On September 2, the official website of the State Administration of Radio and Television issued the notice of the General Office of the State Administration of Radio and Television on further strengthening literary and artistic programs and management of its personnel.

The notice requires that resolutely resist illegal and ethical personnel, resolutely oppose the theory of traffic, resolutely resist pan -entertainment, and resolutely resist high -price pay.It is required to resolutely eliminate malformations such as mother cannons.Resolutely resist the tendency of pan -entertainment such as showing off and showing wealth, scandal privacy, negative hotspots, vulgar net red, bottom line ugliness.

The following is the full text:

Provincial, autonomous regions, and municipalities, radio and television bureaus, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corporation Cultural Sports, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, the General Office of the Central Radio and Television Station, Film Channel Program Center, China Education TV Station:

In recent years, radio, television and online audiovisual literary and artistic programs have adhered to the responsibility of lectures, resistance to vulgar and culprit, and continuously launching outstanding works to meet the needs of the people's spiritual and culture.In order to further strengthen management and strictly rectify the problems such as illegal illegal and discharged by the law, the chaos of the rice circle, the banner has clearly established the industry's industry at love with the party, patriotism, and virtue and art.

1. Resolutely resist the illegal people and lose morality

Radio and television institutions and online audiovisual platforms should strictly control the selection of program actors and guests, and adhere to political literacy, morality, artistic standards, and social evaluations as selection standards.Persons who have incorrect political stances and those who are centrifugal with the party and the country are not used; those who violate laws and regulations and impact the basic line of social fairness and justice are resolutely unused; those who violate public order, good and deeds are determined.

2. Resolutely oppose the theory of traffic

Radio and television institutions and online audiovisual platforms must not broadcast idol development programs, and must not broadcast variety entertainment and reality shows participated by star children.Draft programs must strictly control the voting process setting, and must not set up off -site voting, listing, assistance and other links and channels. It is strictly forbidden to guide and encourage fans to spend money in disguise on materialized means such as shopping, membership, and other materialized means.Essence

3. Resolutely resist pan -entertainment

We firmly promote the advanced Chinese culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture.Establish the correct aesthetic orientation of the program, strictly grasp the selection of actors and guests, performance styles, clothing makeup, etc., and resolutely eliminate malformations such as mother cannons.Resolutely resist the tendency of pan -entertainment such as showing off and showing wealth, scandal privacy, negative hotspots, vulgar net red, bottom line ugliness.

Fourth, resolutely resist high -priced film pay

Strict execution of actors and guests' remuneration, strictly refer to the promise system.Promote encouraging actors and guests to take responsibility for social responsibility and participate in public welfare programs.Serious punishment of the film, yin and yang contract, tax evasion behavior.

5. Effectively strengthen the management of employees

Strict implementation of the host's certificate and regulating the host of the host to participate in social activities and network information release.Strengthen the cultivation of the political quality of employees, carry out in -depth Marxist journalism, literary and artistic education, and always strengthen the people's position and adhere to the people's feelings.Improve professional ethics, strengthen professional ethics construction, consciously resist fame and fortune, and must not use professional identity and personal visibility to obtain improper benefits, consciously accept social supervision, and be a demonstrator of social morality and positive energy builders.

6. Carry out professional authoritative literary reviews

Adhere to the correct political direction, public opinion orientation, value orientation, carry forward the role of truth, goodness and beauty, refute false evils, and give full play to the role of value guidance, spiritual leadership, and aesthetic inspiration.Put social benefits and social values first, unify the profound thought, exquisite art, and excellent production, and seriously and objectively evaluate the program.Scientifically look at quantitative indicators such as ratings and click -through rates, and increase the promotion and application of Chinese audiovisual big data.

7. Give full play to the role of industry organization

Social organizations such as radio and television, online audiovisual industry associations should further improve industry norms and self -discipline conventions, and actively carry out moral evaluation.Strengthen educational training such as ideological and politics, vocational ethics, establish a normalized training mechanism, optimize teaching content, strengthen case teaching, and use cases and cases.In the industry's bad phenomenon, the typical flags of the negative face are clearly criticized, and resolutely oppose the circle culture and industry's bad habits.

8. Effectively perform management responsibilities

Radio and television administrative departments should improve their political standing, conscientiously implement the ideological work responsibility system, and further press the responsibilities of the real estate management, the responsibility of the supervisor and the main responsibility, and the guidance of good literary programs, content, personnel, film pay, and paying off.Propaganda.We must pay attention to listening to the people of the people, actively respond to the concern of the people, and resolutely say no of illegal losing morality, stars and stars, pan -entertainment, traffic supremacy, etc., so that the main melody and positive energy are full of radio and TV audiovisual space.


General Office of the State Administration of Radio and Television

September 2, 2021