The strict financial management is a long -term position in China. The speech by Chen Yulu, the vice president of the People's Bank of China, should have nothing to do with the regulatory storm in the private sector. It is expected that it will no longer panic in investors.

Wang Wei Wen Chongqing Special Commission>

Chen Yulu, vice president of the People's Bank of China, said the day before yesterday that China will improve the effectiveness and professionalism of financial supervision, and incorporate all financial institutions, financial business and financial products into the prudent regulatory framework.Some analysts believe that this indicates that the regulatory storm of China's private sector that has recently affected the world may not have come to an end.

Scholars of interviewees said that financial strict management is a long -term position in Chinese officials. Chen Yulu's speech should have nothing to do with the regulatory storm in the private sector, and it is expected that it will not panic to investors.

The official day was also announced that overseas investors increased their holdings and bonds in the first half of this year worth 1.27 trillion yuan (RMB, Same as Sim, S $ 264 billion) in the domestic assets.Institutional openness.Scholars believe that this is intended to appease the market and inspire investors' confidence, and believe that foreign capital may have the opportunity to better allocate Chinese assets in the future.

Chen Yulu spoke at the China International Financial Annual Forum held on Saturday on Saturday to focus on financial supervision issues.He said that China will accelerate the shortcomings of fintech supervision. At the same time, it will also improve the effectiveness and professionalism of financial supervision, build various types of firewalls, and resolutely keep the bottom line without systemic risks.

China has recently sacrificed strong supervision to multiple fields such as private training and Internet platforms, causing investors to panic.Overseas listing has been in a few rounds of overseas stocks, and the indicator CSI 300 Index has fallen by about 16 % from the high point in February this year.

Bloomberg quoted Fang Xinghai, the vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, disclosed at the same event on the same day that the CSRC communicated with international investors in a timely manner;The status of economy in the world is not commensurate.

Fang Xinghai said that the CSRC will continue to unswervingly expand opening up to the outside world, launch more pragmatic open measures, while preventing the risks of large funds.He said that it is necessary to further promote the institutional opening of the capital market and facilitate foreign investors to allocate RMB assets.

Chen Yulu also announced the increase in overseas investors on the same day to increase its holdings of domestic assets in the first half of this year, and emphasized that this shows that the huge attractiveness of the Chinese financial market is obviously shouting for market confidence.He promised that China will continue to deepen the opening of the financial industry, accelerate the improvement of various institutional arrangements, and promote systemic and institutional openness.

Chen Bo, a professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that officials have long maintained financial tone for a long time and strengthened the management methods of new business formats such as digital finance.And risk management and control, when promoting the opening of financial opening, avoiding the repetition of the Chinese stock market disaster in 2015."If China is going to (through supervision), start destroying the private economy and starts to roll itself. This (judgment) must be a panic."

Chen Bo said that the official has recently increased its effortsThe interpretation of the original intention of supervision is not to destroy the overall industry or the private economy as a whole, but also releases signals that will further open up the capital market.He expects that more unprecedented Chinese assets may be traded in the international market in the future, which is conducive to international investors to allocate global asset allocation.

China has recently announced that it will establish a Beijing Stock Exchange, causing speculation that may impact the Hong Kong exchanges and even Hong Kong's international financial center status.

Fang Xinghai said the day before yesterday, he will resolutely maintain the status of Hong Kong's international financial center and further play the role of Hong Kong in the opening of the Chinese capital market.He said that the Hong Kong A -share index futures will begin trading during the year and will provide good risk management tools for overseas investors to invest in the A -share market.Fang Xinghai also said that it supports domestic and foreign companies to go public in Hong Kong and improve the overseas listing supervision system.

Analysis: The Beijing Stock Exchange will not have much impact on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Chen Bo analyzed, Fang Xinghai explicitly appeases Hong Kong and the marketSensitive emotions.He believes that the Beijing Stock Exchange will not have a great impact on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange because the former supports the innovation and development of SMEs, which is different from the latter's positioning.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at the end of July this year stated that it will require listed Chinese companies to the United States to disclose additional information, causing the possibility of decoupling in the Sino -US financial market.Chen Bo expects that domestic politics in the United States is difficult to concessions to China. In the future, Chinese state -owned enterprises and high -tech private enterprises will be difficult to go public in the United States due to national security, and they may be encouraged to move to Hong Kong.