The party department of Hsinchu City is officially launched, and Gao Hongan, a member of the people who are expected to compete for the mayor of Hsinchu next year, will be the chairman of the party department.

Comprehensive ETTODAY News Cloud, Apple News Network, and Lianhe Daily reported that the Party Department of the People's Party Hsinchu City is also Gao Hongan's first service office in the city.After the unveiling ceremony the day before yesterday, she posted in Facebook that the party department and service department were just the starting point of a service. She hoped that she could expand the scope in the future and provide better services for Hsinchu citizens.

Gao Hongan, 37, not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has a PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Cincinnati University. He used to be a consultant at the Yongling Foundation, deputy general manager of Hon Hai Technology Group and director of the Industrial Big Data Office.

Gao Hong'an was recommended by Guo Taiming, the founder of Hon Hai in 2019, and was nominated for the non -district legislator candidates nominated by the People's Party in 2020, and was elected on January 11 last year.She is also the only "technological legislator" with data science background in this Legislative Yuan.

Gao Hong'an's recent popularity has risen, from asking "3+11" (the crew of the crew's three -day home quarantine, 11 -day autonomous health management) decision -making process, to frequent attacking the Cai Yingwen government's vaccine procurement policy, sharplyThe attitude of questioning with the poverty pursuit made her political momentum.

Select the topic to accurately ask the political fire is fierce

The people of the people told the Taiwanese media that Gao Hong'an chose the topic of precise issues and asked the political fire violently.She recently actively ran in Hsinchu, and also took over the post of chairman of the Party's Hsinchu Party Department. If he fought for the mayor of Hsinchu City in 2022, other political parties would not dare to underestimate it.

The polls of the September 8 announced the support rate for the support rate of the candidates for the mayor of Hsinchu next year. The results showed that Zheng Honghui, a administrative consultant from the Democratic Progressive Party, was 20.9 %.Lin Gengren had 20.5 %, while Gao Hong'an was chasing 18.9 %.

Gao Hong'an has actively deployed local election in Hsinchu City. The Chairman of the People's Party, Ke Wenzhe, also arranged Gao Hong'an to "internship" to the municipal government to observe the municipal processing process closely to increase her practical experience.