks were dug out, including describing the volunteer martyrs Mao Anying with the "egg fried rice festival day".On October 6, Weibo officially labeled Luo Changping's personal social account, but did not ban its account.

Luo Changping is currently chairman of Tianjiao Legal Group, a 2012 EMBA student of the 2012 Grade EMBA of the School of International Business and Industry of China, and served as a core reporter and editor -in -chief of the Beijing News.EssenceHe is the author of crime, iron record, and anti -corruption records of senior officials.