U.S. officials applied to join the Capital Pacific Comprehensive Progress Progress Progress Agreement (CPTPP) in China that the United States will not join the original cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) design architecture and is dealing with China's compulsory trade.

According to the Voice of the United States today (17th), a spokesman for the White House National Security Association responded to the above response when the president Biden intends to return to the agreement.

As for whether the United States will worry about China's joining CPTPP, it will increase its influence on Asian countries. Officials of the National Security Council say that this will be evaluated by the members of the CPTPP.

Officials of the National Security Council said that the United States is viewing a wide range of options to create a stronger Indo -Pacific economic relationship, and promises to enhance trade and investment in the region to promote high -paying US work, high standards and supply chain chainsElastic ways provide the same benefits to the United States Indian partners.

The official also said: "We are working with our partners to ensure fairness, including competition, practice, trade, and against Chinese non -marketing.And ensure that the rules of trade are not formulated by China. "

The Ministry of Commerce of China announced that the Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao yesterday to the CPTPP (China claims to comprehensively and improve the cross -Pacific partnership agreement)Angork, the New Zealand Trade and Export Growth Minister of Trade and Export, submitted a written letter to China ’s formal application to join CPTPP.

In November last year, China, Asians' 10 countries, and five days after the regional economic partnership (RCEP) of Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, the Chinese President Xi Jinping stated at the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit.China will actively consider joining CPTPP.

If China wants to join CPTPP, it must be unanimously accepted by the existing signed country, and whether China ’s“ enrollment ”application will attract much attention due to geopolitics.

CPTPP signed in 2018 currently has 11 member states, including Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, New Zealand, Singapore and Vietnam.

Bloomberg quoted the people familiar with the matter earlier that China had held technical talks with officials from Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and other countries on CPTPP related details.

According to the analysis of the Hong Kong media Hong Kong 01, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently visited in Singapore to make breakthroughs in the situation where China has been resolved by CPTPP.Beijing acceptance.

Wang Yi visited Singapore from 13th to 14th this month.According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the evening of the 13th, when Dr. Wei Wen, Dr. Wei Wen, meeting with Wang Yi on the same day, welcomed China about CPTPP's interest in CPTPP.After meeting Wang Yi the next day, Premier Li Xianlong wrote in Facebook, and the two discussed the "fruitful results and frankness".

The predecessor of CPTPP is the American -led Cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). One of the purpose of the Obama's TPP in the Obama period is to formulate high -standard international economic and trade rules to exclude China in the mainstream in the Asia -Pacific trade circleoutside.However, his successor Trump announced his "retreat" in 2017.The trade agreement was revised and renamed by Japan after the trade agreement.