Today, a document named Evergrande Group's leadership history records quietly circulated in some WeChat groups.In the document, Evergrande Group leads the living habits and hobbies of the hotel, and is vividly recorded.

This document has considerable authenticity.Of course, I also want to see Evergrande issued a statement saying that this information is purely fabricated.

Nowadays, Evergrande's storms are fluttering, and the interests of internal employees and related enterprises are seriously damaged. Many people even participate in rights protection activities.In this case, Evergrande's internal unknown side was exposed, which was not surprising at all.

After reading this document, my first feeling was: Evergrande has come to this day, and it is not injustice at all.

After more than 20 years of struggle, Evergrande successfully created its own dynasty.This dynasty is no different from those dynasties that have been covered by smoke in history.

According to this document information, Chairman Xu Jiayin's guest room preference is:

1. I don't like more people when entering the hotel

2. Where does the elevator go?

3. Except the secretary's bodyguard, other people, other people, especially men, cannot be approached

4. Evergrande Bingquan requires the latest production batch

5. The humidity of the room with a humidifier cannot be greater than 50 %

6. The room cannot be odor

7. You need to turn on the purifier, but you cannot have noise. When you sleep at night, you need to use a black tape on all machines to hold it.

8. Never be quiet when sleeping at night

9. Generally, the cigar (cohiba series) and (Davidoff series) need to be equipped with cigar cylinder, cigar cuts and cigar guns

10. Equipped with a full set of tea sets

11. Lags need to be labeled, the font needs to be large

12. Bathroom non -slip slippers need to be equipped in advance, the hanger is full, and there are laundry every day

In terms of catering preferences, Chairman Xu only eats imported fruits, such as Japanese greenhouse honeydew, Japanese incense seal, Qingwang watermelon, and winter dates, mango and other particularly sweet fruits.He likes to eat Liaoshen and fish, but avoid eating, spicy and seafood foods.

As a wealthy man with a wealthy of 100 billion yuan, the richest man with a secretary, bodyguard and private housekeeper, this kind of treatment is not excessive.My fuss can only be said to have never seen the world.

Poverty is limited to a person's imagination, this sentence is very reasonable.

In addition to Chairman Xu, the hotel treatment of other executives of Evergrande also showed the richness of the Evergrande Empire.

An Deputy President of an Evergrande Real Estate, who does not like the name of the Chinese name, requires the room to place the latest production date Yiyun drinking water, 6 bottles of bedside, 6 bottles of coffee tables, 6 bottles of bar, 6 bottles on the study on the study, 3 bottles on the desk, 6 bottles of Yiyun should be prepared before the store.

One bottle of 500ml Yiyun mineral water, the market price is 12 yuan, and the water fee for living in one stay is at least 300 to four hundred yuan.

The President Xu asked for breakfast to be sent to the secretary room first, and then the secretary was sent.I like to eat lobster soup to cross the bridge and abalone, and like to drink 300-500 US dollars a Bangfu 407 red wine, and the market price of nearly 5,000 yuan high flying Moutai.

In addition, the Deputy President also has 3 bodyguards and secretaries.

A leader of Evergrande New Energy Vehicle Group, in Kangle's preference, the hotel remarks that technicians with good classification techniques and good image temperament are prepared for guest room services.

A deputy president of the Evergrande Hotel Group, the guest room prefers to note that it likes to smoke on the balcony, but to live in a smoke -free floor, the room needs to put ashtray.

From the information disclosed by this document, Evergrande's mechanism and management are very bureaucratic, according to different levels, and the treatment of enjoyment is different.The leader traveled, there are bodyguards, secretaries, and no difference in clothing, food, housing, and transportation.

Perhaps the current high -end hotels, in order to better serve customers, have such a record of customer history.Maybe the super rich is like Chairman Xu, traveling like an emperor.

However, other large companies' bosses have not been exposed. The media wants to evaluate and want to write articles, and there is no enough information for reference.

Evergrande has reached this situation today, and it must have an inseparable relationship with its bureaucratic system.

The style of the leader determines the style of the entire enterprise.

The boss is proud of extravagance. As long as there is a chance, there must be a science.

If Evergrande does not have this crisis, what you see in the outside world is like a brilliant flower, but in fact, the inside of the building has gradually decayed, only a small earthquake.Bulletin, hedonalism, and individualism, permeate the entire enterprise, the ambitions of the officer are no longer, and it is the maximum of personal interests.

Just like many dynasties in history, it looks powerful, but once the foreign enemies are killed, the internal contradictions broke out immediately, and the dynasty collapsed.

When Evergrande's wealth thunderstorm, Mrs. Xu and some senior leaders did not let employees pay first, but fled themselves first.The general shouted with the generals when fighting, and then patted the horse away first, without the same.

Evergrande appearing such executives is an inevitable result of corporate culture.

In 2016, Evergrande's internal basketball game, Chairman Xu scored 30 points and won MVP. Vice President Liu Yongzhuo used the frequent passing of Chairman Xu with the game and became the assist king of the game.The difference is defeated by the executive team.This difference is full of artistic and political.

In 2017, the Evergrande News reported the wording of President Xu to meet the leaders of a provincial leader and was criticized by the outside world.

If you don't understand the situation, he thinks that Evergrande is a ministerial state -owned enterprise.

Is it all the boss Xu in the big company in China? I don't understand the specific situation.But Huawei's Ren Zhengfei is not this faction.

Ren Zhengfei also grew up in a very poor family and had eaten dead fish and rotten leaves when he was a child.

But after being rich, Ren Zhengfei did not retaliate consumption and enjoyment.Gui is the leader of the company. Ren Zhengfei lined up in the cafeteria like ordinary employees to eat.He stipulates that whoever gives him special services is to avoid the position of who.

Ren Zhengfei was also shot to catch the plane late at night, dragging his suitcase alone at the airport to take a ferry car

Ren Zhengfei said a word, I have to have a special car driver, and the chairman must have it.The chairman has, members of the company's high -level EMT.EMT has, those large and small officials are not balanced, and Huawei becomes a fleet.

He also said that we need to clean up those who are particularly catered to superiors, be good at beautifying some lower -level people, eliminate their administrative management positions, and let him do what he knows.When the current subordinates give you gifts, in fact, you already know who is the weasel, beware of your chicken.

If Ren Zhengfei participates in the internal basketball game, he can't be the MVP.

Huawei can have the current status, and has a great relationship with Ren Zhengfei's personal style and Huawei's corporate culture.

As we all know, the overwhelming of Evergrande is a huge amount of debt and broken capital chain.However, Evergrande has gone to this day, just because of changes in the external environment?